Conan Red Nails

Just wanted to let everyone know that the Conan Red Nails Animated Movie website updaed its look today. Not alot of content, but some new stuff.
I find the look of the film extremely cool, specially since it looks more traditional animation that cgi (yet it will use tons of cgi, no doubt). There is however something that worries me a lot. In the section "The Film", you'll find a telling of the story which ends talking about the city of Xuchotl as "a doorway [...] strait to the deepest pits of hell"(!!!). It sounds like something out of a tipical stupid hollywood film which takes the original story -there's no such a thing as "a doorway to hell" or any other similar senselessness in Howard's tale- and turns it into a comercial version for twerp-feeding. I really, really hope it's just something out of the advertising marketing department, and that they regard the original story, remaining faithful to it. I have great expectations on this film, but...
That actually might not be so inapropriate: there were hints of vast dark catacombs beneath the city that held nasty stuff in the origional tale, remember that is where the crazy old sorcorer went to find the wand he used in the finale.

Of course in the story Conan himself never made it all the way to the lowest levels, so I do hope that they keep it as a background element.

And I still think that a Red Nails mega-module would be a great idea.
Cool, the site now has character profiles, including height and weight. Conan is 6'4" and 265 lbs...seems about right. (All I need to do is pack on about 35 lbs of muscle and I can play Conan in a live-action film.....)

Valeria is looking SLIGHTLY better than she did on the preview on, but she still looks like, IMO, an effeminite 19-yr old man with implants. I hope the artists dont wimp out and make her into a typical Hollywoodized sexless female. C'mon, give her a little bit of muscle, along with with some hips, thighs, and a know, a REAL woman, the woman REH described in his story. They didn't try to turn normal, healthy looking women into bulemics in the 1930s, and they sure as hell didn't 12,000 years ago, either.

The other characters look pretty good. Tascela is freakin smoking hot. Tolkemec's look is........interesting.
BriantheButcher said:
Cool, the site now has character profiles, including height and weight. Conan is 6'4" and 265 lbs...seems about right. (All I need to do is pack on about 35 lbs of muscle and I can play Conan in a live-action film.....)

Then I'm nearer to Conan thasn you... :P :oops:
René said:
BriantheButcher said:
Cool, the site now has character profiles, including height and weight. Conan is 6'4" and 265 lbs...seems about right. (All I need to do is pack on about 35 lbs of muscle and I can play Conan in a live-action film.....)

Then I'm nearer to Conan thasn you... :P :oops:
You bastards. I'd have to add 110 lbs and almost 8 inches.

I do have a really menacing ice-blue steely gaze, though...
(OK, maybe not that either :D).

BTW, this Red Nails deal looks pretty cool.
Does anyone know what Rating this will have? By the look of the blood on Big C's cword, I'm hoping it's set to appeal to an adult audience.

BriantheButcher said:
Valeria is looking SLIGHTLY better than she did on the preview on, but she still looks like, IMO, an effeminite 19-yr old man with implants. I hope the artists dont wimp out and make her into a typical Hollywoodized sexless female. C'mon, give her a little bit of muscle, along with with some hips, thighs, and a know, a REAL woman, the woman REH described in his story. They didn't try to turn normal, healthy looking women into bulemics in the 1930s, and they sure as hell didn't 12,000 years ago, either.

The other characters look pretty good. Tascela is freakin smoking hot. Tolkemec's look is........interesting.

Yikes. I thought Valeria was hot too in a female warrior kind of way. I must be easy.
Then I'm nearer to Conan thasn you... :P :oops:[/quote]
You bastards. I'd have to add 110 lbs and almost 8 inches.

I do have a really menacing ice-blue steely gaze, though...
(OK, maybe not that either :D).[/quote]

No worries. 5'8 and 265 lbs would definitely be menacing in your own right. Go for it!

High Lord Dee said:
Yikes. I thought Valeria was hot too in a female warrior kind of way. I must be easy.
There ain't nothing wrong with being easy. Don't beat yourself up about it.

High Lord Dee said:
5'8 and 265 lbs would definitely be menacing in your own right. Go for it!
:lol: Yeah... at least I'd probably get a +4 bonus against Bull Rush attempts, right?
René said:
Then I'm nearer to Conan thasn you... :P :oops:

Yeah, I got the height and the broad shoulders, I just need some more muscle mass.

Plus, I dont have blue eyes. And I have light brown hair, not black................and I'm starting to go bald............................d'oh!!!
sanseveria said:
Does anyone know what Rating this will have? By the look of the blood on Big C's cword, I'm hoping it's set to appeal to an adult audience.

Ratings are given by one or more boards of review, after watching the movie before it's released. The moviemakers usually try for a certain rating the way a movie's shot and edited/scripted, (drawn :) ), etc., but the decision's up to the review board in the end.

I too would hope it wouldn't be pandered to kids. I hate it when movies, comics, etc. get "dumbed down" for a wider audience ("Conan the Destroyer" for example, was dumbed down during or just before production if I remember it right as the producers wanted to get more from their envisioned cash cow by catering to 12 year olds. Even though I was 12 when it came out, I resented seeing the big difference, and mind you I've been a Tracy Walter fan since "Repo Man" and the '80s tv comedy show "Best of the West").
sanseveria said:
Does anyone know what Rating this will have? By the look of the blood on Big C's cword, I'm hoping it's set to appeal to an adult audience.

The rumour I heard, and it is only a rumour, has this film being released in two versions.
The first version is intended to appeal to a more general audiance. Roughly something in the PG to PG-13 range.
the second version is planned to be more of a R style rating with extreme amounts of bloodshed and nudity.

This info came to me second hand, so I cannot say anything to the truth of it.