Excel Ship Designer v2025.03.06b


Emperor Mongoose
I am testing out a Ship Designer in MS Excel for personal, non-commercial use.
If anyone wants to point out errors - politely - feel free to take a look.

New version is here. July 2021 - July 8 update: Numerous changes up to the Sensors tab. Will be working on the Weapons tab next.
July 26: New Weapons Tab - .1 fixed Record sheet issue; .2 Fixed an issue with HP02 and HP03 Cost calculations
July 28: Bug fixes
July 29: Updated Screens Tab, bug fix
October 8: requested changes to how the crew calculates broke the monthly salary calculation when added a column. That's fixed.
November 18: Fixed an error that caused you to pay for a grav screen whether you bought one or not.
November 25: Fixed an issue with the calculations for cargo cranes and loading ramps.
December 17: Found an issue with single laser turrets and the SSD page.
January 4 2022: Updated Stealth Jump to conform with Highguard Errata. Now uses one Mod slot.
January 8: Corrected an issue with Sensors on the SSD.
January 21: A typo in a drop down list affected mixed weapon turrets
March 14: Fixed maintenance on Ship's Info tab and the Record Sheet. Fix for compatibility on Weapons tab power formula
March 15 - Fix for the fix on Fix for compatibility on Weapons tab power formula
August 6 - Implemented many of the changes from High Guard Update 2022... still a few missing, such as Hop and Skip drives.
August 7 - Fixed new function of Intellect software. Added Battle Network. Corrected drop downs on mixed turrets. Corrected Sick bay for new 3 patient limit. External link removed
August 12 - The new stats for Ion Cannon Barbettes from today's update to HG2/U2022 has been included/ M-Drive TL's match update
August 14 - Pressure Hulls (thanks Spartan159), Common Area Options. A few other fixes, like stealth jump. Concealed Drives replaces stealth for M-Drives. Armor now calculates correctly with sphere and streamlined hull configurations.
August 18 - Implemented Gauss and Laser PBDs. Added Battle Loadout in parentheses for power on the Record Sheet. Hopefully will help when determining if/when you need to shut off systems due to damage. Fixed Mod calculations for drives/power plants so that costs for increased or decreased drive/plant volume is not calculated, only the cost of the mod, per HG examples.
August 20
- Corrected small craft barbettes for the new 3 firm point usage.
August 21 - Form tools removed, since they do not work on free versions of Excel.
August 25 - Fixed PDBs not displaying correctly on SDDs. Fixed Power sometimes not calculating correctly on Record Sheet after adding Battle Load.
August 26 - Big bridges should now work properly. SSD Critical Chart uses Core 2022 chart now. Made the Critical Chart more legible.
September 6 - Added TL 16 Computers and sensor options from Behind the Claw.
September 7 - Fixed issue with the first three hardpoints and power mods.
September 25
- Added Stations, Modules and research facilities.
September 27 - Small Craft barbettes no longer cost three times the listed value.
September 30 - Small modules can hold big weapons without throwing errors.
October 20 - Non-Excel compatibility issue fixed with Grapples and Forced Interlink Apparatus.
October 27 - Mineral detection suites now take up space, as intended.
February 25 - Fixed issues with cargo section. Automated reduced crew requirements on large ships.
March 3 - Fixed Agriculture factories for stations (and big portable industrial ships).
March 14/15 - Implemented Traveller Companion Ship Automation and limited data mining to the ship's main computer level. J7-9 control programs added.
March 18 - Implemented Advanced Repulsor Bays (HG2022-pg34)
July 21 - Cannonades and the GP Mass Driver from the Companion Update 2024 are implemented.
July 29 - Command bridges add 40 tons; Point Defense Batteries do not automatically add gunners to crew requirements.
August 4 - Fixed an issue where small craft firmpoint barbettes use three times as much energy as they should.
August 11 - Corrected tables in the weapons tab returning out of range TL.
August 12 - Fixed an error that crept into some crew calculations.
August 13 - Corrected prices on weapon bays, changed the Aux bridge calculation and clarified the Add Command Bridge fields. Modular hulls now cost less per dTon as intended. All hull option costs are added on Record Sheet.
August 29 - Virtual Gunner in computer tab now subtracts from required gunners in the Crew Tab. Virtual Crew remains manual via the Custom Crew setting.
September 07 - Reminder for Virtual Crew added to crew page. Correction to Officer calculation.
December 12 - Fixed a circular reference in commercial crew calculations. Implemented Fuel/Cargo Containers.
