Fan Material


I had a rather good idea (look, it doesn't happen very often!;)) the other day. The amount of fan material shown on these boards is fantastic. Vincent, Raven, and hundreds more have added huge amounts to the game. But these stats/rules can be rather hard to find unless you know where you're looking.

Then I came to a rather interesting conclusion. What if Mongoose had a section on thier website where people could send their fan material, so it's all in one place. Black Industries, makers of WFRP do a similer thing, and I find it invaluble.

Red Sonja, Ice Worms, Cthulhu Mythos monsters...all could be found on one website, which is far easier than searching for each.

What do you think?
I can't imagine the guys at Mongoose haven't considered this - as Malhavoc has been doing it for awhile. Maybe they just don't think it would be worthwhile?

Either way, you should definitely suggest it to the big guys and see what they say.
I think it's a great idea; would be especially helpful to those GMs that are not familiar with REH's work, or GMs that are new to RPGs.
But considering I've seen Ian here twice in two years I don't even think Mongoose is aware they have fan material on the board- or care if they do.

I will note that I collect what posted material I like for my own use and to be posted on my mailing list to others though it is not in any HTML viewable form as I don't know the language myself.
Well i think it´s a good idea...

We could present things that we think that are needed...

Well we allready have this in the forum... but an compendium of this would be good...

I think that Signs and portends works great... but this would be sort of an non-official S&S right?

If they had a vote system we could say which ideas we liked the most... (don´t know if this forum can do that...)

We do not represent all the consumers market, but we represent part of the market...

So i think that it would be a both sides win...

(One example, I am totally agains´t the 2handed sword has the ultimate fighting tecnique... i always see my friend with a greatsword greatercleaving all the baddies... and no one else gets to kill a baddie.

If any one found a way to solve this problem?

PS: I feel the need for "Sword and board" focussed Official Feats, like using CE with (-10 ) penalty... a "trip with shield, attack with sword" combo... stuff like that...)

Let´s hope they like the ideia of a FAN MATERIAL board
Lucius said:
I had a rather good idea (look, it doesn't happen very often!;)) the other day. The amount of fan material shown on these boards is fantastic. Vincent, Raven, and hundreds more have added huge amounts to the game. But these stats/rules can be rather hard to find unless you know where you're looking.

Then I came to a rather interesting conclusion. What if Mongoose had a section on thier website where people could send their fan material, so it's all in one place. Black Industries, makers of WFRP do a similer thing, and I find it invaluble.

Red Sonja, Ice Worms, Cthulhu Mythos monsters...all could be found on one website, which is far easier than searching for each.

What do you think?

It is a great idea. One solution would be to expand the forum. Not sure who could do this but go out to the It is a forum for players and DM's for a setting called Midnight by Fantasy Flight games. The forum section is divided into different sections:

General Discsussion
DM's Corner (Players stay out!)
Story Hour
Play by Post
Forum specific issues - Like this one
Off topic - (perfect for Buxom Sorceress :P )
Content submission

I believe content submission would be what you are referring to. It really is a great site and navigation and research is much faster. Hope someone takes notice.

I am very familiar with that site; I used it when I ran my Midnight campaign. But alas, I've fallen in love with Conan RPG now. It would be nice to have a site like that for us.