Here's a Psi chart I've worked on...

To Tha Moon!

Banded Mongoose
I worked on this chart for expanding Psionics a while back. Some of it is self-explanatory. Like Translate - if you can read someone's mind, you can Translate their thoughts. I never got around to finishing it, so a bunch of Cost and Time Required are missing. But this is an extension of the chart from The Traveller Book and includes powers and ideas from Mongoose, , MegaTraveller, The New Era, T4, Alternity, Aeon Trinity, and even novels which have Psionics of some sort.

If you come up with Cost and Time for a power, please post them here so some other Travellers can use them

Also, here's an article on my blog for other ideas, too.

More 'flavor' for your Psionics


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There should be 3 times required, one for taking your time (giving you a +2) and one for rushing (giving a -2). Though some psions that are very quick.

You have the assault cost as 10 - it is 8. It may have changed between editions.

Is the time required the time to cast or the duration? I assume the former, a duration column would be useful.
There should be 3 times required, one for taking your time (giving you a +2) and one for rushing (giving a -2). Though some psions that are very quick.

You have the assault cost as 10 - it is 8. It may have changed between editions.

Is the time required the time to cast or the duration? I assume the former, a duration column would be useful.
Excellent advice! Sorry I didn't see this before. I don't get notified of responses for some reason. I'd have say that the Time Required is the time it takes to do the power. Duration of Effect is something different. I've been thinking about redoing the chart, but that's on the backburner for now.
I dug out a sheet of Psi talents I developed decades ago. There were some interesting talents, but I have the same issue Tom B mentions with Time/Duration, now that I look at my reference sheet.

Special Psi Talents I have added:
Damper - Suppress Psi use by others
Shape Change - As in Mystique from the Marvel Universe
Fling - Teleport anything but the Psi user. Limits as per GM (need to be touching, have to see it, etc...)
Body Augment - Several different things, as GM wishes, but able to change the skin or body to be harder or denser
Energy Control - Storm or Thor? Finer control or larger, as GM allows
Molecular Manipulation - Meidas turning lead into gold, etc...
Plane Shift - Changing dimensions or corporeal world. This would allow altering time and distance. It can also be very dangerous, if creatures live in that other dimension
Ref's Special - Absolutely anything else. I had one Traveller that couldn't loose anything. If they though about it, they could see where it was, at that moment. Distance was the cost/effort to see it. The farther it was away, the more effort to 'see' it. On a 200T ship, they could always find the wrench/tool. Eventually. If there is a super hero with a power, can it be emulated with a Psi talent? Yes it can.

Are the ratings and abilities on my sheet realistic? I never had players that had enough Psi power or strength to use most of this. It was a 'what-if' guide, mostly.


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