Corruption DC's?

Chill Stuek, there is no need to pick a fight.

And to be honest we prety much already have covered how to handle Corruption under the RAW. That is to say: there aren't that many specific instances in the RAW that provoke corruption saves (mostly making pacts with demons).

Personally I have always felt that leaving corruption vauge in the RAW is a good move, opens the door for each GM to make the game as dark or as heroic as he wants.

But fighting over this is inapropriate.

Who was fighting? The person you said "bite me fan boy" or the person who said "it's not appropriate?


Trust me, there's no fighting at all here. I'm never going to say anything personal unless was done above. My point is that handling the corruption issue by the RAW has not been addressed fully because there are still many instances that don't really fit the standard DC equation. Some things simply won't have a MAB so they don't fit, even though (as Raven pointed out) certain suplementary books call for non-magic related corruption saves.

Anyone gets snippy with me, I'll defens myself, but in this case I simply allowed her snippiness and am attempting to keep this discussion about what the thread is meant to be about - not yet another Raven's Big Thread. (not rtying to take away from her immense efforts there, just trying to keep discussions contained).

And as a side not, there is zero mod presence in here - they dont'respond or police this forum at all. It's down to us to moderate ourselves and keep things sane and orgainzed. However, if people are going to get bent out of shape when the friendly reminder comes out, then I won't bother doing it again.
Sutek said:
My point is that handling the corruption issue by the RAW has not been addressed fully because there are still many instances that don't really fit the standard DC equation.
Except that it prety much has been addressed, by virtue of the fact that the RAW don't have that much to say on the subject...

RAW calls for a corruption save but no MAB is listed? The GM needs to do his job and select an appropriate save DC

Sources of corruption saves other than smoking the peace pipe with a demon/corrupting infuence? We are basically in house rule territory now (a few sources from splat books really isn't sufficent).

And regarding that other subject ....
And as a side not, there is zero mod presence in here - they dont'respond or police this forum at all. It's down to us to moderate ourselves and keep things sane and orgainzed.
I know, and that is exactly the reason not to rise to the bait. Like they says, sticks 'n stones ....
Sutek said:
And as a side not, there is zero mod presence in here - they dont'respond or police this forum at all.
Not true. I already had several arguments where the threads have been close then erased by mongoose folks. I wasn't even insulting directly or indirectly and didn't make use of bad languages. :evil:
And my comments were an attempt to avoid it degenerating into that sort of thread, but I won't take the initiative in the future.

Not to kick a dead horse :P but I was looking into this very thing today, since I have a new PC entering into a Demonic Pact and he was wondering about the Corruption save DC.

As it stands, I think the poster who said the MAB of a demon is equal to half its hit dice plus its Charisma modifier is correct. That also stands up to the Scholar's MAB which is half his level, rounded down.

Since most demons are either scholars, or know magic enough to teach it, I would say this is a fair calculation.

It also prevents my PC from summoning the biggest, baddest most uber powerful demon as his buddy all the time, since he would become incredibly insane within weeks of playing.

But all that aside, man do I love the magic system in this game!
So in that case quigs, don't forget that your pacted Scholar is going to already have a -1 penalty to future Corruption checks from that point of Corruption. Then the next save will be at -2, the next at -3 etc. etc. You can see what a slipperly slope Corruption is.....
Yup, I read all that stuff too. He's already gotten to 2nd level and gained another corruption point :P He's stygian so he gets another -2 racial penalty to his Will saves vs corruption. I suspect he'll be getting some insanity points too eventually, man, this character is going to be interesting!
This thread may have run dry, but many thanks to those who contributed: it has helped answer some Q's for me in an area of the rules which I found less clear and difficult to sort out.