Conan Miniatures? Anyone?



Just out of curiousity, does Mongoose have any plans for CONAN metal miniatures? They would be very cool....and besides, the ones TSR put out years ago are REALLY bad.
Believe it or not, I still have an unopened, sealed in shrink wrap, box of those Conan figures!

Eric in Vegas
I have one that I just opened - it was part of a lot I won on eBay. Needless to say, I'm wishing I left those TSR Conan minis sealed in shrinkwrap, so I could have pawned them off on some other poor sot. (sigh)
ok ive heard that mongoose has plans for conan minatures but when and
whowill be making them they havent said but im hopeing the y have reaper make them ive also heard that they were gonna do two boxed sets witch id like to see but havent heard any thing more of it
As Mongoose make their own range of figures I doubt that they would use another company to make them.

They asked on a The Miniatures Page, if there were sculptors wanting the job, that was a while ago so I guess they are being sculpted at the moment.
You may want to check out this earlier thread;

And this one;
Thanks, guys.

Personally, if Mongoose is looking for someone to do the minis, I would like to see Iron Wind Metals (the new Ral Partha) do them. I know those guys personally, and they already cast the miniatures for several MAJOR companies who sculpt and promote their own minis.

Reaper is like the Wal-Mart of miniature companies...just my opinion.

IWM rocks - and I know they'd do a phenomenal job with Conan....(hey...that's a hint to you Mongoose folks.....wink...wink...)
ive seen the iron wind minis reapers are way better and no plastic slot bases to except the warlord range wich i dont care for
Rackham? Do they make the Confrontation models?

If so, I whole-heartedly agree. They would be perfect to capture the almost super human quailities of the Hyborian Age. :wink:
Yes, I also play Confrontation (great game). I picked up a blister of kelts w/ swords specifically for use in Conan. I've played GW games for a long time now (10+ years), and I gotta tell ya, Rackham makes the best minis.
Reaper is a bunch of wanna-bes who jumped at Ral Partha's niche in the industry when FASA closed. They're carpetbaggers.

Iron Wind is the real deal. Confrontation (Rackham) minis are fantastic, and they would be a good choice, too. But NO Reaper, dear God, please!!!
All I can say at this time is that the rights to produce a Conan wargame/miniatures have not been released yet by Conan Properties. Obviously it's something that we are very interested in, so watch this space.
Crocodile Games ( is planning a release of WarGods of Hyboria (or Hyperborea, not sure which) following Aegyptus, Olympus and Asgard. Is there a chance that they got to the license before you Mongoose folks?
Anonymous said:
Crocodile Games ( is planning a release of WarGods of Hyboria (or Hyperborea, not sure which) following Aegyptus, Olympus and Asgard. Is there a chance that they got to the license before you Mongoose folks?

Considering how long its been since Aegyptus came out, I'm starting to doubt that we will ever see those others released. Which is a shame, I would have really liked to have seen the minis for the Asgard line.