[GK Games] News and Reviews

"I am not sure that the Lembus really took us seriously. Well not until the first shot from our peebeep barbette cut a hole through their hull big enough to fly a grav bike through."
Enseigne de vaisseau Adalie Desjardins, astrogator, VDFS Getica’s Belt, Viteges System c2335 CE

The System Security/Escort variant from Ships of Clement Sector 16 - Rucker-class Merchant Vessel available soon.
madmike said:
"I am not sure that the Lembus really took us seriously. Well not until the first shot from our peebeep barbette cut a hole through their hull big enough to fly a grav bike through."
Enseigne de vaisseau Adalie Desjardins, astrogator, VDFS Getica’s Belt, Viteges System c2335 CE

The System Security/Escort variant from Ships of Clement Sector 16 - Rucker-class Merchant Vessel available soon.

hiro said:
Picture or it didn't happen!


Fair enough.

Steve Attwood over at Alegis Downport has written an excellent review of Ships of Clement Sector 15: Milligan-class Hospital Ship. If you'd like to know what Steve had to say about the hospital ship, just click on the link.

And don't forget that all of our PDF products are on sale RIGHT NOW at 30% off. The sale will last until December 5.

Here we see MV Ravi Harrison, a Rucker-class merchant owned by Diamond Enterprises. Alongside MV Harrison, we see MV Elston Gunn, an Atlas-class freighter.

The Rucker-class Merchant will be the subject of Gypsy Knights Games' upcoming Ships of Clement Sector 16: Rucker-class Merchant which will be available in PDF on December 9. Art seen here by Ian Stead.

And don't forget that our 30% off Thanksgiving sale is nearing the end! You have until the end of this weekend to take advantage of the sale and pick-up some great Clement Sector products.

Link to our products on DTRPG: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/3565/Gypsy-Knights-Games

Here we see MV Edward Jones, a Rucker-class merchant, leaving from a visit to a client. The Rucker-class merchant will be the subject of Gypsy Knights Games' latest Ships of Clement Sector supplement.

Art by Bradley Warnes.

Ships of Clement Sector: Rucker-class Merchant will be available in PDF on December 9.

A bit of news on this Tuesday.

1) If you purchased or were gifted a Clement Sector PDF (be it first edition or second edition), there is an updated file today. Some small changes are within it and these are mainly corrections (Tulrakh was spelled wrong on a map, a few paragraphs were indented incorrectly, etc.). There is an updated deckplan of the Atlas-class, page calls to the rules now take you to Clement Sector: The Rules and the Skills section has been deleted in order to be in greater harmony with Clement Sector: The Rules.

2) Ships of Clement Sector 16: Rucker-class Merchant will be released this Friday (Dec 9). Written by Michael Johnson with art by Ian Stead and Bradley Warnes, this book will provide deeper detail on the most commonly seen ship in Clement Sector.

3) Along those same lines, Ships of Clement Sector 17: Atlas-class freighter will provide the same sort of love to the venerable freighter. We expect this to be released in early January.

4) I am still diligently writing The Wondrous Menagerie: Uplifts in Clement Sector. I really think you'll enjoy this as we expand the details of uplifts in the setting. This one will show up in the first quarter of 2017.

5) Our current appearance and convention schedule is this:

"John Watts Day", December 17, Adventurer's Books and More, Dalton, Georgia

Mysticon, February 24-26, Roanoke, Virginia

RavenCon, April 28-30, Williamsburg, Virginia

If you get a chance, drop in and say hello!

6) Big thanks to everyone who participated in the Thanksgiving Sale.

I will be at Adventurer's Books and More in Dalton, GA on Saturday! Come out and say hello!

We'll be running Clement Sector games, discussing the setting, and we'll have plenty of books to sell.

Steve Attwood, the original designer of the Rucker-class merchant, takes a moment out of his holiday weekend to let us know how he feels about what we've done with his design in Ships of Clement Sector 16: Rucker-class Merchant Vessel.

If you'd like to see what Steve had to say about our newest SOCS book, just click on the link.

Have you bought Clement Sector: The Rules yet? Well, if not, we have a great opportunity for you.

DTRPG and RPGNow are having their "New Year, New Game" sale from Jan 11-22. You can save 25% off core rulebooks and Clement Sector: The Rules will be among the books on sale.

So now is a great time to check out our core rules!

Link to DTRPG: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/194731/Clement-Sector-The-Rules

Our friends at the Rocky Mountain Navy had some kind words for Ships of Clement Sector 17: Atlas-class Freighter as well as for some products by the good folks over at Zozer Games.

If you'd like to see what they had to say about these products, click on the link!


Just a few bits of news for you on this Saturday morning.

1> Don't forget that Clement Sector: The Rules is currently on sale and will be until the 22nd. You can get your copy here: http://www.rpgnow.com/product/194731/Clement-Sector-The-Rules?term=Clement+Sector

2> I will be appearing at Chattacon in Chattanooga, TN this coming weekend (Jan 20-22). I'll be in the American train car at the Chattanooga Choo Choo running games on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. If you'd like more information about Chattacon, follow this link: http://www.chattacon.org/

3> Wondrous Menagerie: Uplifts in Clement Sector is in the final stages of production. You should see this hit in February.

4> Wendy's Guide to the Fleets of Cascadia Subsector is in the middle stages of production. If all continues on track, you should this hit in March.

5> I will be a guest at Mysticon in Roanoke, VA on February 24-26. If you are interested in attending, act quickly as they often sell out memberships before the convention. Indeed, I believe the hotel is already sold out. If you are interested in Mysticon, follow this link: http://mysticon-va.com/

Have a good weekend!
I'm pleased to announce that Gypsy Knights Games has added MACE West to our list of conventions for the year. MACE West is March 24-26 in Asheville, NC. Come join us for some Clement Sector styled fun!

We're looking forward to gaming in the mountains!

“We’ve been in orbit around CXG-408c for several hours. Got a lot of people who want to make the trip down to the planet. All of the scans we’ve made and tests we’ve performed say that planet is safe. I’ve put the crew and colonists under orders not to go opening their helmets until we get a team of Apes down there. If the Apes can handle it, then I will consider putting actual people at risk.” – James O’Connell, colonization specialist’s log, United States Sophronius Colonization Team, January 18, 2210.

-An excerpt from Gypsy Knights Games' Wondrous Menagerie: Uplifts in Clement Sector which will be available in PDF in February.
Just a quick reminder that if you are in or near the Chattanooga, Tennessee area, I will be running Clement Sector games at Chattacon on Friday and Saturday. I will be in the "American" train car which is near the trolley and the pizza car.

Come out and say hello!

You can find out more about Chattacon here: http://www.chattacon.org/

The schedule is posted here: http://www.chattacon.org/content/chattacon-gaming
