Yeah, it's a good idea, elsewise, I would have not had the opportunity to get it. As far as editing goes, that's ok, it happens, nobody's buffec.
But I have one more thing to point out about Crom, and then I rest my case. Page 58 bottom of the left column. Entry on Religion; "... whether this is the straightforward worship of Crom and his kin popular in Cimmeria," (italics are mine). Can the multitude make up their collective minds?
Page 59, Bite Sword is hilarious! Not only do you have to have a very strong jaw (with small rubber caps on your teeth), you've got to have one awesome protruding jaw. Call it a muzzle! Try putting a fric'in little knife in your mouth! It better be a single edge buddy, cause your going to cut the edge of your mouth. And you can break your stupid teeth on the metal. If you keep the sword in its' scabbard it just might work. But according to the rules, it has to be out of the sheeth, sheesh! When they say it's an extraodinary ability, they're not kidding.
It's a keeper, gives levity to the game.
Dentist: "How long has this sword biting been going on, son?"
Barbarian: "Ever since I was 15. It all started when I followed my kin on a raid across the border..."
Oh, yeah. That's a good one.