April 10 - Solar Panels are now supported. Small weapon mounts should comply with HG22.
August 6 - SSD now correctly reports the DM for superior sensors from Behind the Claw.
September 30 - Implemented Hop and Skip Drives. Core computers reduce jump software to 0 Cr. Split out munitions types in Cargo Tab. Fixed issues resulting from those changes.
October 5 - Implemented Deep Space Manoeuvering Systems
October 13 - Revised Military Gunnery crew calculations
October 21- Multiple Accumulators allowed. When using adjusted tonnage for drives, the jump section of fuel now uses that same number for its calculations.
October 25- Added Total Fuel Capacity reminder to the Fuel Purification area; New Capital Ship SSD, located after Cargo Tab; Laser Bays and Burst lasers implemented, laser barbettes conform to Traders and Gunboats
-a: Hotfix to fix sandcasters being out of range in mixed turrets
-b: Sensop crew/station calculations
October 28- Fixed a problem with Core110 computers.
Added table listing ratings at given tonnage based on current engines
a- Fixed bug with DSMS on Record Sheet
b- Sensor stations set at 1/7500 instead of crew size. Warning for unofficial builds.
November 11- Computer Brains
Fuel/Cargo Containers can use the main tanks and can have cargo cranes and loading belts. Due to the ability to use main tanks, it will be in the Fuel tab and the Summary's Fuel Section.
Craft are now supported. Because of clamps, I can't do an automatic comparison of craft vs docking capacity. You are on your own there.
I think I finally fixed the add-on Command Bridge... even though I could swear I had that one done a while ago
Thanks to Terry Mixon for the fabricator/deconstructor section on the 9b-Optional Tab
Cargo bays can now be separately armored, as can magazine storage.
The Summary replaces most of the Record Sheet.
November 15- Solomani equipment from Rim Expeditions added
November 18- Fixed the issue with large vehicle bays having the same entry in both slots, thus not having an Hazardous rated version.
Aux Cons can be designated as SCC's.
Designating an an Aux Con as a SCC in a module now deactivates error notification.
Thanks again to Terry Mixon, for adding more craft to the list.
-a: Expanded utility of Miscellaneous crew and allowed for better definition of certain General Crew members with toggles to subtract Misc categories from General Crew so they don't overlap.
November 19- Fixed the Solomani Research Scoop. No longer standard on all ships. (Oops)
Fiddled with crew some. Extra crew can be added, that won't go away with ship size or automation.
Added ship expenses to the Summary and Ship Info page
Added Low Emissions to M-Drive mods
You can select between normal and concealed Docking Spaces and Hangar Bays
-a Fixed error in Summary Total
November 20- Implemented Pods. Use Module on Ship's Info, but say YES for fully spaceworthy pod. That will let you get away with no bridge, get the cost reduction for no gravity and put a power plant inside. It CAN have SCC's.
Modules no longer make you put a scanner in, so you can go to zero without hitting an error
The Record Sheet Tab is gone. The Summary Tab replaces it.
Non-gravitic hulls now properly reduce power requirements.
-a Fixed software remaining when computer removed.
November 22- Summary now includes the Narrative from Ship's Info Tab.
Supply Units now reported, and an internal hold is available to reserve that tonnage in. While ANY cargo hold counts towards the daily supply points, for now only the dedicated hold calculates how many days of supplies are available.
337 vehicles/craft/riders now available. Thanks Terry.
-a Improved the calculation for supply units
Terry suggested calculating supplies based on extended missions, so either 100 days or the weeks your power plant's fuel is designed to last.
In each case, the number of minimum days is reported in the Cargo tab and the number of days you have is displayed in the summary.
November 26- Changed the way Long Range mod reports. Previously it was Rng +1 to avoid tripping over missiles.
Now it bump the weapon's reported range by one step.
Terry supplied more craft! Over 380 supported so far.
December 8 - Modified systems so early prototype jump engines can have software.
Added another batch of vehicles from Terry Mixon
Implemented Short Duration Maneuver Drives
Implemented Gel Heat Management Systems
-a Railgun Barbettes show up again
Small Craft Fuel rule implemented
December 13 - Glorious Empire Slave Quarters added.
Companion 2024 Weapons, except for spinal mounts, implemented.
Over 480 standard carried vehicles and spacecraft available. Thanks, once again Terry.
Gravity Shields from the Companion are also implemented.
