Close Range for spells?


In both the original and in the AE, the description for Close in the section titled Spell Descriptions states 25 ft. + 5 ft. for every two full caster levels (standard for the Open Gaming License)

Under the specific spells, any spell with the range of Close states 25 ft. + 5 ft. per scholar level.

Which is it?
That's probably an assumption that the majority of casters in Conan are going to be scholars. If you have a dabbler then you should be able to use whatever class he is as the "per level" guide.

The flipside of that theory is that dabbler is a feat and, therefore, not connected to level. In other words, by taking the feat, the dabbler is lucky to have access to power points anyway, so level dependant effects may not work for him.

Look under the dabbler feat and see if there's any insight there.
Sutek said:
That's probably an assumption that the majority of casters in Conan are going to be scholars. If you have a dabbler then you should be able to use whatever class he is as the "per level" guide.

Sutek, the original poster is not talking about whether it's scholar levels or not. The point is that in D&D (and the SRD, and the description of ranges in the AE), "Close" range is defined as 25 ft plus 5 feet per two caster levels.

Under the specific spells in the Conan books, however, "Close" range is given as 25 ft plus 5 feet per [one] level.

Personally, I prefer to go with the standard as set in the SRD and the general description of ranges in the AE. I view the text under each specific spell as copy-and-paste errors.

- thulsa
I see.

Well, if its on more than one spell that way, it's less likely to be a copy/paste error. Even doing a 'find/replace' on "caster level" to replace with "scholar level" would have left instances of "every other" and similar phrases.

I'll look at it later. Is there some place where other mentions of spell range would be? Feats maybe? If it still has "per level" there,