If dungeon crawling really is your bag, the many ages of Glorantha have seen cultures and civilisations rise and fall. There should be plenty of ruins, cave systems, old forts, bandits and cultural enemies to keep you busy. There should be a plethora of forbidden places to visit, temples to rob (enemy temples, not your own), merchants to rob, bandits ot slay and stories to tell. It's a big wide world and there is a lot to see.
Typically, your altimate enemy is chaos, but their are plenty of secondary enemies and encounters who make things difficult, and things are not always clear cut.For instance...
A) Those hulking trolls (Uz) who beat up your local militia were only protecting them, more specifically, keeping the guards out of mothers reach and thus causing a 'real' diplomatic incident.
B) The mysterious black skinned individual breaking into homes and sawing the legs off honoured citizens is really a De-tailed Newtling out for revenge on tail-meat traders. Eating sentients is generally considered a faux par by everyone except for Chaotics and Uz. Eat uncle Zoorb will you? You tail-eating *%(*^.
C) The man being held down by four thugs in that alley while a robed man cuts at his tounge with a knife is really undergoing an expensive language course to broaden his job prospects and outlook on life. He'd be upthet if you interupted.
D) That handsome captain being lashed to his ships mast while his crew plug their ears with wax is really just a bit of eyecandy bait to lure merwomen near enough to harpoon, kill [purely for research purposes, of course] and sell to sorcerers, butchers and exotic perfumers.
... golly, who'd want to go into a dungeon anyway. Only Uz, Mostali and choas fleeing the righteous wrath of the law.