[CONAN] Zombies and Raise Corpse Question


Two quick questions:

1) The duration for Raise Corpse says "Concentration + 1d6 Rounds". Does this mean the base concentration check (Ranks + Ability + Misc Mods) or does the sorcerer have to make a check? Does he have to concentrate each round? In either case it doesn't look like these corpses stick around for long.

2) In any of the Conan tales, do they have the more traditional "animated for long periods of time" zombies? Thinking of sticking a few in an upcoming adventure, and I'd like to reference any original tales with them.


I think there are two ways to deal with it:
the cheap way: you get your zombies re-animated and spend a little more PowerPoints to keep them mobile longer, but after concentration ceases, they are no longer under your control and wander around like movie zombies.

The expensive way: permanent sorcery. They are under your control after you stop concentrating and they live until undeath does them apart.