five classic fantasy monsters -- released!


Good afternoon, folks.

I'm pleased to announce we've released our first RuneQuest product under our "plain wrap" supplements for RuneQuest banner: five classic fantasy monsters. In this PDF authored by our own Matt Thomason, you'll find full RuneQuest stats and write-ups for five of fantasy's most common monsters: goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, ogres, and orcs. We've also included two bonus monsters -- dire weasels and worgs -- to serve as mounts for kobold and goblin cavalry units.

Presented in a very "no frills" format, our "plain wrap" supplements are easy on the wallet. five classic fantasy monsters can be yours for only $2.85 via electronic PDF delivery on the RPGNow Edge. And short of "Seraphim Guard", "five classic fantasy monsters", and the RuneQuest logo, pretty much the entire supplement is open game content so you can integrate these universal monsters into your own games and supplements.

You can purchase this 13 page PDF directly from the RPGNow Edge ( or by vising the Seraphim Guard site via the link in my .sig and clicking through to the RPGNow Edge from there.

iamtim said:
atgxtg said:
Are you gonna write up Mongoose stats? :D

You know, I *nearly* renamed the dire weasel to dire mongoose. Ultimately, I decided against it.


I thought of that when I saw "dire weasel" but didn't go there in case someone took it the wrong way.
iamtim said:
Good afternoon, folks.

I'm pleased to announce we've released our first RuneQuest product under our "plain wrap" supplements for RuneQuest banner: five classic fantasy monsters. In this PDF authored by our own Matt Thomason, you'll find full RuneQuest stats and write-ups for five of fantasy's most common monsters: goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, ogres, and orcs. We've also included two bonus monsters -- dire weasels and worgs -- to serve as mounts for kobold and goblin cavalry units.

Presented in a very "no frills" format, our "plain wrap" supplements are easy on the wallet. five classic fantasy monsters can be yours for only $2.85 via electronic PDF delivery on the RPGNow Edge. And short of "Seraphim Guard", "five classic fantasy monsters", and the RuneQuest logo, pretty much the entire supplement is open game content so you can integrate these universal monsters into your own games and supplements.

You can purchase this 13 page PDF directly from the RPGNow Edge ( or by vising the Seraphim Guard site via the link in my .sig and clicking through to the RPGNow Edge from there.


Purchased. :)

We got our first comment on the RPGNow Edge for five classic fantasy monsters! Here's the highlight I liked the best:

The quality of the writing is high and the content is solid. I think that this is a supplement that will find a lot of utility at the gaming table.

I'm just pleased as punch and had to share it with someone.

Observe as I eat some crow here. :-)

We've discovered an error in the worg entry; the hit locations table was accidentally copied from the dire weasel and remained unchanged, and we forgot to give the worg the Tracking skill and Dark Sight.

I'll be updating and re-posting the PDF tonight (California, USA time) and I'll make sure that everyone who has purchased it gets to download the updated PDF.

Many thanks to those who noted the problems and reported them to me.
ogrebear said:
These are great work.

I'm glad you like it!

We just released "the backstab gang" (five ready-to-run NPCs) and we're working on "elemental options" (four new cults with four new spells per cult and four new monsters, all centered around the elements of fire, air, earth, and water) and "five unique fantasy monsters" (the first product from our in-house fantasy world of Domibia, featuring five of Domibia's most notorious monsters to confound your PCs).
