Distribution of resin minis and metal minis in north america



From what I remember the 2500 Starline models that were initially produced were in resin and that they were not only defective for the most part, but the ' Goose was having some issues shipping this new product to North America. This was alleviated to some degree (as I understand it) by switching to metal.
Is it safe to assume that most of the ACTA:SF minis distributed to North America are metal. I only ask because I just ordered a Romulan Fleet Box online.

In the event I have a flawed resin product, may I exchange that set for a like metal set?


It is extremely unlikely there are any resin sets left floating around (the Romulan dreadnought is in resin, but you should not have any issues with it).
So if I receive this Romulan Fleet Box and it contains mainly resin minis (flawed or otherwise, understood about the Condor) can I exchange the set for a mainly metal box?

I saw on youtube where a customer exchanged a Fed Squadron box in this manner, so I am hopeful. :)


werwulf said:
I have a similar problem, but with miscast resin Romulan Condor Dreadnaught and Klingon C8 Dreadnaught.

Can you post pics of the miscasts? There were pictures posted earlier of what someone thought were miscasts, when it turned out that everyone had the same thing happen to theirs. Like a hole in the bottom of the command boom pod, and issues when the large sprues were cut off.