Grains of Sand


"I was down on my luck, almost broke, my last silver spent on yet another fix of sand… trying to grasp happiness but it always made like the grains through my clutching hands, no metaphor had ever seemed so true. I had been without a job now for almost two weeks, spending what I earned from my last mission. Converting silver pieces to silver sand. A downward spiral spelling doom, and I knew it.

The sand joint I currently haunted was a run down and dirty establishment, most of them were in this part of town. The sand was cut, low grade and Mitra only knew what they put in the stuff to delude it. But it was cheap and so far it hadn't killed me.

The ragged curtain covering the doorway was flicked aside and for a second the piercing sunlight flashed into the gloom, when my eyes had adjusted again, I could see Ben-al-Khali standing in front of me. He always did stuff like that, showing off I guess. I didn't mind.

In good shape as usual? He asked looking at me with disgust pouring out of his eyes. He never approved of my expensive habit and took every opportunity granted to make comments like that. I never bothered to answer.

Did we get the job? I asked instead, ignoring his jives. Yes, but are you able to pull it of in this shape? I spared a glance at the state I was in… rough light boots, by the side of the filthy bed, they had seen better times, my body was covered in stale sweat, from the latest rush, and lack of a bath. My sword leaned against a chair nearby, the same chair that held my dirty cotton tunic… that more or less summed up all my worldly possessions. Man what a sad state I was in… how long had I been here anyway? Sure! I said, I've traversed the desert dunes in worse shape than this, remember? He gave a short nod and without a word he turned on his heel and left to wait outside, while I got dressed.

Outside the sun was frying humankind like it was it's god given right, relentless, unforgiving. The market place was filled with merchants hawking their wares, beggars, thieves, potential customers and victims. Whatever the difference was I lost the ability to tell years ago. The sounds and smells of a hundred kingdoms slammed into my sloshed brain like a nordheim hammer. I staggered.

You better get into shape before we meet our employer. Ben told me, slipping me yet another disdainful look. No problem. I said, but I could feel that there might actually be a problem, if my stomach wouldn't settle soon. Ben led the way through the crowd, I smirked at the fact that when I came this way a couple of days ago I had been watching my purse like a hawk, afraid of thieves and cut purses. The shifting sands of time. I'll pay for a bath, since I assume you don't have any silver left? Ben said leading on towards the nearest bathhouse. I quietly accepted."

The Mission
The players are hired by a local merchant/noble to escort his daughter through the desert to another town. The daughter is supposed to marry a wealthy merchant/noble when she arrives and her "purity" must be secured. this marriage is important in a political aspect as well since the two families have been long term enemies bordering on blood feuding. Raiding each other's caravans and such. The marriage will end all this. Along with the PC's the escort will consist of three women taking care of the bride-to-be, five soldiers from the household supplied by their employer.

The daughter in question doesn't want to be married to this noble. Since she is in love with one of the soldiers in her father's retinue. In fact this young man is one of the soldiers in the escort. They give each other heart broken looks and are currently in a state of emotional panic. They even plan to run a way in the dead of night if no other option seems available. The bride-maids know about the love between them but are doing their best to comfort her and boost her strength for the upcoming, inevitable ceremony. They don't know about their plan to run away though.

Possible solutions
There are several ways to deal with this dilemma. All of them leave openings for continuing adventure and campaign backdrop for future reference. Here are some examples:

1. The PC's find it in their hearts to let the bride go with her hearts love. They promise never to return to these lands so they will not be recognized. How the PC's deal with this in front of their employer can differ wildly:

1.a. They say a nomad band ambushed them and she was killed in the ensuing battle. This will lead to the players disgrace for failing their mission to protect her, and it will probably lead to more conflict between the two noble families as well. The PC's can easily be involved more in this conflict. In for a penny, in for a pound, so to speak.

1.b. They replace her with one of the bride-maids who really won't mind marrying a wealthy noble at all. And since this noble has never actually seen the bride he won't suspect anything. Here are plenty of intrigue options available. What happens when "her father" or anyone else that actually knows the bride, want to come and visit them?

2. The PC's stand their ground and force the bride to marriage. This could end differently depending on how cruel the DM feels.

