Extractive industries are hard to model. One would think nearly all star systems, as a whole, would have a great deal of resources and running out of them would be a prodigious effort for any civilization. Trying to model the complexity is difficult, at best.
Of course the key component is going to be cost - are the resources lying around the system economically recoverable for a society? If it were an ant-like society that exists only to reproduce and grow and eschews concepts like profits or societal luxuries, then that question comes down only to cost of extraction vs usefulness of the resource. If ya gotta have it then price is rarely an option.
If, however, you are talking a capitalistic or semi-capitalistic society, then profitability then becomes more of an issue. That's where you can see pockets of blight and success, and systems with good infrastructure and those without it. The extractive industry is going to be based upon cost and need. And this is where the dice rolling is gonna fail unless you want a totally random sector (and I think we already have that in Traveller with all the problems associated with the illogic of it).
Otherwise a good ref needs to tweak their setting. Random rolls are fine, but the subtle hand of the GM is required to make the setting make sense for your gamers. A planet, moon, or even an asteroid field is gonna be a pretty big place. Chances are there are going to be pockets of usefully extractable resources a society in a system could use for internal consumption or for export. Traveller has never done well, as a gaming system, of developing the system infrastructure that one would naturally expect to see before people hared off to another system to see if there was a Psyche in every orbit. It's far cheaper to operate in your own system than go light years away to get things. Or, as Al Bundy said one episode - "Peg, why go out for milk when you have a cow at home". Gotta love a good Bundy aphorism.
In any event I think the rolling up of tables will leave you short in designing a good usable gaming system. It's fine to use as a base, but tweak things where it makes sense to do so.