Another psionic thing I've just been thinking about is using psionics in a casino.
Casinos will always be on the alert for psionic individuals cheating. Casinos will use psi-detectors on those they suspect of using psi abilities, i.e. anyone who wins big and possibly their companions. The biggest risk to casinos is teams of psions working with a few non-psionic players. The psionic players affect the game allowing the non-psionic players to win. Then when the winners are tested, they come out negative.
High level poker games and the like will be conducted in psion-proofed rooms.
Obvious use of telekinesis to affect dice rolls or roulette wheels can be noticed.
The following psionic abilities can be used to affect the outcome of a game.
Used by a psionic individual to tell another psionic character what another player’s cards are. Of course the first individual needs to discover what the cards are first.
Read Surface Thoughts
Used by a psionic player to discover another player’s cards.
E.g. telling another player, perhaps you should fold!
Clairvoyance / Clairsentience
Seeing cards at a distance.
Affecting the roll of some dice or perhaps a game of roulette. Some ideas:
A die can be changed by the effect of the psi-check plus 1. So with an effect of zero a roll of 5 and 3 in a game of craps could be changed to a 5 and 2.
A roulette ball can be changed from red to black, odd to even with a successful check. It can be changed from 1-12 to 13-18 etc, with an effect of 1. An effect of 4 or higher allows the psionic individual to choose a specific number.
Can be used to affect fruit machines. The inner-workings of the specific machine must be studied in depth before this is possible.
Could be used in games like poker to read another player.
Regeneration, Fortitude & Teleport
Useful when the casino heavies catch you and decide you could do with a beating.
Control (Zhodani)
Affecting fruit machines, similar to Microkinesis, but easier.
Of course if a psionic Traveller should ever learn precognition, then all bets are on!