2.a. It could lead to a Romeo and Juliet drama where the young soldier challenges the PC's to a duel for her, the PC's kill him off and the bride takes her own life in despair. For further adventure use the same option as for 1.a.

2.b. The PC's could make a deal to help the couple keep an affair going even though she is married. Lots of intrigue there.

2.c. The PC keep the bride alive and force her to marry without any pardon. They have now gained an enemy in the shape of a wealthy noble's wife… not good. She will plot to make their lives miserable.

And so on and so forth.

To be Continued...

You have just read the set up for my Conan campaign, it starts off small and will slowly escalate to more complexe intrigues. Stayed tuned.

Care of some golden wine?

The noble's name is Ibn-Rashid. His house is lavishly decorated; this semi-palace is filled with well-cared-fore slave servants, pillar arcades, solarium, divans, grapes, and luxuries. They even have a private bath. There should be no doubt in the PC's mind that this is a wealthy and powerful noble/merchant. In fact this family holds one of the seven chairs in the city council.

Ibn-Rashid invites them to sit down and eat and drink, he will not talk business until he is satisfied that the PC's are well fed and comfortable. In short words he explains the reason for hiring the PC's:

Questions and Answers

Q: "What do you want us to do?"
A: "You are to escort my youngest daughter Hamideh to the city of Ziba. Where she will marry my good friend Ghaffar-Ashrafy. You have been charged with the duty of keeping her purity intact, and staying for the wedding as her 'honour guard'. In short, get her there safe and sound and make sure she's properly wed."

Q: "Will we be travelling alone with her?"
A: "Certainly not! She keeps a retinue of three bride-maids and five of my own guards will come a long as extra escort."

Q: "If you have your own soldiers why do you need us?"
A: "My trade is currently experiencing a high season as it were. And I'm low on staff. Without leaving my own house completely unprotected I cannot spare more than five soldiers to come along for the journey."

Q: "And you fear that won't be enough? Sounds like you expect trouble… what is your situation like: Threat wise?"
A: "I am a powerful man, and I have lots of enemies, both foreign and domestic. If any one of these scoundrels know of this journey they will know roughly how many men I can send along… I'm hoping the added security you can provide will be enough to make them think again."

Q: "Could you be more specific as to who these enemies could be?"
A: "It could be anything really… from a nomad band of raiders to a rivalling noble family here in town that plots against me."

Q: "What about our payment?"
A: "Ah… yes, of course… you will receive steeds to keep after the job is complete, they are well trained and used to desert environs, high quality beasts altogether. You will of course get proper dressings and supplies for the journey. And in the end, when you return to me with my daughter properly wed, I will give you, beside my gratitude, a sum of 200 gold pieces each."

Q: "Supplies… How long will this journey take anyway?"
A: "Ziba is not far… say five days the way a vulture flies. Across inhospitable sand dunes and rocky desert mountains."

Q: "Can we inspect your troops that will come along with us?"
A: "Certainly… come with me."

Roll this scene as long as the players still have questions to ask. Make Ibn-Rashid come across as a rather decent fellow.

To Be Continued...

I enjoyed these posts as well. Let us know how they progress.

One question...did you mean 200 sp or 200 gp?

Arkobla Conn said:
I enjoyed these posts as well. Let us know how they progress.

One question...did you mean 200 sp or 200 gp?


Thank you for the kind words.

I haven't quite adapted to the Conan Currency yet, so I'm not sure. I meant the payment to be a handsome amount but not so much as to be obscene. :) And I don't have the book with me here so I'm not sure how much would be proper...

It's a minor detail though, easily fixed.

Very cool Wolf, nice intro story too! I do like all the different possible outcomes listed, that is a nice feature. :)


Under a Scalding Sun
"There was no where to hide. the sun was frying my brain and I was slowly realising that whatever that fat bastard was paying me it wasn't anywhere near enough to suffer this torture. Sure he had bought me nice clothes enough, and the mounts were good. but still…

I had point duty riding slowly at the front of our little caravan, glaring out across the dunes. Ben was riding somewhere behind me, probably chatting with the maids in one of the camel-tents… the sly bastard. I shielded my eyes from the sun and scouted backwards across our train of beasts: Seven horses for our soldiers, including ourselves, five camels, with huge funny-looking tents containing the women on three of them, the last two carried all our supplies. Water mostly…

As we made camp for the night I noticed a minor dispute among our soldiers. When I confronted them I got nothing but sullen looks. A family matter apparently, but I could feel the tension in the camp. The women had raised their tents on the ground for the night. Us men slept out in the open. We posted two guards and made up a shift to stand watch.

