Fininally finished painting some Cap Troopers (inc Pictures)


Yes, it's been a long time, probably more than a year since I bought the boxed set, but I finally finished the first 8 MI. Unfortunately it isn't even a squad's worth, since I painted all the Morita armed troopers together, and will paint everything else in the next batch. I haven't added the bugs to my gallery yet, but they're all finished.

Haha, forgot to add the link. I'm sure everyone who read this thread said to themselves: "Mhmm, that's nice for you, I'm sure. NEXT!"


Oh, and I'd love feedback on the colour scheme, I'm not 100% with it.
Haven't decided, most likely liquitex resin sand texture gel painted brown with flock added. I don't have terrain, being in a small apartment, so brown/green works with most layouts.
Nice eyes...
...but I'm not 100% sure with this grey. I think it should be darker and then highlighted.
And the basing, well I think the sand should be painted in blak then drybush it with grey and it should be OK!

I remember when I lived in a small flat and shared room with sis.
I can't imagine how it would be passible to collect minis in such circumstances.
The green is a little too bright, maybe russian green would work better with that khaki?
Your painting style looks very similar to mine. :D
They do look very good, certainly way beyond my abilities. I like the grey and I like the green alot, but I am not sure they they go well together. Maybe a slightly darker shade.
These look great. It's always good to see non-standard MI, and these are excellent.

There's some brown/desert MI floating around, and someone did Mars/red MI, and supposedly I'll shave some Space Wolf Greay MI done sometime between now and the new millenium... o_O

very nice indeed.

as far as being happy think if i was to be critical, id say the light grey colour on the armoured parts need more contrast in its shading, but not much more.

that said there bleddy ace mate and could certainly pull a best painted army award at a tourny