decipher Has No Support for this RPG on their web site. WHY?

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I was a Starwars/Wars CCG player big time. I thought WARS would be the Next Big thing at decipher for years to come. I really didnt see much life left in Rings, and never got back into trek after the first shut down years ago.

After the Meld down at decipher this year, I thought decipher made a mistake with killin' everything and going with just Rings and Trek as their flagship games. I thought a young license like Wars needed alittle more backing and the investment was well worth it to keep the license on the market while we all waited for the RPG and other products like Book and Comics, all hit the street. Even if decipher pulled back alittle on the card stock, Putting out half the set pre-year, but kept the card flowing the game wouldnt be as badly damaged as it is now.

I really like the CCG and the story, even if I feel decipher betrayed me, the Game and it's close fans. I still wanted to check out the RPG and See How MONGOOSE did with the game. I will point out WARS and decipher are not high on my list of things to do with my hard earned money. I thought I'ld pick up the RPG books for a read at least. The release date came and went with No noise. I had forgotten all about decipher and the RPG. I check on the decipher site from time to time looking for some news, I can No longer Read or POST on their Forum for some reason, and The only News I get is what they Post or what other News forums post about them. With almost No real News coming out of decipher 'cept for damage control, Rings and Trek product. It's kinda hard to get a good feeling about decipher or any of their products. Wars Seems to be totally Forgotten By the Company, and in turn by the people.

It's Sad that decipher couldnt add at least a little something to their site about the release of their future CashCow. Alittle more advertising could have help boost the sales of the RPG and gotten their DEAD CCG back on the Market before the end of the year. The more things a license has the Market, the better it should do in the market place. Or Am I Wrong?

I think the lack of support from decipher only strengthens the rumor that decipher has had it. That decipher and Wars has no future in the gaming or any other market place.

In the half dozen gaming shop in NYC and the Dozen or so on LongIsland plus all the Large Book Stores, I havent been able to find the Wars RPG anywhere. I was ablt to pick up a few D&D and the Farscape RPG with a smile, but No Wars RPG. I've Ordered it in 3 places on longisland and None have be able to get it for me yet. Guess the retailers feel decipher has hurt them one too many times as well.

I do see most of their card games in the dollar bins in most gaming stores. Wars is a great game but the value isnt worth dropping the money on it, even with itin the dollar bin, unless you have money burning a hole in your pocket. The problem with dropping money on a dead CCG is you have to get others to do the same, and why drop good money on a game No Ones Playing.

Might as well drop it on a Wotc game, at least you wont be playing by your self.

BURN :twisted: :lol: :twisted: .
8) Just wanted to let you know that Alliance did have Wars rpg on their site. Do not know why your local stores could not get it.

Also Amazon has Wars Rpg for 32 dollars. Good price. Just had them ship an order. It was with supersaver shipping. So they should have it in stock. Dave2
Well, depending on the conditions of the contract, there may be no benefit (directly) to Decipher in promoting the RPG. they licensed it to Mongoose, it is Mongoose who will make the money off it ((I hope) and so it is Mongoose's job to puush the RPG.

Now I'm not saying it wouldn't make good sense for Decipher to help out, but think of it like this.

IF a local channel in your home country of choice buys the rights to show Ep II long before any other TV xhannel in the world, is it LucasFilm who should promote it? no, it is the cvhannel's responsibility, LF have their money.

Now I don't know if the situation is like that in this case, but think about it.


PS I hope the RPG does brilliantlky, after all, I own all 3 books so far.
Actually what I'm seeing about Decipher doesn't surprise me at all, of course the regulars on the forums know how little I think of those guys right now. I have come to the conclusion that Decipher is just a big waste of space in whereever the offices are, where the warehouse is (I'd be surprised if they have more than one), on the shelves of game stores, and on any server space they take up on the internet. I say this because of the lousy track record they have with practically every game they've gotten their brain-dead run hands on. Honestly I don't see them lasting much beyond 2006 the way they're running things right now. They'll find a way to kill off the games that are making money much like they've done with the WARS CCG, Star Trek RPG, MegaMan CCG, etc.
lastbesthope said:
Well, depending on the conditions of the contract, there may be no benefit (directly) to Decipher in promoting the RPG. they licensed it to Mongoose, it is Mongoose who will make the money off it ((I hope) and so it is Mongoose's job to puush the RPG.

Now I'm not saying it wouldn't make good sense for Decipher to help out, but think of it like this.

IF a local channel in your home country of choice buys the rights to show Ep II long before any other TV xhannel in the world, is it LucasFilm who should promote it? no, it is the cvhannel's responsibility, LF have their money.

Now I don't know if the situation is like that in this case, but think about it.


PS I hope the RPG does brilliantlky, after all, I own all 3 books so far.

Well you are right with your point of view. decipher has signed a deal with Mongoose games and has already gotten paid, and if the deal has any other earning points for units sold I cant see it being all that high, to where even the cash strapped decipher would or could cure their cash problem if a few extra units sell of an unproven product. The again any books sold from a store wont matter because Mongoose should already be paid for the order before the book hits the shelf, in the smae manner as decipher has already been paid.

I'm just thinking about the stuff to come. If the RPG fails... Mongoose Wont work and print anymore. They'll just cut any loses if they have them and move onto the next project, which most likely wont be a decipher product.

So even though decipher has already been paid and really doesnt have to help Mongoose with the promotion front. It's still their license at the end of the day. It's still their product, and it's still unproven, and needs helps getting out to the masses.

Lord of the Rings doesnt have much life left. It's already a failing license with GamesWorkshop without the movies helping to push the product. It's not like Rings will have anything NEW... Story wise coming out. The story has been told, EVERYONES seen the Movie.Game Over.

StarTrek on the other hand has books, the RPG and the TV...wait....This is the first time in a LONG time that TREK doesnt have a TV Show to Help Push the License including the CCG, the way Pokeman did. Even with the books and a shot in the dark Movie deal, without TV, the CCG doesnt have the same power it did. Trek has been on a down turn for years and will most like have a come back 3-8 years away. I say at least 3 years because it'll take that long to push out a Movie or TV show, which as far as I've heard there's nothing in the pipe as far as Trek. I think Trek is done. The last few TV shows and The last Movie was a bit lame.

The CCG will be gone just shortly before decipher closes it's doors.... next year unless decipher gets off it's Butt.

decipher should have kept up all with promoting Wars, they should have never put the CCG on hold. Spending Money on Wars should be seen as an Investment. Every little thing on the market that has a tie-in with Wars Helps sell Wars. The RPG would be doing So Much Better with the CCG on the market, and those products would help and get help from Books, Comics, and Cartoon, TV show, Movies and Toys. Everything feeds off everything.

decipher has failed WARS, it's self and the fans...I wonder who'll buy Wars from them when they have to close up shop next year? Come thing think of think I have an extra 10 bucks. I dont think I could do any worse.
Yeah I gotta agree with those comments. The card game for Wars was put in the half off area of the main game store I went to about the time the RPG came out because Decipher had other priorities, which is too bad since I guess the cards give some more background to the universe. That's too bad for them that they don't feel like promoting more than two products, I wonder how much money they could've made if they knew how to promote what they were making. Ah well, give it enough time and there will be rights up for bid for Star Trek and (possibly) Lord of the Rings.
True, I did get the RPG because I liked the CCG setting but didn't like CCGs, and I bought a couple of WARS decks after I got the RPG to try and get the look and feel of the universe a little better.

I mentioned some of the complaints stated here in my last monthly report. I've also just gotten word that Decipher will be backing the Worldwide Campaign I'm working on (and still need more help on btw :) ) so that might help some as well. Point is, they hear y'all :).