The cool desert night enveloped me, and I started to shiver lightly as I tried to stay awake. The beasts moved restlessly nearby… Was everything really what it seemed to be here?

The next day I talked to Ben-al-Kahli about it. Yes I know, he said. I noticed it too last night, it seems like two of the soldiers keep to themselves shunning the other three… I don't know what it means friend. Could be anything. Ben took a swing from his water skin. I looked at the two soldiers riding on our eastern flank. As long as they do their job, I don't care, I said. But if they start trouble, by Mitra I'll kill them all. We have worries enough from without…"

Desert Encounters

Nothing happens during the first day out from town. The PC's meet some merchants, on their way to the city they just left, and maybe see some nomads in the distance, but nothing up close. No attack. All calm.

First Night
When they make camp the first night they get a small taste that something is not right. A minor argument causes the soldiers from Ibn-Rashid's household to sleep in two separate groups. No one will divulge to the PC's what this was all about; claiming it was a family matter and not to be discussed with strangers.

Second Night
By the end of the second day the caravan enters a ragged desert mountain pass, sand dunes are exchanged with rocks and cliffs. One of the soldiers takes the point since he claims to know the site. He tries to lead the caravan safely to the other side. But nightfall comes and they have to make camp on a roughly flat spot surrounded by high cliffs. During this night the PC's can hear crying, sobbing sounds from the Brides tent. One of the maids is trying to comfort her and the PC's can hear words like: "…it is not so bad…" and "… you will learn to love him eventually…" and "…he is a very powerful man and that will make you very powerful as well…" and so on… It should be quite apparent that the PC's have an unwilling-bride-to-be on their hands.

Third Day
During the third day, the PC's become aware that they are being watched. A band of nomads are following them keeping an eye on them. They do not attack… maybe they are waiting for the right spot? The cliffs around the PC's are still high and inhospitable, but closer to the evening they become more spares and big expanses of flat desert sand starts to take over though rock formations are still common. During the third night all hell breaks loose.

To Be Continued...

Come with me my love!

"My dreams were haunting me… the effects of three days without a hit of sand was starting to take its toll. In my dreams a giant snake like creature was hunting me… the faster I ran the deeper my legs seemed to sink into the sand dunes…Faster than a cobra strikes I was wide awake. A sandal-clad pair of feet was sneaking around one of the tents. From where I lay on my bedroll under the stars I could see his silhouette against the white tent canvas. I drew my sword from its resting place and started to get to my feet. Ben was sleeping soundly close to me; I stooped low and shook his shoulder.

The all hell broke loose… and death visited the camp. I let out a war cry and threw myself into the fray. I seem to recall killing half a dozen men, their blood colouring the sands black in the moonlight. Our soldiers joined in, but the one on sentry had been killed before I woke up and the two 'pariahs' were nowhere to be seen. When my battle rage was over, I stood trembling taking in the scene. What was left of the nomads had run off into the night, two of our soldiers were dead. The women were crying and wailing, kneeling by the corpses of the two soldiers, praying and cursing all in one… and the bride was gone.

Cleaning my sword in the sand, I looked at Ben: Do you think the nomads will return tonight? I asked sharply. No, came the answer; they will go home to their brethren and tell their tale first, then their elders will probably discuss the event and declare that revenge for their fallen must be sought. They will strike again tomorrow night at the earliest, if their clan is near… maybe later if they have to ride far.

The only soldier left in the camp came to us. Sir? He called. I'm no sir, man but what do you want, I replied. He looked ashamed and searched for a safe spot with his eyes; I had a sneaking suspicion that Hamideh was not taken by the nomads… so I talked to the maids… My eyes narrowed looking at him… what new curse was this? And they said, the soldier continued, that she took off earlier in the night just before the attack… with Suhayl, and his brother.