No Bridge Drone Ships
December 17 - Fixed the Summary, so small craft do not tell you that the free airlock(s) is/are not actually there.
You can toggle interplanetary seating to be counted for anyone, not just those listed as passengers.
Requested feature to also do page counts for tonnage and power have been implemented... placed where space was available, but highlighted and connected to make them easy to spot.
-b hotfix to make all accommodations count for small craft when toggled
December 25- Added Disintegrator spinal mounts from Companion
Changed damage on spinals to xK instead of x1000 so it will fit better in the space in the SSD's
-a Screens has a custom space so you can define a different type of screen. When filled out, it will appear in the Globe Generator's drop down
-b Fixed bug where burst lasers on small craft had no range.
-c Bays were not displaying all selections
Custom Hardpoint was not selectable
Longer range small craft weapons no longer benefit from the long range mod. A warning will color the mod field yellow to alert you that the mod might not work.
-d Hotfix
December 29- Updated Jump/Hop/Skip in the summary to make range clearer.
Added a toggle on the ship info tab to turn on/off mortgage payments
Implemented suggestions from Prodromoi:
Power plant mod changed to Increased Power, counts as two mods
Cylinder hull spelling corrected
Hull points and amount of radiation shielded show on Summary
Added Notes for airlocks, which appear on summary
2025: Jan 01 - Updated the way Multi-Environmental Spaces report
Fixed more spelling errors
The summary for training was off by one field. Fixed
Added user-defined descriptors for labs, studios and training facilities.
-a hotfix for tonnage calculation on Staterooms tab
-b hotfix for powerplant small mod
Jan 06 - Fixed a fault in the Power Distribution calculations
Added a toggle on the Screens tab to let you determine whether Grav Screens are crewed or not.
Implemented Sword Worlder Integrated Munitions System to Spinal Mounts. When installed, each missile magically becomes the size of a sand cannister.
Eliminated conditional formatting that didn't like armour being greater than hull points.
Pods are now their own type.
Ship and Station now both use their size for crew reduction
Jan 10 - Modules and Pods use the size of the mother ship for their crew reduction
You can now use that toggle for Grav Screens.
Ranges show up on the SSD's again.
35 ton craft show the correct number of firmpoints. Thanks Terry.
Fixed Virtual Gunner
Jan 11 - Small Weapons fix
Jan 17 - Replaced Installed/Not Installed with a notes field for docking bays, hangars and Launch Recovery. This allows you to name the group and eliminates the annoying additional step for these components.
Mod Names are closer to the book value, and weapons mods that are not allowed for a weapon type are removed for that type. (If you wish to implement those mods, they can be created in the custom weapon slots)
Added some alien components for which I either have the rules or was able to deduce stats from official designs.
-a Hotfix to correct summary display of clamps
-b Hotfix. Turrets #2 and #3 were not displaying cost correctly after reworking Mods
-c Hotfix. Turret 3 going exponential on power. Feature request to calculate stewards based on staterooms
Jan 19 - The steward calculation has been changed again. Wholly based on passenger accommodations.
Crew and passenger accommodations have been split. This will allow a (not particularly near) future update to include and evaluate moral/quality for serving crews/passenger contentment and recommendations.
Fixed a problem with Backup FTL mods and excess load calculation
Jan 20 - Installing an Adjustable Hull negates the extra cost of pop-up turrets.
Jan 22 - Terry Mixon submitted a change to get the Summary Page to display numbers in the text fields to show comma separations for large numbers.
Terry also suggested adding a TOTAL CREW line to the summary.
Jan 26 - Optional Section Shading on the Summary Tab
Cost of First-in-Class listed below cost on Ship's Info Tab
Construction Time Calculator added to Ship's Info Tab
Feb 02 - Fixed User defined weapons and hardpoint
Class - Role displays on the Summary
The Summary now indicates if a Computer is the Backup
Weapons in multi-use turrets are now separated by commas in the Summary listing
-a Hotfix for user defined hardpoints
Feb 7 - Scientific Operations Suites count as laboratories for purposes of Fabricators.
Feb 8 - Planetoid Hulls more compliant with HG'22
Fixed a power calculation for Hardpoint 1 when Mixed Use is active.
Feb 21 - Borderland vehicles and small craft included for carried craft - Thanks Terry!
More conversions away from H/V Lookup.

