Crash Priority


Oh powerful and high clearance representatives of Mongoose, I beseech thee.

When might we expect to see Crash Priority hitting the game store shelves?
Is very, very soon more than 4 days then? I just need to establish some scaling for future reference...

The Esdevium Games release sheet has Crash Priority down as something coming out this week - 23rd onwards... So, can you provide any info... I'm just getting over-excited about another publication with my name in it. School boy dreams of making the games rather than just playing 'em.
An ISBN maybe? So I can order it from my local bookstore...

One site is now showing:

This product is expected on Wednesday 24 November, 2004.

The suspense might kill me...
Paul Baldowski said:
OK... it's out. My local Travelling Man gamestore has copies in hand. Marvellous...

That means mine'll have it in likely then. They'll try and pimp it on me, if I had the money I'd have bought it all at the Open Day (Mark!)

Which Trav Man are you near, I'm the Bristol one!

Manchester happens to be the local store, but I have shopped at the Bristol, Leeds and Nottinghams ones. I also used the online service - very handy as it saves making a trip to the local store and being tempted into spending too much money on books I really don't need to buy.

I just got my confirmation that my copy of Crash Priority will be in the mail today. Looking forward to framing it and sticking it above the mantlepiece.
Only the Bristol store for me. I'm in there every weekend almost, and I go to their Tuesday gaming nights. It's fun watching the staff hyped up on coffee to stay awake :D