Mithra! I cursed. I should have seen it, had I not been so wasted from sand abuse, and tortured by the sun. The stolen, heartbroken looks between them, her crying at night… of course! They were in love! I stared down the soldier, my nostrils flaring; How long have you known? I demanded. Well we have known for at least three weeks that they were in love but we didn't know he planned on doing something like this before our first night out of town. He asked us for help, but we said our loyalties were with Ibn-Rashid, not him. We also told him we would try to stop him if he tried anything. After that he kept to his brother, who apparently agreed to help him. I mumbled some more curses. Ben! Bring our horses! You! Stay here and guard the women! The soldier hurried off to take care of things in the camp.

Ben and I mounted our horses. How keen are your eyes in this moonlight, Ben? He gave me a raised eyebrow in reply. Good enough to follow two galloping horses in the sand at least. He sneered. And off we went into the wild darkness."

Raid at night

Adjust the number of Nomad raiders to fit the size of the party. The sentry on watch is killed and the two brothers have already left the camp. So the PC's will only get aid fro two soldiers out of five. Bare this in mind.

The goal of the Nomads is to kill all the men, steal their women and plunder their packing. When they run into heavy resistance they settle for less. If you want to you can have one of the nomads escape with a maid or some packing… maybe their water supply?

Run the fighting short, action packed, dark and fast. Sight is limited so keep missiles to a minimum; the nomads only use their scimitars.

I have a confession to make

After the fight the PC's find that Hamideh and the two soldiers are missing. At first they might think the nomads kidnapped the girl but it will soon become clear that they left on their own. Both the surviving soldiers and the madis are now breaking up under the PC's interrogation, telling them all they know.

Hamideh is in love with the young soldier called Suhayl. They have been seeing each other on and off at her fathers house for weeks. Apparently everyone knew this, but her father. If he had known he probably wouldn't have sent Suhayl along with this escort… or would he? Suhayl tried to recruit the other soldiers the first evening in staging a "mutiny" they soundly refused and called him mad and dishonourable. He did, however, convince his older brother Mazin to help him. Mazin also thinks this is madness but helps his brother anyway… blood is thicker than water and all that. They just waited for the right moment, and seeing the nomads following them earlier this day they decided now was the time to act. They took two horses (Hamideh and Suhayl shared horse) and rode off into the dark desert.

A dark chase

The PC's will not have big trouble following their tracks, but have them roll some dice to see how long it takes them, and how much they gain or loose on their prey.

After an hour or three, they come upon the ancient ruins of a city… the tracks lead into the ruined buildings. As the first broken rays of the rising desert sun searches across the cliffs of this long lost valley, the PC hear a horrible shriek from the dark shadowed ruins below.

To Be Continued...


Well done... is the encounter in ther ruins going to be available today...I may be running an adventure tonight and...if you don't mind...I may use this...

Arkobla Conn said:

Well done... is the encounter in ther ruins going to be available today...I may be running an adventure tonight and...if you don't mind...I may use this...


Coming right up friend!

The lost city of Jibril

"The hair in the back of my neck stood on end as we rode down the valley and in between the dark brooding ruins. The sound we had just heard was hardly human…-a scream, like no other, alien and insane all at once- and I clutched my sword hilt hard as we rode forward.

What is this place? I asked Ben-al-Khali. But he only shook his head in bewilderment. The high cliffs surrounding the valley kept it in shadows of gloom even though the sky was turning the colour of gold above our heads. Suddenly a horse came charging past us its saddle empty with no trace of the rider. The horse had belonged to Mazin and shortly after it had past us we heard that scream again, this time much, much closer…

I dismounted and readied my sword. What ever was out there hiding in the shadows I would let it taste my steel faster than fire wine. Ben did the same, pulling his scimitars out of their cross-laid scabbards on his back. The air around us was quiet as a tomb when we tied the horses to a gnarled tree and moved cautiously into the dark.

