Core company troopers

Will Byram spam up this post?

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Yey. Damn spelling wrong. If the *insert correct spelling of apoc in here* did happen. It will melt snowman first then kill people.
When is ur birthday byram?

Also yes i would buy a lot of core/cap troopers to reinforce my squads
I like 11 days right byram? Weren't you already going on about that? I mean, hey, mine is in 13 days but you don't here me going on about it! No, sir. 13 days, but you know, I'm not saying a word. Nope. 13. Not a word.

It was known that the core troopers would be the movie troops a while ago, we just didn't know the name until recently.
msprange said:
As for underslung shotguns, already in the rules! Just use Flechette ammo in the underslung GL, and it acts as the shotgun from the movie :)

Does this mean that core troopers wil get cap rifles models instead of movie ones ?

I'm assuming Flechette ammo is straight out the barrel then ? Not a grenade ?

Does it use any of the rules from the last rules preview ?
They'll probably use Moritas, it's the general name for all the rifles in the Movie and TV series.

It might be that there's special grenade launcher ammo called Flechette ammo, which is basically shooting bunches of toothpick-like barbs similar to a shotgun.

The morita isn't a complex gun, so it could probably be mass produced on a Fed occupied scale rather easily.

It'll be interesting how they differentiate the core and cap troops. Cores have much lower resiliance (lower target, hit, and kill stats) but it seems like they still use the same 2xd6 rifle and there's a lot more of them. So, they could probably put out a big wall of fire, but without the mobility of jump packs, once the bugs close in things get really ugly.
Well if you back your core up with some normal troppers it wont be that ugly, Or you could fly your squads infront and have the core bringing up the rear for support.
Turtle said:
It might be that there's special grenade launcher ammo called Flechette ammo, which is basically shooting bunches of toothpick-like barbs similar to a shotgun.

The Morita underslung grenade launcher can fire three different types of grenade; flechette, fragmentation, and "bugshot". Flechette is like a shotgun blast, frag is, go figure, like a frag grenade, and "bugshot" is like a heavy shotgun blast but it is slower to fire than the other two.

Just thought I'd share... :D
ok so i fount these mins online,

and i ask the guy who painted them what they are and where they are from he responded.....

email said:
Hi, thanks for visiting the site!
The customer who sent me them got them from 1st Corps.

There is a guy from Florida who imports 1st Corps figs:

The figs are 25mm ish, they are a little smaller than say GW Imperial Guard but larger than true 25mm figs like the ones from Ground Zero Games.
I'm going to guess that the new ones coming out from Mongoose are larger than these guys but if they are close in scale I want to finally break down and get some too.

The Morita underslung grenade launcher can fire three different types of grenade; flechette, fragmentation, and "bugshot". Flechette is like a shotgun blast, frag is, go figure, like a frag grenade, and "bugshot" is like a heavy shotgun blast but it is slower to fire than the other two.

Just thought I'd share... :D[/quote]

Cool !!!!!!!!! Do flechette/buckshot use any special fire rules like stream weapons do , etc.............. ?
I'd imagine flechette to be a ranged scattergun type weapon (shotguns have more range than most people think, even more so with flechette). Bugshot should probably be akin to those massive Pepper rounds from Vietnam, think of a shotgun shell the size of a 40mm grenade and enough gunpoweder to back it up.

Yep, it's morbid, but when you're facing bugs, there's no time to be squeemish.