Excel Ship Designer v2025.02.08

AnotherDilbert said:
Rounding error in volume?

Cargo of 5.75 Dton not accepted:

Only 5.7 Dton accepted.

Yet the total ship is 0.05 Dt undertonnage:

Yes. So far I haven't been able to track it down, but it generally affects less than one tenth of a ton, so I kicked the can a bit on it while getting other problems out.
Recreation of Fleet Courier:


M-drive: Cost should be calculated on current size, not base size.
Jump Drive: Size includes base 5 Dt + percentage of hull.


Power plant fuel is rounded up, so it takes 3 Dt for four weeks and 6 Dt for 8 weeks.
Recreate Ghalalk class pod cruiser from Element Class Cruiser:

It's a 50 000 Dt cruiser with four detachable 2 600 Dt pods, so the main hull is 39 600 Dton. The drives are calculated to drive 50 000 Dton.


1) Ability to calculate drives for 50 000 Dt in a 39 600 Dt hull lacking.

2) Tech advantage Decreased Fuel lacking, vital for this design. In general vital for Reaction drives. Since the spreadsheet is locked I can't adjust it manually.


3) Lack of support for multiple bridges, each with or without holographic controls.


4) Lack of support for multiple sensor systems.


5) Any type of stateroom can be used for crew, including High and Luxury.

Note: Thank you for grouping Common Areas with staterooms in the Record Sheet! That's much better than Mongoose standard.


6) Spinals can presumably use tech advantages from the "Primitive and Advanced" chapter as well as size reduction from the "Weapons" chapter, probably limited to three TLs combined.

7) You may want to apply armoured bulkheads to individual weapon systems, e.g. to the spinal, but not to other weapons.
Recreating complicated fighter:

35.5 Dt with M-drive 9 and an R-drive 16. Weapons and R-drive fuel in modules. Possible external drop tanks (for R-drive fuel). Tightly packed...


Armour cost incorrect: Armour cost is dependent on Hull cost. Modular hull increases hull cost. Armour cost should be calculated using hull cost including modular cost.


High Burn Thruster rating (D22) not validated, except by TL, but no TL for rating above 16. Incorrect.
Reaction drive rating (D11) limited to 16 by input field validation. Correct!
M-drive rating (D11) limited to 16 by input field validation. Incorrect, should be 11.

No tech advantages available for High Burn Thruster, Fuel Efficient is vital...


Just as with drives, power plant cost should be calculated based on current size, not base size.


"Thrust points" based on M-drive, not High Burn Thrusters, hence Reaction fuel incorrect?
No Fuel Efficient or Decreased Fuel tech advantages...


Backup computer "fib" cost based on main computer, not backup computer. Copy-paste error? Use absolute references to data tables.

Total bandwidth is not added together. Only one computer can be used at the same time, the other is just a hot standby. Total bandwidth should be 15.
No need to warn unless a single software bandwidth is larger than computer bandwidth, it is not expected that all software is running at all times.


No, "bis" capability on the secondary computer does not allow a m/15 computer to run Jump/4 software (bandwidth 20).


A 35 Dt small craft has two firmpoints, making it perfectly correct to mount a barbette.

A weapon mounted on firmpoints have lower Power consumption, should be 15 × 75% = 11.5.

Tab "4-Fuel"

Tab "12-Cargo"

Collapsible Fuel tank empty volume is 1%, not 10%.

Demountable fuel tank volume based on drop tank mounts.

A ship with 22 Dton demountable tanks, but no cargo hold volume should have a volume error. Demountable tank volume should be deducted somewhere.
New ship: Recreation of Leviathan (HG, p161):


Oops, no way of including spare drives...



Power plant fuel for four weeks rounded up, 16 weeks is four times the rounded value.
Four weeks is 11.1, rounded to 12 Dt. 16 weeks is 48 Dt.
Jump fuel is 540 Dt, total fuel load 588 Dt.



Ten weapon mounts takes ten hardpoints.
A Fixed Mount on a Hardpoint works just like a turret and can mount one, two, or three turret weapons. A Fixed Mount needs no dedicated gunner (just one gunner for all fixed mounts) and takes no tonnage.