Current Version: v2025.03.06

Mar 6 - Adjusted more displays to show decimal fractions
WIP on one box for standard HG'22 Hull Configurations and another for a secondary description.

Edit: Thanks to Another Dilbert, MingtheMirthless and DigrizJB for identifying bugs. Thanks to Terry Mixon for the formatting update and sensor correction, fabricators and help on craft tables


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Let's see if I can find something...
Note: I'm using an older version of Excel, that might cause problems.


Cell F4: All costs not included, range truncated.

Cells E15-H15: No formulas?


Note modular 100% of hull, inappropriate.

Don't default to "No armour", default to the default armour for the TL, e.g. crystairon at TL-12.
Don't present inappropriate armour types for the TL, e.g. Bonded Superdense at TL-12.
Present the armour types in a functional order, e.g. TL order, not alphabetically.
Don't use the selected armour value in the calculations in cell F8. Use a validated value instead e.g. MIN( D8, Y8 ).
Note that the validation for cell D8 refers to cell Y8, but cell Y8 is not shown. That does not help much.

You try to rely on static input validation that becomes obsolete when something changes, e.g. Armour value (set while using a different armour type) and modular tonnage (set while using a different size of ship).

That way the designer can't easily see the difference e.g. between a TL-12 ship and a TL-13 ship. You can't flip back and forth between TLs to see the difference, you just get errors.

It's probably better to separate what the user wants and what he gets into separate cells. E.g. cell D8 is the desired armour, calculate what is possible in a separate cell and give him that instead.

Separate data tables on a separate tab, that way you can insert rows when needed. Now you will find it very difficult to change the spreadsheet with new functionality requiring new rows.

LOOKUP statements with relative references to the data table are dangerous, copy-paste will destroy the formula.

Locking the spreadsheet with a password is annoying... I can't see what is going on, modify anything, add rows in case I want more components, or even hide rows not applicable to the current design. People have house rules...
Tab "2-Drives"

Note: Separate Hull Size and Drive Capacity. Drives may need to be dimensioned for a larger size than Hull Size, e.g. if drop tanks, docking clamps, or external cargo is carried. See the Gazelle.

Tech advantage Light Weight is Reduced Size? Ships and drives are not measured in mass tons, but in displacement tons (a volume, size).
Cost of a drive is based on effective size, not base size. See Fleet Courier.
The M-drive should be 1.5 Dton × 70% = 1.05 Dton (correct) and cost 1.05 Dton × 2 × 150% = 3.15 MCr (incorrect).

The jump drive should not be allowed, and if allowed incorrectly calculated. It should be 12.5 Dton.

Incorrect drives propagate to the "Record Sheet" tab without comment:

You can use several different Tech advantages, e.g. 1×Reduced Size and 1×Fuel Efficient. Not supported by the spreadsheet. Yes, it makes the spreadsheet very complicated, but I have needed it sometimes.

Tech advantages should only be applied if appropriate for the TL? Otherwise the drives become incorrect if you decide to change the TL later on.

How do I add an M-drive AND a Reaction drive? They add up.

How do I add two M-drives, e.g. an M-drive-3 and an M-Drive-1 backup?

High Burn Thrusters are Reaction drives and use the same tech advantages.

High Burn Thrust not validated.

Note that all components can be protected by armoured bulkheads, not just drives. Fuel might be a prime candidate.

Note that all components using power can be protected by EMP Hardened, not just drives. 75% of all components required to be Hardened in Fleet Scale, not counted.

While the minimum jump drive is 10 Dt, it's hardly necessary for rating "0"? Especially for a 50 Dt hull?
Tab "3-Pwr Plant"


Cost should be calculated on effective size, not base size, see last post.

Tech advantages only includes Budget and advanced drives, not prototype drives.

Power calculation inaccurate. The jump drive only needs power the turn it is used to jump, not always.

Collector inaccurate, should be 50 Dt × 6% + 5 Dt = 8 Dt.

