Errata, please.

I'm not sure if one's already been printed, but BFE: Modern Combat screams for an errata, mainly to the US Army list.

First and foremost: What are the stats on an M4? They're not in the weapon list. I imagine they must be considerably shorter range than the M16 considering their cost in comparison to USMC Infantry squads.

Secondly, with the rules as written you can purchase an army infantry squad for -20 points... as the rules say that the squad as a whole costs 120 points, and you can remove any number of fire teams for -70 points each. (as opposed to the marines identical unit that is 175 points and you can remove squads for -55 points.)

I left my book with a friend, but IIRC Force Recon doesn't stack up points-wise to the Rangers... and moreover... how is it that the army can take Strykers as a transport choice... but the marines can't take LAV-25's? They're very similiar rules-wise and the LAV certainly is a troop transport.

So... At the risk of sounding like a whiny bastard, can I get an update or an explaination of the reason that the army is SO much better? I mean I know the Marines are less well-equipped in real life and use some obsolete vehicles... but that's what a point system is for, so that you can balance lesser units.
Far as I know there's never been an official errata (believe me, I've searched !). There's quite a few things other than the ones you mentioned that need cleared up, such as German Jaeger APCs (squads can't fit) and no AA trait on the Russian Tunguska's guns ( :? ).

At a guess, the M4 would use the same stats as the AK74 (20" range compared to the M16's 24") but it could well be the same as the M16.

The Marines use EFVs as their troop transport in MC, if you want to use LAV-25s buy them as part of an armoured force and pick marine squads to fill them. I think they're only really used as recon vehicles in the USMC, but I'm not 100% sure.
Iain McGhee said:
German Jaeger APCs (squads can't fit)
They should not - Jaegers don't use APCs in RL ;)

Iain McGhee said:
if you want to use LAV-25s buy them as part of an armoured force and pick marine squads to fill them. I think they're only really used as recon vehicles in the USMC, but I'm not 100% sure.
Marines transport infantry in LAV-25s, but the squads using LAV-25s are different to the normal "rifle" squads. You want an errata - use Scream's and mine cardpacks from the evocommand site - they may still be WIP, but they have all you want :p
Jaeger APCs: I know they don't use the listed APCs in RL, but they have the option in the army lists. Looks to me like that's the error, rather than squad sizes or adding 1 APC per fire team rather than squad. I thought that they did use the Fuchs to some degree.

LAV-25s: Other lists I've seen have recon platoons of four LAV-25s carrying 6-man recon teams. I just use a 4-fireteam squad with a few weapon teams added in to approximate this.

I (and presumably most groups) already have house rules in place to fix any of the obvious oddities. It'd be far better to have an official errata so we're all playing the same way. It'd also clear up which possible errors are design decisions rather than mistakes, particularly some of the points costs (should the Stryker and LAV really be twice the cost of a WZ-551 ?).
I'll have a look at your stuff to see what I've missed, thanks :wink: