Too much inspiration from this new book...
New Sorcery Style: Fire Magic
Fire magic is uncommon in the western Hyborian kingdoms. It is practiced mostly by the priests of Iranistan, known as magi, by whom fire is revered as unto a god itself. The sorcerous skills and spells have spread further throughout the desert lands and beyond, brought there by heretical magi. It has since been further developed by potent sorcerers in conjunction with dark teachings from demonic and other-worldly sources.
Spells [Prerequisites]
Flare (Basic Fire Magic) [Knowledge (arcana) 4]
Burning Hands [Knowledge (arcana) 6, flare]
Purify Flame [Knowledge (arcana) 6, flare]
Pyrokinesis [Knowledge (arcana) 6, flare, burning hands]
Fire Resistance [Knowledge (arcana) 8, flare, purify flame]
Burning Blood [Knowledge (arcana) 8, magic attack bonus +4 or higher, flare, purify flame, lesser ill-fortune]
Fire Talk [Knowledge (arcana) 8, flare, purify flame, astrological predictions, visions]
Fire Walk [Knowledge (arcana) 10, flare, purify flame, fire resistance]
Fire of Life* [Knowledge (arcana) 12, flare, purify flame, fire resistance, fire walk, and demonic pact or master-words and signs]
Burning Vengeance* [Magic attack bonus +6 or higher, Knowledge (arcana) 8, Religion (Iranistani Fire Worship) 8, flare, purify flame, Priest feat (Iranistani Fire Worship)]
Summon Efreet* [Magic attack bonus +8 or higher, Knowledge (arcana) 10, flare, purify flame, fire resistance, master-words and signs]
Flare (Basic Fire Magic)
PP Cost: 1 point per source of flame so affected (per square if flame is large)
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close
Effect: One or more existing fires increases in intensity
Duration: Concentration + 1d6 rounds
Magic Attack Roll: Sets DC for nearby target’s saving throw
Flare has two modes of use.
The first version of this spell enables the caster to increase the potency of an already existing fire, whether it is a simple candle or a raging bonfire. Upon the casting of this spell the affected fire source will instantaneously flash forth fire to at least twice its normal size, potentially causing damage to those nearby. Those in the area of effect may make a Reflex saving throw for half damage. After the initial, instantaneous flash the fire will burn twice as brightly as before, for as long as the sorcerer concentrates on maintaining it and for 1d6 rounds thereafter. The increased flames do not consume any additional fuel during this period, though they double the “bright” and “shadowy” range bands for that light source.
In the initial flash a candle affects anyone in the same square, dealing 1d3 points of fire damage. A torch or lantern affects anyone in the same square, dealing 1d6 points of damage. A typical campfire affects anyone in the same square and in adjacent squares, dealing 2d6 points of damage. Larger fires can deal similarly larger amounts of damage over a wider area. Depending on how many fires the sorcerer affects, an individual may be caught in several areas of effect. Flammable items in the area of effect, such as papers and clothing, may catch flames under normal circumstances.
The secondary use of this spell enables the caster to start normal fires, within the above listed range, provided the necessary fuel is available and prepared. If used in this fashion, the fires do not flash forth and cause damage, however, they may be used subsequently in such fashion after three rounds (to give the fires time to get going) if the spell is cast again.
Material Component: In the first mode, the fires to be affected; in the second, the requisite fuel, plus a bit of flint and steel held in hand.
Burning Hands
PP Cost: 4 points
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: One round/scholar level plus 1d6 rounds
Magic Attack Roll: Sets DC for target’s saving throw
Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) 6, flare
Burning hands causes the caster’s hands to become engulfed in flames, such that the flames become quite potent in combat through they do not damage the caster. A successful touch attack deals 1d6 in fire damage, while a punch attack deals 1d6 in fire damage in addition to the normal 1d3 in non-lethal bludgeoning damage (or 1d6 in lethal damage if the caster has the Brawl feat). Any attack that deals 6 hit points of fire damage also has the chance to set the target’s clothing on fire, if the target fails a Reflex save.
The caster can also start normal fires with a mere touch. Flames caused in this way can damage the caster if he gets caught in them.
Material Component: A silver dagger, with which the caster must slit his own palms (dealing 1 hit point of damage in the process), plus a fire into which the caster must plunge his hands (taking no damage therefrom).
