First Battle with Romulans


Here is a couple of pictures of my first battle with the Romulans

Deadly exacto knife strikes first leaving my War Eagle crippled.

Super Glue reinforcements to the rescue.

The War Eagle was able to retreat and thanks to the reinforcements is fully repaired and will live to fight another day.

Lessons learned from this battle are be careful with the exacto and be thankful the War Eagle got the damage instead of my finger. :)
I'll tell you, I now use an emery board more than I use the knife. The knife is good for some areas, not so good in others.

I need to look around for some smaller diameter or specialty shaped emery boards; they'd be better in some tight areas.
Oddly enough, I've seen that style of glue bottle kitbashed into a very convincing spaceship hull. Lot cheaper than that Rom ship, too. :)
I have files but I hate working on and painting minis so I use the knife because its faster. Thats why I always keep extra amounts of super glue available.
I tried some metal files I had on hand, but they don't leave a smooth enough surface...too much scarring. The emery boards (finer side) do a nicer job with less scarring.
I've been using a set of small hobby files and they are working quite well. So far I've just received the Fed squadron box but I am pleased with the detail of the 2500 series as being substantially better than the earlier 2400. The amount of flash is not a problem, the models I've trimmed do not have any pitting/pin holes that can plague resin and I've not seen any serious drooping or bent pieces. The mold lines running through some of the detail is irritating but overall, these are a real step forward and I'm quite looking forward to painting the whole range.