Excel Ship Designer v2025.02.08

I have the stuff in the second one, but I think most of it is implemented.
For the Sectors, I have Behind the Claw, WBH, 3I, and Rim Expeditions.

PMs are less conspicuous.
I was curious if the Glorious Empire 'Slave Quarters' would make it in; but they are not in a sector book. 'Glorious Empire' (MGP 40049) p 143.
Each slave quarters block consumes 0.5 tons and costs Cr25000. In addition, life support costs Cr250 per slave per month.
They also use Ion warhead missiles & torpedoes, but the 'Slave Quarters' are the bit I find most interesting -- perfect place for crew-droids.
If the missiles & torpedoes are of standard size, they just count as Ammo, so note with the GM or in the Description, or Capitol SSD Notes, which loadouts you have in Special Munitions. it will probably be a long time before I can get motivated to have a drop-down of every type of missile... and even then, I'd miss some.

Will look at the other tomorrow, although for crew-droids, unless they are the Craniated, they shouldn't need life support. A half ton charging station should be enough.
I didn't bother with quoting the Ion Warhead stuff, because it is already present in High Guard -- but thank you. Yes, that is what I am talking about.

I have a very silly concept for Crew-Intensive / Low-Automation ships -- but instead of more living crew, the ship just substitutes crew-droids on a one-for-one basis. So there are (for example) three 'Pilot' robots, and they each stand a single watch on the Bridge. They all run Digital Friend-equivalent Intellect interfaces, and have Profession (Spacehand)/0 in addition to a program for their actual function; and a few probably fill other skill/0 slots with stuff like Gambling/0 or Carouse/0 to fill their off-duty time. Of course, they are not 'people; even though they act like people -- and 'Slave Quarters' is a huge step up in respect from 'just stack them in a corner'. When a crisis happens, it is the living 'Head of Department' that handles things -- but the rest of the time, the crew is Skill/2 or better, and does not get paid (or use life support) much.

And the Ships Troops are robots, too -- but wearing fully sealed Combat Vacc Suits, nobody can tell.

And maybe they pool their extra cycles to run 'Virtual Miner' software -- when they save up enough credits, they can buy themselves. Or contribute credits to a pool to buy out some other unliberated robot.
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I just noticed a potential problem with 'Biosphere':
Every ton dedicated to a biosphere eliminates life support costs for two passengers.

So each person packed into a 'slave quarters' block takes up exactly as much life support as a person in the luxury suite? That seems... strange.
I just noticed a potential problem with 'Biosphere':

So each person packed into a 'slave quarters' block takes up exactly as much life support as a person in the luxury suite? That seems... strange.
Yes, because a slave poops and breathes as much as someone in a luxury suite. The difference is vegetables and spices from the garden or algal paste from the recycler vats.
Easy way to handle a robotic crew:
-The robots do not need to be immediately available in an emergency: Cargo/interior storage spaces
-The robot needs to be able to respond on a moments notice: Docking bay, keyed to the robot's size. Opens to hallways instead on space.
-The robot needs maintenance on a regular basis, or you want a place to take robots for maintenance: Hangar Bays, sized for the robot or several robots. Opens to hallways instead on space.

Power sources in a ship are ubiquitous, and easy to hook up to your "crew."
New Version: 2024.12.13

Glorious Empire Slave Quarters added.
Companion 2024 Weapons, except for spinal mounts, implemented.
Over 480 standard carried vehicles and spacecraft available. Thanks, once again Terry.
Gravity Shields from the Companion are also implemented.
Edit: Also the No Bridge Drone Ships are included in this update

For those of you using older or cross platform sheets, I changed the way the Weapons tab works. After updating my version of Office, it tends to return tables rather than cells. I have had table references before, but if you run into problems, let me know ASAP, so I can manually change to cell references.
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Classic seems to default life support to two kilostarbux per person, per month.

Ours, defaults to stateroom, which is one kilostarbux per month; plus per person, which is a kilostarbux per moth.

Life support is hardlinked to accommodations.

Default stateroom defaults to four fifths of a power point, per four tonnes.

Great for cents, not sense.
New Version: 2024.12.13

Glorious Empire Slave Quarters added.
Companion 2024 Weapons, except for spinal mounts, implemented.
Over 480 standard carried vehicles and spacecraft available. Thanks, once again Terry.
Gravity Shields from the Companion are also implemented.
Edit: Also the No Bridge Drone Ships are included in this update

For those of you using older or cross platform sheets, I changed the way the Weapons tab works. After updating my version of Office, it tends to return tables rather than cells. I have had table references before, but if you run into problems, let me know ASAP, so I can manually change to cell references.
You're welcome. Totally worth the time and effort, but I'm glad to be caught up. Hope I didn't miss any. ;)
It does, and each page's and tonnage power is already totaled. The grand totals are the sum of the pages, so that shouldn't be too hard.

Edit: Implemented and ready for next update.
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So weird questions but have the small crafts been checked and corrected or are they straight from the book? The reason I ask is like ships there are more than a few which have issues( tonnage doesn’t match, various other inconsistencies). I mean we all know about the ships ( I’m looking at you Gazelle) but tho fewer there are also a few small crafts.
I don’t know how to word this be here we go. In HighGuard the assumption was all jump ship would have their tonnage at even 100 ton mark. But in several books since then including but not limited to adventuring class ships you have ships at odd tonnage like the frontiersman which is a 150 dton scout. Here’s my observation/suggestion while you can only have 1 hard point per full 100dt wouldn’t it make sense that you could have firm points as appropriate tho not upgradable. For example the frontiersman gets 1 hard point for the 100dt but could also 2 firmpoints(none up gradable) since it has an extra 50? While I don’t know of any actual examples of this it kind of makes sense I think.
Performance is linear.

As regards armament, my take on it is:

1. You can exchange one hardpoint for three firmpoints

2. For the first five tonnes over per hundred, you can have one firmpoint

3. For the first thirty five tonnes over per hundred, you can have two firmpoints

4. For the seventy tonnes over per hundred, you can have three firmpoints
The weapons page started out good, but quickly got spaghettied into a convoluted mess, with additions, added mods, custom weapons.
The limits on hard points is hardwired into the way the page functions. The best I can do here is put in an override that tells the error message going to the Summary to shut up, although it is likely that I would re-implement the non-standard ship warming in the Summary like I had at one point on the Record Sheet for things like FTL on small craft.
Saw Terry's sheet in his Fastball thread, and said, "Oops."
So for small craft, the acceleration benches were meant for passengers. Fixed it to be more universal with a toggle.

NEW VERSION 2024.12.17

Fixed the Summary, so small craft do not tell you that the free airlock(s) is/are not actually there.
You can toggle interplanetary seating to be counted for anyone, not just those listed as passengers.
Requested feature to also do page counts for tonnage and power have been implemented... placed where space was available, but highlighted and connected to make them easy to spot.