The Collector should not have anything to do with Power, it only replaces the jump fuel. Despite the Power of the Collector, it's not included in the Power calculation?
Tab "4-Fuel"

1 Dt minimum fuel only needed if you have a power plant. E.g. a battery operated ship does not need it.

Default should probably be 4 weeks power plant fuel, not 8 weeks?

High Burn Thrusters don't need any fuel by default?

Jump Drives should get some fuel by default?


Reaction fuel is incorrect? One "thrust-hour" (one thrust for one hour?) should be 2.5% of the hull or 50 Dt × 2.5% = 1.25 Dt, not 3.75 Dt? Full thrust (22) for one hour should be 50 Dt × 22 × 2.5% = 27.5 Dt? The calculation includes the M-drive number and minus the Hull size (parenthesis missing?)? The High Burn Thruster is not referenced.

Fuel Scoops should be automatic and free for streamlined hulls, so should cost nothing.

Fuel Scoops noted as incorrect in red for some reason?

Collapsible tanks should take up 1% of rated capacity of space, i.e. a 100 Dt tank should take an extra 1 Dt, I believe. See The Great Rift, Book 2: Reft, p52.

Cargo/fuel containers not included. See The Great Rift, Book 4, p21. Quite nifty!

Note that drop tanks are mounted externally, so adds volume to the ship, so affects drive performance, when carried. They may be carried through jump, so may be needed to be added to hull size when calculating drives and fuel.

Jump fuel can be carried in Demountable or Drop tanks, so they should probably be related to the jump fuel calculation?
Tab "5-Bridge"

Cost of bridge is MCr 0.5 per (100 Dt, rounded up) so should be MCr 0.5 for a 50 Dt craft.

You may want several bridges, see Sub-Command Centres, Element Class Cruiser, p74.

See also Starship Automation, The Traveller Companion, p162.
Tab "6-Comp"

You may want several computers, in case of breakaway hulls.

Software selection not validated against TL. Note that TL-14 software can't be run on a TL-12 computer, see Core, p104.
Tab "7-Sensors"

You may want to have several sensors, each with its own array.

You can probably only have one array per sensor.

Sensor components not validated against TL.

Distributed array not validated against hull size.

Sensor actions limited by number of Sensor Operators (crew), not sensor stations. By default Sensor Operators can work on the Bridge. Only sensor operators that don't fit on the bridge needs Sensor Stations. It's undefined exactly how many people fit on a bridge, so it's a bit of a judgement call how many sensor stations you need. You can also use a (or several?) Sub-Command Centre (extra small bridge) for sensor operations, alleviating the need for extra sensor stations.

Enhanced and Improved Signal Processing don't stack. You probably want either or. Same for Mail distribution, Life Scanner, and Countermeasure Suites. How about a menu with all of the choices for the given type, e.g. "None", "Distributed Array", "Extended Array", "Rapid Deployment Array" as choices for array? Perhaps modified by Hull size and TL?

You may want several components of the same type, e.g. Countermeasure Suites, in case of damage.

Total sensor/EW DM not calculated. Needed to give the designer an idea of the performance he has just specified?
Tab "8a-Weapons"

A Firmpoint is an alternative to a Hardpoint, but for small craft; Ships have Hardpoints, small craft have Firmpoints.
A Fixed Mount is an alternative to a Turret, usable by any ship or small craft.
Any small craft can use a Fixed Mount or a Single Turret on each Firmpoint.
Any ship can use a Fixed Mount or any turret on each Hardpoint.
Firmpoints should not be confused with Fixed Mounts.

Ships should not have Firmpoints available as possible mounts.

Small craft should not have Hardpoints (and hence double and triple turrets etc.) available as mounts. (Barbettes can be mounted on two Firmpoints.)

Note that weapons on Firmpoints (=small craft) have lower Power consumption (and range).

Components from the High Tech chapter (quad turrets, plasma-pulse, meson bays, etc) are not normally available in the OTU, and should probably be noted as optional, only available with Referee approval.

You may, optionally, use several spinal mounts.

It would be much simpler if you could first select a mount, then a suitable weapon for that mount, like in mixed turrets. First selecting a weapon including the mount, and then the mount again in column C, is just a PITA. It could easily be automated?

The "Armoured Bulkhead?" title cell shows red when too many hardpoints are used.
Tab "9a-Optional"

Why "Installed" and a quantity? Just a quantity would much simpler and faster?

