Future 'Official' ACTA Tourneys


I've been wondering, are Mongoose still planning on running ACTA events after the discontinuation of the minaitrues line?

I mention this as we've been told the game will 'continue to be supported in signs and portents and books etc' but does this mean there will still be official tourneys and so on?

Personally I really hope so as the tournaments and friendly community is what I enjoy most about the game and would hate to see that go the way of the dodo just because theres no new miniatures. I know alot of shops arent going to be running tourneys (though personally I think that's a mistake, sure they won't sell ACTA stuff but I'd wager they'll still sell OTHER stuff to gamers, for example the last tourney up in aldershot, had I physically had any money to spare that weekend I would have left with a somewhat large bag of assorted stuff that I cant really afford (and frankly none of it would have been ACTA related, dont get me wrong theres more ACTA stuff I want but there was soooo many other shiny things I wanted to buy).

Basically I really hope the tourney circuit wont be diminished by the mini line going the way of the dodo (I personally plan to run another tourney later this year).
well hopefully the Sentient Rabbits can maintain a 4 tourney per year format for a while....
there's already a discussion on Earth Minbari war and Narn-Centauri war
as possible settings

we'd probably try and do the EA civil war
TGT said:
well hopefully the Sentient Rabbits can maintain a 4 tourney per year format for a while....
there's already a discussion on Earth Minbari war and Narn-Centauri war
as possible settings

we'd probably try and do the EA civil war

and as an honourary bunny (I have a t-shirt and everything!) there will of course be the dilgar war campaign at ID this summer.
As far as I've been made aware Mongoose have no plans to cut back on the tournaments. They don't make/lose any money for them but they are interesting and keep people in the game.
Triggy said:
They don't make/lose any money for them but they are interesting and keep people in the game.
... and Matt is always at the back, listening in to everyone, scribbling in his "ideas for 3e" notebook ;)
Am hoping to run a tournemnt in July / August but trying to sort out the catering aspect at present :roll:

I also presume it will be more diffiucult for MGP to provide the aforementioned prizes if they don't have models?

for all those prospective tourney organisers within the UK,
As we the Sentient Rabbits will be organising many tournies to come, we've been thinking about a bulk order of medals/trophies to keep us in stock for a while.

If when I've talked to Tank about it, we'd want to order a bunch of medals to provide at tournies..the more we order the more we save

Feel free to PM me if this concerns you!