I told Ben to stay and guard the way we came, lest Suhayl and his bride tried to escape behind us. He nodded in silent agreement and I went on without him. The smell of death met me halfway. I had smelled blood plenty of times to recognise it immediately and this place was reeking with it. Moving through a broken archway I came upon what had once been a small square. In the middle of this cracked square was a vine covered well, and all around lay what was left of Mazin. He had been torn to pieces. His chest broken, ribs protruding from his ribcage, his left arm ripped from its socket and his guts spilled. Most of his entrails had been dragged off and the tracks in the sand and blood around him sent chills down my spine. They were human like but with long talons on each toe. Securing the grip around my sword I followed the tracks into the ruined building on the opposite side of the square. My senses alert to any sound or movement. My willpower struggling to stay in command of my senses, keeping the horror and insanity at bay. Whatever ancient, long forgotten horror dwelt in this place I had given my word to escort this woman, and I would keep my word or die trying.

The horror waited for me in the darkness. Fangs and talons dripping with gore from its recent killing. Its eyes flashed red in the gloom, and as it leapt on me it gave out a howl of rage and torment like a choir from hell singing the last lament of my soul."

A cat and mouse game

The PC's have stumbled upon the ruins of a long forgotten city called Jibril. Suhayl and Hamideh hide in one of the building while Mazin goes out to try and find out whether they are being followed. During this encounter the two lovers fall in each other's arms and lay quiet and hiding in one place. After the first scream has sounded they know they are not alone in this place… and since Mazin doesn't return they figure that he has met with the monster.

As the PC's enter the beast has risen and killed Mazin. Play out the horror elements of this as much as you can, with the PC's searching each building to find the Hamideh, but at the same time being watched and scared that some nameless horror is searching for them. A cat and mouse game, with lots of scary sound and sudden movement, shapes half seen, half guessed moving in the shadows from building to building, a flock of birds taking to the morning sky, giving up a sudden cry.

The Nameless Horror

Exactly what manner of beast this is will depend on the PC's party level. Let it be a challenge but not impossible. Try to make it horrifying either way, going for the unnatural and stay away from the mundane. My thought is that this beast has been here since the city was alive, maybe some demon summoned by a wizard now long dead? Or a ghoul still fettered by the shackles of unlife. What is important here is the sense of horror.

After the PC's best the creature sending it back to the pits of hell, they fin the two lovebirds. They are scared, not willing to fight and most important of all… still dressed. Hamideh is still "intact". How the PC's punish Suhayl is completely up to them, but from here on they will have to find a solution to their dilemma as listed under "Possible Solutions" on page 4

The fourth day

The PC's continue to travel although with a somewhat decimated escort. Perhaps they have by now gagged and bound the bride? Perhaps they have killed Suhayl for trying to steal her? Perhaps they have let them both go and started a charade with one of the maids?

The following day is calm. The mountains are now receding and desert dunes taking over the terrain once more. They see no trace of other nomad raiders and as evening creeps closer they see the city of Ziba in the distance.

Let the PC's run into a merchant caravan and have them answer a bunch of questions. This will make them understand that now is the time to think through their story and see how waterproof it is. If they can't even fool a wandering merchant that the maid is a nobles daughter how will they ever fool a real noble, for example? Let them take this opportunity to practice their act so to speak.

They make camp half a days journey from the city walls, in company of the same merchant caravan. Fires are lit and wine flows freely. This is a time for rest and recuperation, to lick their wounds and watch some belly dancing.

To Be Continued...

Wow...thank you...

Between this adventure and the one sent to me yesterday, I'll be good to go. Certainly helps this busy father with a 1 hour commute to work one way...


The City of Ziba

"Sometimes my battle rage gets the best of me and I forget what happened, fighting and killing with reckless abandon. I guess I must have killed that monster some how… cause I was still alive. We found the couple too. I knocked Suhayl senseless with the flat side of my sword and left him where he fell. I took the screaming and kicking wench over my blood smeared shoulder and carried her back to Ben and our horses. By the look of his face I guessed that I was a mess. Don't ask! Was all I could muster, and then I flung the girl over my saddle and set off back to the camp.

The day after Hamideh kept asking about her lover. I told her that I left him in the ruins and that he was alive when I saw him last. She was crying and wailing, once she even tried to cut her own wrists with a dagger stolen from one of her maids. I tied her up after that… and gagged her a little while after tying her since she wouldn't stop screaming at me. I tried to explain that I had given my word to her father, but she cursed both her own father and me…I didn't bother explaining anything to her after that.

