Frost Giants


Given their stats in the Scrolls of Skelos, one wonders how a young Conan or even a 20th level Conan could have defeated 2 of them?! Thoughts?
slaughterj said:
Given their stats in the Scrolls of Skelos, one wonders how a young Conan or even a 20th level Conan could have defeated 2 of them?! Thoughts?
I wonder how a young Conan would've handled two Conan the RPG cows! Especially as quickly as he handled two Frost Giants. :lol:


Aren't they ice-giants, not frost-giants? The frost-giant is Ymir.

I like Kurt Busiek's expansion of the Nordheimer pantheon in the comic: Buri and Audhambla.
slaughterj said:
Given their stats in the Scrolls of Skelos, one wonders how a young Conan or even a 20th level Conan could have defeated 2 of them?! Thoughts?

He's sitting on his throne, drunk, telling the story of how he killed two giants to someone....

Everything gets bigger with enough time and beer.

skalvar said:
He's sitting on his throne, drunk, telling the story of how he killed two giants to someone....

Everything gets bigger with enough time and beer.
Yeah Shannon's right, I too get the feeling that these stories could've been told, and retold on numerous occasions and mutating along the way. That's part of why they feel so alive IMO. Maybe it was Ymir's two frost-covered cows he slayed? :D