Purify Flame
PP Cost: 2 points
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Effect: One flame
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) 6, flare
Through the use of this spell the caster purifies a single open flame, from candle sized to campfire sized. Purification of a fire causes the following benefits:
• The fire burns for ten times its normal duration. Thus a candle flame so treated lasts 10 hours, while a lantern with a full pint of oil lasts 60 hours.
• The fire provides bright light out to its shadowy light range, but does not provide additional shadowy light.
• The fire cannot be put out by accident, nor by a simple breeze, or in the case of a torch by dropping accidentally. It must be put out by casting a volume of water or earth over it, by extinguishing the candle or brand in a bucket of water, or other purposeful method. Overwhelming accidental force can extinguish it, but such requires a massive deluge or gale-force winds.
• Any fire magic based spell cast using a purified flame as a material component gains one of the following benefits, chosen by the caster at the time of casting the second spell: 150% duration, 150% damage, 150% range, or 150% area of effect.
• A visions spell cast using a purified flame as a material component requires only 1 PP per minute to maintain. A visions of torment and enlightenment spell cast using this flame as an additional component costs only 2 PP for the first minute and 1 PP per two minutes thereafter. A ranged hypnotism spell using a magical link in combination with a purified fire causes the target to suffer a -3 circumstance penalty to his Willpower saving throw.
These benefits remain only so long as the original fuel used remains inviolate. Adding additional fuel to the fire counts as a purposeful attempt to extinguish the flame. In addition, if the flame is defiled, such as by urinating on it, pouring human blood into it, using the torch as a weapon, or other appropriate means, the flame goes out and the original caster immediately suffers 1d6 points of fire damage.
It is said that the fire priests of Iranistan have a method of keeping purified flames burning, adding fuel as needed, however, the rituals required for this magical feat have never been revealed outside the priesthood.
Material Component: A fire ranging from a candle to a campfire in size (no larger than one square in size), plus herbs and sacred oils from Iranistan worth 100 sp. That cost is in the Hyborian and western kingdoms, the materials cost only 10 sp in Iranistan itself.
More to come later this weekend...
New Sorcery Style: Fire Magic
Fire magic is uncommon in the western Hyborian kingdoms. It is practiced mostly by the priests of Iranistan, known as magi, by whom fire is revered as unto a god itself. The sorcerous skills and spells have spread further throughout the desert lands and beyond, brought there by heretical magi. It has since been further developed by potent sorcerers in conjunction with dark teachings from demonic and other-worldly sources.
Spells [Prerequisites]
Flare (Basic Fire Magic) [Knowledge (arcana) 4]
Burning Hands [Knowledge (arcana) 6, flare]
Purify Flame [Knowledge (arcana) 6, flare]
Pyrokinesis [Knowledge (arcana) 6, flare, burning hands]
Fire Resistance [Knowledge (arcana) 8, flare, purify flame]
Burning Blood [Knowledge (arcana) 8, magic attack bonus +4 or higher, flare, purify flame, lesser ill-fortune]
Fire Talk [Knowledge (arcana) 8, flare, purify flame, astrological predictions, visions]
Fire Walk [Knowledge (arcana) 10, flare, purify flame, fire resistance]
Fire of Life* [Knowledge (arcana) 12, flare, purify flame, fire resistance, fire walk, and demonic pact or master-words and signs]
Burning Vengeance* [Magic attack bonus +6 or higher, Knowledge (arcana) 8, Religion (Iranistani Fire Worship) 8, flare, purify flame, Priest feat (Iranistani Fire Worship)]
Summon Efreet* [Magic attack bonus +8 or higher, Knowledge (arcana) 10, flare, purify flame, fire resistance, master-words and signs]
Flare (Basic Fire Magic)
PP Cost: 1 point per source of flame so affected (per square if flame is large)
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close
Effect: One or more existing fires increases in intensity
Duration: Concentration + 1d6 rounds
Magic Attack Roll: Sets DC for nearby target’s saving throw
Flare has two modes of use.
