Field Catalogue - Shotgun Discrepancies


Banded Mongoose
Trying to work up a heavy combat shotgun and I'm running into some apparent discrepancies.

P. 39 Smoothbore weapons are all listed as Inaccurate 2, but on the example sheets on both p. 70 and p. 81 they are listed as Inaccurate 1. Which is correct?
P. 39 Smoothbore weapons are all listed with Physical (High) signatures, but p. 70 lists it starting and finishing as Physical (Normal) and p. 81 starts at High but ends with Normal with no apparent way that it was reduced on the worksheet.
P. 39 Smoothbore weapons are all listed with Penetration -1, but the finalized design on p. 81 doesn't show this under the ball ammo row.

Thanks for helping clear this up.