A number of airlocks are included free, at not cost or space (Sidebar, p22). Additional airlocks takes space and cost. Default the minimum size of 2 Dt?

Tab "9b-Optional"

Type of Capsule need not be determined at design or build-time, it's more like ammunition.

Onboard facilities are closely related to crew spaces and should be grouped with staterooms and common areas?
Tab "10-Crew"

Small commercial ships don't need a separate person as Captain, the highest ranking crew member fill that role. So should be 0 for commercial ships.

Small craft have separate crew requirements.

Some crew categories should probably be rounded down, e.g. Maintenance and Admin, see Free Trader.

Sensor Operators should probably be added as a crew category, as they are needed at least on military ships.

Officers should be rounded down; "...per full 10...".

Gunners should be 1 per turret or barbette for civilian and 2 per turret or barbette for military.
Tab "11-Staterooms"

Not "birth", but "berth".

Brigs and Stables have life support costs.


You really are determined to make my like as difficult as possible by not defaulting crew or accommodations... If I change the size, TL, or drive number of the ship, the crew numbers will be inaccurate and tabs 10 and 11 will have to be revisited and rebalanced. Every time I add a turret or small craft...
Thanks for being thorough and trying to break it. That's what I needed to root out more bugs.
One note, greyed out fields, like the Jump drive on a 50 ton vessel are not meant to be used.
It isn't hard coded out because people can use a hyperdrive for a non-standard Traveller game.
Also, on several posts you show cells with red fill. Those indicate errors. Like the TL is too high.
I'll take a look at the other areas you mentioned.
Note modular 100% of hull, inappropriate.

Hull modularity is coded into Data validation. It disallows values outside of 0 - .75 hull. Your older version may be an issue there.

Default should probably be 4 weeks power plant fuel, not 8 weeks?

If you change it to 4 and save your master, the default is 4 weeks.
Arkathan said:
Note modular 100% of hull, inappropriate.

Hull modularity is coded into Data validation. It disallows values outside of 0 - .75 hull. Your older version may be an issue there.
I don't think it's a version problem; I set Hull size to 100 and modular to 50, which is quite OK. Then I changed Hull size to 50 and left modular unchanged at 50. As long as I don't change it, the input field for modular will not be validated and the spreadsheet will be perfectly OK with 100% of the Hull as modular.

Arkathan said:
Default should probably be 4 weeks power plant fuel, not 8 weeks?

If you change it to 4 and save your master, the default is 4 weeks.
OK, that will work.
Arkathan said:
Thanks for being thorough and trying to break it. That's what I needed to root out more bugs.
Thank you for understanding, I was afraid I sounded too harsh.

Arkathan said:
One note, greyed out fields, like the Jump drive on a 50 ton vessel are not meant to be used.
It isn't hard coded out because people can use a hyperdrive for a non-standard Traveller game.
OK, that is probably good. A red validation flag wouldn't hurt?

Arkathan said:
Also, on several posts you show cells with red fill. Those indicate errors. Like the TL is too high.
Yes, I was deliberately trying to break stuff.

E.g. for armour I bypassed the input field validation by changing the armour type after I set the armour value. My point was that the desired value should be validated dynamically, e.g. in another cell, not statically in the input field. I.e. treat the user input as desires to be vetted and changed to what it possible, so use a separate cell to calculate a possible armour value, something like = MAX( 0; MIN( N(D8); Y16 ) ), perhaps even with a IFERROR( ... ; 0 ) around it. That way the user doesn't have to keep track of what are currently possible armour values, he can just input, say, 99 to get as much as possible, regardless if e.g. TL or armour type is changed later.
AnotherDilbert said:
E.g. for armour I bypassed the input field validation by changing the armour type after I set the armour value. My point was that the desired value should be validated dynamically, e.g. in another cell, not statically in the input field. I.e. treat the user input as desires to be vetted and changed to what it possible, so use a separate cell to calculate a possible armour value, something like = MAX( 0; MIN( N(D8); Y16 ) ), perhaps even with a IFERROR( ... ; 0 ) around it. That way the user doesn't have to keep track of what are currently possible armour values, he can just input, say, 99 to get as much as possible, regardless if e.g. TL or armour type is changed later.

Thanks for that explanation.