Ben looked at me from time to time a question in his eyes. What? I asked. Nothing, he said, but I could see that something was gnawing away at him. Come on man out with it! I said halting my horse. Well… he shrugged. Are you sure we're doing the right thing here? No I'm not, Ben. I'm probably doing the wrong thing, but I gave my word, and I always stay true to my word. Ibn-Rashid has done nothing wrong by me, so my word is still bound to him. True, said Ben, and we continued.

The next day we rode in through the city gates of Ziba. I was supposed to deliver the bride to her husband… but first things first… I had to get some sand. After a couple of hours -Ben woke me- we found the household of Ghaffar-Ashrafy and delivered the bride. She was of course devastated but her pride kept her from breaking up in front of her husband to be. She smiled coldly at him and he was pleased. The wedding was underway the next day and the celebrations lasted for three days. I spent most of that lost in a sand rush… but each time the bride laid eyes on me I knew I had another enemy to haunt me. She was cold, focused and bent on revenge.

I left the city the morning after the wedding was over. A written statement was in my packing from Ghaffar-Ashrafy, thanking Ibn-Rashid for the splendid 'gift'. It was my proof of a mission well done and it would give me my payment when I returned.

As Ben and I reached the crest of a high sand dune he paused and looked back. She will haunt you till the end of her days you know. He said with a solemn tone. I know, I said nodding, looking back at the splendour of Ziba in the distance. I know…

Then I turned around and left Ziba behind me. If she wanted to kill me she would have to get in line, cause she was not alone in that desire."

The Wedding

This final chapter will all depend of how the PC's solve their dilemma. If there is a wedding, with either a double or the real bride, the PC's are invited as honour guard. The party lasts for 3 days and lots of food and drink is served, along with sports, like chariot racing and so on. No expense is spared and Ghaffar-Ashrafy is possibly even wealthier than Ibn-Rashid. Spoil the PC's and make them feel comfortable. their roost, if there is one, seem to work like a charm, at least for the moment and they get their "letter of thanks" from Ghaffar-Ashrafy without any problems..

No Wedding?

If some other route is in effect and there is no wedding, the PC's are chastised by Ghaffar-Ashrafy. They have failed in their given duties and he is most un pleased, saying stuff like: "Exactly what could be expected by trash sent by that rat Ibn-Rashid!" He will take this as a grave insult to him and his family. And he will have the PC's flogged in public and expelled from the city. Where the story goes from there is up to them. But the conflict between these two families has now escalated into a small war.

Options and loose ends

Roughly the story is over here but why waste the opportunity of continued adventure? As listed in the "possible solutions" section on page 4 there are a number of ways this adventure can continue, depending on which way the PC's go. More options and ideas are listed here:

1. The journey back. Who said the journey back would be easy?

2. The Nomads strike again! Maybe the nomad band is out for revenge?

3. Suhayl, might have mustered some men from his family to hunt the PC's down?

4. Does Suhayl, have some deal with the nomads after all?

5. The Lost city of Jibril is still there to be explored! Who knows what lost treasure and ancient artefacts it may have in store?

6. Sand smugglers. It has been noted in the flavour text, that a drug called "sand" is used in the region. This drug is of course illegal… unless you bribe the right law enforcers. Have the PC's run into a merchant on their way home and let this merchant slip some sand in their packing. They could then be caught in the city gate and thrown in the slammer… hmmm… this sounds like another adventure altogether. :)

7. Maybe Hamideh sends assassins after them? Or maybe she is behind the sand-smuggler plot?

The End… for now…

To be continued in the next adventure….
This adventure is now available in .doc format, with layout, index, artwork and all. It is 12 pages long (807kb). Just send me a PM including your e-mail and I'll send it to you!


ps. Artwork is borrowed/stolen from the web of course I didn't draw'em myself. Just keep that in mind.
Whoot...way to go. Very well done.

I just downloaded my copy and am a happy guy..

Very cool adventure Wolf, let me know when you intend to run it, perhaps I'll swing by Göteborg. :wink:

I hope you share any future adventures as well, perhaps you should submit this to Signs & Portents?

