High Guard Update 2022 - Coming July 29th!


Staff member
The date is set...

High Guard Update 2022 will be on PDF and pre-order on July 29th (next Friday!).

This is a major expansion to the Traveller roleplaying game with rules for designing, building and operating spacecraft found throughout the galaxy. From small and nimble fighter craft to the adventure-class ships that Travellers fly, from gargantuan megafreighters to military capital ships, this book provides everything the aspiring naval architect needs to populate their universe with ships that ply the spacelanes.

This book also provides rules for designing space stations and starports, customising ships, and exotic technologies found in popular science fiction novels and movies that can be incorporated into your universe. There are also advanced rules for sensors, detailed descriptions of starship crew roles, how to conduct violent boarding actions, and detailed guidelines for battles between fighter squadrons and enormous fleet battles.

Finally, High Guard Update 2022 presents dozens of ship designs for the Charted Space universe, including small craft and fighters, traders, gunboats, scout ships and battleships ranging from lethal destroyers to colossal battleships, carriers and dreadnoughts. The revised design system provides a new approach to armour and armaments, making space combat scalable for anything from small skirmishes to devastating clashes between dozens or even hundreds of warships.
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Hello Everyone, unfortunately two of our staff members have come down with Coronavirus so we have had to push the release of the new High Guard Update 2022 back. Please do not worry, we will update you with the amended release data ASAP!
Hi all. I am new to Traveller and just have the core book. I wanted to ask, if I buy the PDF of High Guard now will this be upgraded to the Update 2022 version when it is released or should I just wait?

Thanks all.