Combat: Multiple Opponents

Would like to hear how everyone handles one versus many in combat. I am planning to just use a +1 modifier for every attacker after the first. Anyone use any other modifiers (or none at all?)?
I also use Flanking (in rules as well)
But also that a shield can only be presented to 3 adjacent squares.




meaning that when surrounded ony three opponets can be held off witht he shield, and the remaing 5 all attack without the shield bonus.
The character can choose where to deploy his shield whenever he likes.
ricardo440 said:
I also use Flanking (in rules as well) But also that a shield can only be presented to 3 adjacent squares.

Is that a house rule or something that I've missed (quite possible in all honesty).

Personally I don't like the sound of it. If a defender can only use a shield to help him "parry" certain opponents then why isn't he limited when us uses a weapon? It kind of begs a player to say "so I can use my weapon to attack and parry everyone around me but not my shield?".

It also starts adding a "facing" to the game which is something extra to keep track of but isn't usually a feature of D20 (well as far as I know anyway).

Just my opinion......
Aid Another
Multiple Opponent bonus
Penalty to Dodge for being surrounded.
Reach weapons (used either to pile on more attackers or, even better, to force the defender to provoke multiple AoO's a round)
Graple Tacticts
Trip Tacticts (again with provoking multiple AoO's)
Soldier's Formation Combat bonuses

I think that there is plenty of advantage to ganging up on an opponent provided just in the core rules.

Hope that helps.
Oly said:
ricardo440 said:
I also use Flanking (in rules as well) But also that a shield can only be presented to 3 adjacent squares.
Is that a house rule or something that I've missed (quite possible in all honesty).

Personally I don't like the sound of it. If a defender can only use a shield to help him "parry" certain opponents then why isn't he limited when us uses a weapon? It kind of begs a player to say "so I can use my weapon to attack and parry everyone around me but not my shield?".

It also starts adding a "facing" to the game which is something extra to keep track of but isn't usually a feature of D20 (well as far as I know anyway).

Just my opinion......
You're right, the d20 OGL rules don't use facing, so there is no front or back or "blind spot" in the game. Conan rpg hasn't deviated from the d20 core rules in this regard, so this is a house rule.

I keep to the standard rules for facing. I just describe the die roll in an overactively cinematic fashion :P - if the attacker hits by a large number over the DV, then I may say he slashed the man's unprotected back, but protection has nothing to do with basic combat using this system.
My game allows a PC to try for Multiple Actions. Using Animal Reflexes or General Prowess, you must get a Red result on the Resolution Table, for each attempted Action. Failing this roll, you are at a -3 for the rest of this turn and also the next turn. Combat Turns last only 5 seconds, and getting a Red result on the best column (26-30) is a pretty slim chance with a d100. It is best not to get surrounded and if you do, try Rushing your opponents or using a shield Bash to get away to a better position.
My game allows a PC to try for Multiple Actions. Using Animal Reflexes or General Prowess, you must get a Red result on the Resolution Table, for each attempted Action. Failing this roll, you are at a -3 for the rest of this turn and also the next turn. Combat Turns last only 5 seconds, and getting a Red result on the best column (26-30) is a pretty slim chance with a d100. It is best not to get surrounded and if you do, try Rushing your opponents or using a shield Bash to get away to a better position.

My DM Bow and elven reflexes are better than your explanation. Therefore I am better.

Frodo - 1st lvl Elven Cimmerian Nomad
Str 8
Dex 29
Int 33
Con 120
Chr 55
All rolled with my 3d6 elven edition dice.
My PCs can have the Danger Sense Talent. Helps out when someone tries to sneak up on them.

The Bossonian Longbow has:
Impact Bonus +2
Weapon Bonus +1
Initiative -1
Weapon Endurance 7

Nothing very special by itself. But the +2 IB gives it a better chance to cause a Specific Wound.

"Crom! Not another Elven Cimmerian Nomad! The last one wouldn't stop laughing about my loin cloth!"
We use the multiple opp mod in our game. It definatly makes the low level opponents a bit tougher around the end of the line and my players try to avoid getting surrounded.

It also works in benefit for them when they gang up on opponenets.

The biggest problem usually is that we forget the rule sometimes. :lol:
Zul Daire said:
The biggest problem usually is that we forget the rule sometimes. :lol:
Dude, I always forget about that rule when the action is on. Guess playing too much D&D is to blame. :wink: