Payote with a question said:I noticed under the precise shot feat there a referance to a hit location chart. I couldnt find one in the rules so iam guessing it got choped out. Since I believe we'll need one for combat for those pesky cyber limbs and determining damage to said limbs.
Cerhob with a suggestion said:I'll post mine anyway
2d8 Hit Location
2-3 Left arm
4-6 Left Leg
7-10 Torso
11-13 Right Leg
14-15 Right Arm
16 Head
Payote with a suggestion said:I still think the old d10 was a good one. Considering the area of said body parts I think this would work.
1= Head
5= Right Arm
6= Left Arm
7-8=Right Leg
9-10=Left Leg
Ki Ryn with a suggestion said:I'm working on an OGL sci-fi game that has hit location in it. Our current system uses a d12:
1 = foot
2 = lower leg
3 = upper leg
4 = hand
5 = lower arm
6 = upper arm
7 = groin
8 = stomach
9 = chest
10 = chest
11 = throat
12 = head
Mongoose August testing the waters said:I would be willing to generate an official Hit Location table if there is enough interest. What say you, lads and lasses?
Mongoose August said:The chart I am working up is weighted more heavily towards torso and shoulder locations (where the predominant number of shots land in normal firefights, as evinced by the forensic and after-action reports I've been looking through).
I am also creating sub tables for each major location as a purely optional addition to the system for Games Masters wishing to determine just ~what~ was hit in each place. This, combined with damage thresholds for various body parts, should allow someone to figure out when a limb or organ is just damaged and when it needs to be replaced.
Look for this as (likely) a Signs and Portents article in the near future with a slimmer version posted here for free.