Supplement Four
A typical Conan RPG engagement doesn't have magic flying across the battlefield. This game is about guts and steel and sweat and blood. And, even without the magic, the combat can be so much more than just "I-go-you-go."
Here are some of my thoughts. Chime in if you have words of wisdom to add.
Parry or Dodge?
You'll want to use the defense AC that is highest, of course. But, there are a couple of other factors to consider, depending on your character's class and level.
Parry - If your Parry Bonus is +4 or greater, using the Parry defense is extremely attractive due to the Riposte maneuver. This is possible for a barbarian class at level 11, for most classes at level 8, and for the Soldier class at level 6. The Riposte is a powerful maneuver. Whenever your foe's attack is half, or less, than your Parry AC (you must be parrying, of course), this generates an Attack of Opportunity for you against your foe. In effect, you parry in such a way that you are allowed a counter attack. The higher your Parry AC, the more likely the counter attack will be triggered. This counter attack is an Attack of Opportunity and subject to the normal AoO rules (in that you normally can take advantage of one AoO per combat round unless you have a Feat or Special Ability).
Dodge- You'll want to consider using your Dodge AC when it's important to you to move on the battlefield via the Dance Aside maneuver. As long as you have DEX 13+, you can use this maneuver at any time for any class or any level.
For example, let's say in a 10' wide hallway. You're fighting an enemy on one side of the corridor while your ally is behind you, fighting a second enemy.
You start in position Y1 when your Enemy strikes at you. You use your Dodge defense, and your Enemy's attack totals less than half your Dodge AC. Since you do have DEX 13, you are now elligible to use the Dance Aside.
This maneuver takes you, five feet away, into position Y2. You're now out of your enemy's threat range (unless he's got a weapon with reach), and on your turn, you charge to the back of the Enemy fighting your ally. The charge gives you +2 attack, and now that you've made a flanking maneuver on the Enemy at postion Y3, you benefit with another bonus, plus, you get a bonus for multiple attackers on one enemy. This totals your attack bonus to +5. Other Feats like Power Attack or Combat Expertise may be useful in a situation like this,too. And, there's a chance that your enemy will not turn his back to your Ally to recieve your charge, so you may avoid that -2 AC penalty normally associated with the Charge maneuver.
So, on your turn, you rush down the hall and take your attack at +5. If you kill that Enemy, you've just turned the fight to your advantage having two-on-one--you and your ally against the remaining Enemy that originally attacked you.
It's important to see how you can use the combat manevers to tactically outfight the baddies. The right choice at the right moment can win the day. You can combine some maneuvers, too. Let's say that you had initiative over your original enemy, but you wanted to try to perform what I've described above. You choose the Delay option so that you can go after your opponent, giving yourself a chance to take advantage of the Dance Aside. Since you haven't gone during the round, you are still considered Flat-footed when your enemy attacks. But, since you are a Babarian class, above level 4, you can use your Uncanny Dodge ability to Dodge, even while Flat-Footed. Thus, the Dance Aside is still possible, and if triggered, you can pull off what I've described above.
Dance Aside
Uncanny Dodge
Multiple Opponents
Here are some of my thoughts. Chime in if you have words of wisdom to add.
Parry or Dodge?
You'll want to use the defense AC that is highest, of course. But, there are a couple of other factors to consider, depending on your character's class and level.
Parry - If your Parry Bonus is +4 or greater, using the Parry defense is extremely attractive due to the Riposte maneuver. This is possible for a barbarian class at level 11, for most classes at level 8, and for the Soldier class at level 6. The Riposte is a powerful maneuver. Whenever your foe's attack is half, or less, than your Parry AC (you must be parrying, of course), this generates an Attack of Opportunity for you against your foe. In effect, you parry in such a way that you are allowed a counter attack. The higher your Parry AC, the more likely the counter attack will be triggered. This counter attack is an Attack of Opportunity and subject to the normal AoO rules (in that you normally can take advantage of one AoO per combat round unless you have a Feat or Special Ability).
Dodge- You'll want to consider using your Dodge AC when it's important to you to move on the battlefield via the Dance Aside maneuver. As long as you have DEX 13+, you can use this maneuver at any time for any class or any level.
For example, let's say in a 10' wide hallway. You're fighting an enemy on one side of the corridor while your ally is behind you, fighting a second enemy.
You start in position Y1 when your Enemy strikes at you. You use your Dodge defense, and your Enemy's attack totals less than half your Dodge AC. Since you do have DEX 13, you are now elligible to use the Dance Aside.
This maneuver takes you, five feet away, into position Y2. You're now out of your enemy's threat range (unless he's got a weapon with reach), and on your turn, you charge to the back of the Enemy fighting your ally. The charge gives you +2 attack, and now that you've made a flanking maneuver on the Enemy at postion Y3, you benefit with another bonus, plus, you get a bonus for multiple attackers on one enemy. This totals your attack bonus to +5. Other Feats like Power Attack or Combat Expertise may be useful in a situation like this,too. And, there's a chance that your enemy will not turn his back to your Ally to recieve your charge, so you may avoid that -2 AC penalty normally associated with the Charge maneuver.
So, on your turn, you rush down the hall and take your attack at +5. If you kill that Enemy, you've just turned the fight to your advantage having two-on-one--you and your ally against the remaining Enemy that originally attacked you.
It's important to see how you can use the combat manevers to tactically outfight the baddies. The right choice at the right moment can win the day. You can combine some maneuvers, too. Let's say that you had initiative over your original enemy, but you wanted to try to perform what I've described above. You choose the Delay option so that you can go after your opponent, giving yourself a chance to take advantage of the Dance Aside. Since you haven't gone during the round, you are still considered Flat-footed when your enemy attacks. But, since you are a Babarian class, above level 4, you can use your Uncanny Dodge ability to Dodge, even while Flat-Footed. Thus, the Dance Aside is still possible, and if triggered, you can pull off what I've described above.
Dance Aside
Uncanny Dodge
Multiple Opponents