atgxtg said:No, it is the wrong game. That is precisely the point. Such things belong in games with saving throws, initiative rolls, and human being that can take 20 point hits and still be functional.
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atgxtg said:I think the idea was that in RQ2, Glorantha, at least what ingo was relased on it, was Bronze Age. Back then though, everything was warriten for Lunar Empire/Dragon Pass/Prax.
It wasn't until RQ3's Glorantha that we really started to see the more advanced cilivizations.
But all the RQ2 gave a strong Ancient Greek flavor to the game.
RMS said:...however Simon is correct that none of them are Bronze Age, but rather they are middle to late Iron Age.
simonh said:Glorantha has never been described as a 'Bronze Age' world in any official publication.
Lorgryt said:From Page 8 of the boxed set for RQ III; Glorantha:
The human cultures of Glorantha are many thousands of years younger than those of our world. Humans are at a far earlier stage of civilization development than we are, and currently function at levels roughly equivalent our Neolithic to Bronze Age cultures. However the pervading presence of magic, combined with interaction with Elder Races, many of whom are far advanced than humanity, have created cultures with no equivalent.
It is a published fact.
Lorgryt said:RMS said:...however Simon is correct that none of them are Bronze Age, but rather they are middle to late Iron Age.
Actually, Simon's point was:
simonh said:Glorantha has never been described as a 'Bronze Age' world in any official publication.
RMS said:atgxtg said:I think the idea was that in RQ2, Glorantha, at least what ingo was relased on it, was Bronze Age. Back then though, everything was warriten for Lunar Empire/Dragon Pass/Prax.
Simon's point is good though because neither the Lunar empire nor the Dragon Pass/Praxian cultures are Bronze Age, as that term is used on Earth. Most of those cultures are decidely post-Bronze Age in feel. (The others ironically, are pre-Bronze Age!)
It wasn't until RQ3's Glorantha that we really started to see the more advanced cilivizations.
But all the RQ2 gave a strong Ancient Greek flavor to the game.
You're correct about the Western and Eastern Civilizations not showing up until later and they both match Earth cultures that post-date the cultures of central Genertela. (Note: post-date =/= more advanced or more sophisticated.)
However, your last point is the clencher. The Ancient Greek civilization is Iron Age, not Bronze Age. The Bronze Age ends at about 1200 BCE in that region of the world, which is the time of the Trojan War, the Minoans, and the Myconaeans, but not the time of historical Greece which is decidely Iron Age. The Persian Empire vs. Greek City States is all Iron Age, as are the Peloponesian War, and Alexander's conquest of the Persian Empire is roughly at the end of the Iron Age. All of these are good descriptions of the developed parts of Glorantha, however Simon is correct that none of them are Bronze Age, but rather they are middle to late Iron Age. (Additional, reference here, if you use Rome as an example, it is considered post-Iron Age.)
atgxtg said:The similarities are striking. Both ancient Greece and Glorantha have cultures that used bronze predominantly, but iron was avalaible and used by the rich and powerful. Even iron be more valuable that gold. I suspect Bronze age was used as it gives a better feel for the setting to most people than dark age. Dark Age has me thinking of King Arthur, Vikings, Huns and Charles Martel. Bronze Age has me thining of great Heroes with patron gods.
Simon missed (or had forgotten) that there are a couple of erroneous claims made in the published material.
There where or had been chariots amongst the Theyalan/Orlanthi, as Mastakos the Mover is also refered to as Orlanths chariot driver... If my memory serves me correct (which it might not be doing), Mastakos used to provide Drive Chariot as a skill.The big thing for me here is that a Bronze Age army would have chariots, which don't exist anywhere (that I'm aware of) in Glorantha.
This is kind of backing up Simons point, but didn't GW use the 'Bronze Age' label in their advertising blurb in White Dwarf when they began their distribution of 2nd ed in the UK?
RMS said:Lorgryt said:RMS said:...however Simon is correct that none of them are Bronze Age, but rather they are middle to late Iron Age.
Actually, Simon's point was:
simonh said:Glorantha has never been described as a 'Bronze Age' world in any official publication.
Check the thread title. It's pretty obvious what Simon's point was, and pretty disingenuos to attempt to misrepresent it.
Agreed...We can split hairs for ever over whether or not Glorantha is or isn't Bronze Age in the way Earth had a Bronze Age. The argument's pretty pointless really,
Loz said:We can split hairs for ever over whether or not Glorantha is or isn't Bronze Age in the way Earth had a Bronze Age. The argument's pretty pointless really, because Glorantha's an invented world and a crucible for taking whatever cultural or mythical analogs you like and sitting them side-by-side in a place ripe for adventure and storytelling.
I wouldn't call it pointless. Calling glorantha "bronze age" really is somewhat misleading, after all. I for one would have prefered that the 2nd ed. rulebook had said something like "Despite the predominance of a metal called "bronze", Glorantha mainly resembles the ancient world during the iron age", which would have lead to much less confusion.
Loz said:True as that may be (and as accurate and eloquent a description as you've provided, Mark), you cannot change the RQ2 rulebook to suit your own understanding or take on how Glorantha should be. Facts are facts and they can't be altered or ignored (well, they can be, but usually to some form of detriment).
Loz said:Glorantha was described as a Bronze Age world in both the RQ2 and RQ3 rules. It's only misleading if you're deeply knowledgable about the society and culture of the real Bronze Age and are looking to replicate that kind of detail in your campaign.
Loz said:For most people, the phrase Bronze Age conjours a particular image and cultural reference point from which to work - and in that respect the statement is perfectly valid.
Hair-splitting at its very best!![]()
But one of the facts is that the description, while certainly present, is inaccurate.
Lorgryt said:However, his argument (thesis) is that it has never been described as Bronze age when it has been described (no matter how erroneously in someone’s opinion (and no matter how much I might agree)) as being just that in every version of the game.
Oh, RMS, calling me a liar because I don’t agree with you, no matter how coyly worded or polite, is a pointless endeavor. It will always bring a response, and will likely lead to pointless bickering.
Exubae said:There where or had been chariots amongst the Theyalan/Orlanthi, as Mastakos the Mover is also refered to as Orlanths chariot driver... If my memory serves me correct (which it might not be doing), Mastakos used to provide Drive Chariot as a skill.The big thing for me here is that a Bronze Age army would have chariots, which don't exist anywhere (that I'm aware of) in Glorantha.