The first version of this spell enables the caster to increase the potency of an already existing fire, whether it is a simple candle or a raging bonfire. Upon the casting of this spell the affected fire source will instantaneously flash forth fire to at least twice its normal size, potentially causing damage to those nearby. Those in the area of effect may make a Reflex saving throw for half damage. After the initial, instantaneous flash the fire will burn twice as brightly as before, for as long as the sorcerer concentrates on maintaining it and for 1d6 rounds thereafter. The increased flames do not consume any additional fuel during this period, though they double the “bright” and “shadowy” range bands for that light source.
In the initial flash a candle affects anyone in the same square, dealing 1d3 points of fire damage. A torch or lantern affects anyone in the same square, dealing 1d6 points of damage. A typical campfire affects anyone in the same square and in adjacent squares, dealing 2d6 points of damage. Larger fires can deal similarly larger amounts of damage over a wider area. Depending on how many fires the sorcerer affects, an individual may be caught in several areas of effect. Flammable items in the area of effect, such as papers and clothing, may catch flames under normal circumstances.
The secondary use of this spell enables the caster to start normal fires, within the above listed range, provided the necessary fuel is available and prepared. If used in this fashion, the fires do not flash forth and cause damage, however, they may be used subsequently in such fashion after three rounds (to give the fires time to get going) if the spell is cast again.
Material Component: In the first mode, the fires to be affected; in the second, the requisite fuel, plus a bit of flint and steel held in hand.
Burning Hands
PP Cost: 4 points
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: One round/scholar level plus 1d6 rounds
Magic Attack Roll: Sets DC for target’s saving throw
Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) 6, flare
Burning hands causes the caster’s hands to become engulfed in flames, such that the flames become quite potent in combat through they do not damage the caster. A successful touch attack deals 1d6 in fire damage, while a punch attack deals 1d6 in fire damage in addition to the normal 1d3 in non-lethal bludgeoning damage (or 1d6 in lethal damage if the caster has the Brawl feat). Any attack that deals 6 hit points of fire damage also has the chance to set the target’s clothing on fire, if the target fails a Reflex save.
The caster can also start normal fires with a mere touch. Flames caused in this way can damage the caster if he gets caught in them.
Material Component: A silver dagger, with which the caster must slit his own palms (dealing 1 hit point of damage in the process), plus a fire into which the caster must plunge his hands (taking no damage therefrom).
Purify Flame
PP Cost: 2 points
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Effect: One flame
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) 6, flare
Through the use of this spell the caster purifies a single open flame, from candle sized to campfire sized. Purification of a fire causes the following benefits:
• The fire burns for ten times its normal duration. Thus a candle flame so treated lasts 10 hours, while a lantern with a full pint of oil lasts 60 hours.
• The fire provides bright light out to its shadowy light range, but does not provide additional shadowy light.
• The fire cannot be put out by accident, nor by a simple breeze, or in the case of a torch by dropping accidentally. It must be put out by casting a volume of water or earth over it, by extinguishing the candle or brand in a bucket of water, or other purposeful method. Overwhelming accidental force can extinguish it, but such requires a massive deluge or gale-force winds.
• Any fire magic based spell cast using a purified flame as a material component gains one of the following benefits, chosen by the caster at the time of casting the second spell: 150% duration, 150% damage, 150% range, or 150% area of effect.
• A visions spell cast using a purified flame as a material component requires only 1 PP per minute to maintain. A visions of torment and enlightenment spell cast using this flame as an additional component costs only 2 PP for the first minute and 1 PP per two minutes thereafter. A ranged hypnotism spell using a magical link in combination with a purified fire causes the target to suffer a -3 circumstance penalty to his Willpower saving throw.
These benefits remain only so long as the original fuel used remains inviolate. Adding additional fuel to the fire counts as a purposeful attempt to extinguish the flame. In addition, if the flame is defiled, such as by urinating on it, pouring human blood into it, using the torch as a weapon, or other appropriate means, the flame goes out and the original caster immediately suffers 1d6 points of fire damage.
It is said that the fire priests of Iranistan have a method of keeping purified flames burning, adding fuel as needed, however, the rituals required for this magical feat have never been revealed outside the priesthood.
Material Component: A fire ranging from a candle to a campfire in size (no larger than one square in size), plus herbs and sacred oils from Iranistan worth 100 sp. That cost is in the Hyborian and western kingdoms, the materials cost only 10 sp in Iranistan itself.
More to come later this weekend...