Cargo crane 2.5 Dt + ( 0.5 Dt / 150 Dt cargo, rounded up ).
For a 188 Dt cargo hold it should be 3.5 Dt cargo crane.


Multi-environment space: Cost based on Equipment tonnage, not free space tonnage.


Docking Space rounded up to whole number, should be 5 Dt, 44 Dt, 44 Dt, and 105 Dt.
Note: Round up before multiplying by quantity.
New ship: Recreating Annic Nova (HG, p144):

A 600 Dt ship consisting of a 520 Dt main hull and two 40 Dt pinnaces hanging off Docking Clamps.


Can't base drives off 600 Dt, the tonnage including the externally mounted pinnaces. Note that you may very well want to base some drives off hull tonnage and some other drives off total tonnage (including external load). E.g. a warship carrying a few fighters in clamps may want a jump drive based on ship + fighters, but an M-drive based off Hull tonnage alone.

Ship has no M-drive, can't be specified in the spreadsheet.

Ship has two jump drives, can't be specified in the spreadsheet.


Collector should be JumpN × Hull × 1% + 5 Dt = 3 × 520 × 1% + 5 = 20.6 Dt.
Parenthesis misplaced in the formula? The extra 5 Dt should not be multiplied with anything.


Can only specify a single type of Docking Clamp, so can't effectively carry, say, a Ship's Boat in a Type I clamp and a Cutter in a Type II clamp.
Going to be a day or so. Reworking the Drive page and how the mods are handled so I can get in the ones (or most of the ones) that were (intentionally) omitted in the 1st version, also the Secondary Thrust and FTL drives. Several other of the fixes you pointed out are done, but can't post them because the Drive page is in flux.

Thanks again for your help.
AnotherDilbert said:
Recreation of Heavy Fighter:

Bridge w Armoured Bulkhead:

Record sheet missing bulkheads:
The record sheet says Bridge, Armored. On the SSD, the Bridge section of the Critical Table will show Computer: Crit Severity -1
Arkathan said:
AnotherDilbert said:
Recreation of Heavy Fighter:

Bridge w Armoured Bulkhead:

Record sheet missing bulkheads:

The record sheet says Bridge, Armored. On the SSD, the Bridge section of the Critical Table will show Computer: Crit Severity -1

The record sheet says 3.00 Dt, should be 3.30 Dt including the bulkheads?
Yep. The sum didn't go down far enough. Fixed.

New Version
Whats wrong with an armoured fighter hull?

The red error mark disappears if I select "Reinforced Hull".

But a "Standard Hull" or "Light Hull" is perfectly correct?

Tech level of armour component questionable: While Bonded is TL-14, Armour 15 is only possible at TL-15.

Planetoid Hull points wrong, should be 100 / 2.5 × 150% = 60 Hull.

Total armour too high. Total armour limited by TL, so added armour is limited to TL - planetoid armour.

HG said:
... and there is a maximum amount that can be attached to a hull – this includes any armour the ship had prior to modification.

Reaction Drive-16 is a TL-12 component, not valid at TL-11. It's not a TL-9 component.

Some parts of the M-drive remains when the M-drive removed.

M-drive reinstated:

Now the Reaction drive is TL-incorrect? Validation of the R-drive refers to the M-drive?

M-drive power requirement not based on size of M-drive, only Rating and drive capacity:


Power requirement should be 35.5 × 9 × 10% = 31.95 Power.
Jump Drive not validated for J-0. A J-0 drive has no size or cost.

Jump Drive-1 added, but noted as not legal. Good, I completely agree!
Something is wrong with advantages for High-Burn Thrusters:

Only the first advantage is actually used.

Cost based on base size, not total size. Should be same as R-drive above.


Not entirely removed when deselected, takes -1.136 Dt, like a Tardis.

Advantage "Cost Reduction" takes three slots regardless of level, should be one slot per level? (For all drives.)
Main M-drive:

Backup M-drive:

Cost based on base size, not total size.

Power based on M-drive size, should be based on ship size.

Modded negative tonnage remains when "No Back Up Drive" selected.

Size of saved tonnage for backup M-drive with advantage "Small" (Cell H44) based on main M-drive tonnage (cell H11), not Backup M-drive tonnage (cell H41).