Hi all
After being increasingly frustrated with the existing character generator programs and their lack of easy utility to Conan RPG, I set about building my own in MS Excel 2000. Spending more hours on this than I care to remember (or am willing to admit to) it is nearly finished.
I would like to make this labour of love available to all for free but need to know what procedures I need to go through so that I don't upset anyone at Mongoose re-copyright issues.
Basically the character sheet allows you to:
(1) Enter ability scores
(2) Select race (from Conan RPG book only)
(3) Select up to six different class and level combinations (e.g. Barbarian 2 / Thief 3 / Scholar 1 etc ...) from Conan RPG and Signs & Portents (for Bandit)
(4) Select skills, feats and spells (Conan RPG plus Scrolls of Skelos).
(5) Select armour, weapons and equipment.
(6) Assigns racial and class abilities automatically based on selections PLUS gives you pulldown lists for the optional ones.
(7) Calculates about 90% of the intermediary values and collates the circumstance bonuses into summaries (e.g. apply +3 when cooking in Shem)
(8) Generates a character sheet - not to dissimilar to the one in the Core Rules.
It is about 1 MB unzipped and requires Microsoft Excel 2000. It uses three macros to load list options, assign racial features and assign class features but everything else is contained within the spreadsheet.
Aside from the mechanical crunchy bits I have been careful not to include any additional descriptive text and to refer to the Conan RPG rulebook wherever possible.
Would the people at Mongoose mind if I e-mailed the spreadsheet directly to them for comment? I definitely don't have any commercial interest in this whatsoever (apart from the time saved to game with my friends).
Ian Martin, Ashby UK
After being increasingly frustrated with the existing character generator programs and their lack of easy utility to Conan RPG, I set about building my own in MS Excel 2000. Spending more hours on this than I care to remember (or am willing to admit to) it is nearly finished.
I would like to make this labour of love available to all for free but need to know what procedures I need to go through so that I don't upset anyone at Mongoose re-copyright issues.
Basically the character sheet allows you to:
(1) Enter ability scores
(2) Select race (from Conan RPG book only)
(3) Select up to six different class and level combinations (e.g. Barbarian 2 / Thief 3 / Scholar 1 etc ...) from Conan RPG and Signs & Portents (for Bandit)
(4) Select skills, feats and spells (Conan RPG plus Scrolls of Skelos).
(5) Select armour, weapons and equipment.
(6) Assigns racial and class abilities automatically based on selections PLUS gives you pulldown lists for the optional ones.
(7) Calculates about 90% of the intermediary values and collates the circumstance bonuses into summaries (e.g. apply +3 when cooking in Shem)
(8) Generates a character sheet - not to dissimilar to the one in the Core Rules.
It is about 1 MB unzipped and requires Microsoft Excel 2000. It uses three macros to load list options, assign racial features and assign class features but everything else is contained within the spreadsheet.
Aside from the mechanical crunchy bits I have been careful not to include any additional descriptive text and to refer to the Conan RPG rulebook wherever possible.
Would the people at Mongoose mind if I e-mailed the spreadsheet directly to them for comment? I definitely don't have any commercial interest in this whatsoever (apart from the time saved to game with my friends).
Ian Martin, Ashby UK