Clarification from Moongoose: Char Dam Mods to Ranged Att


I am asking for claification from Mongoose or a specific place where the rule book mentions this. I am not asking for off the cuff speculation, or what D&D3.5 does, etc., so please leave that out.

On page 53 is says that a characters damage modifier may or may not apply to a ranged attack. It then directs me to a table on page 37, which it claims says which weapons have the characters damage modifier applied. The table on page 37 makes no mention of this.
Someone else asked this. Apparently there is a spot in the book where it states that the character's db applies to thrown missile weapons, but not other types.
I asked the same question a few days ago, and answered it myself a few minutes later:

Although the text from page 53 above states that the table on p.37 lists which weapons apply the damage modifier, and I didn't see anything to indicate that on p.37, the actual listing on P. 5 that describes what the Damage Modifer (DM) is does state:

"The Damage Modifier applies whenever the character uses a melee or thrown weapon."
I think that the book contradicts itself. Damage bonus relates to thrown weapons? This makes sense but see page 109, it appears that centaurs must throw their bow. Actually with their DB this probably makes sense as well. Feel a bit sorry for the Elfs on page 112 though!
Alloppo said:
I think that the book contradicts itself. Damage bonus relates to thrown weapons? This makes sense but see page 109, it appears that centaurs must throw their bow. Actually with their DB this probably makes sense as well. Feel a bit sorry for the Elfs on page 112 though!
I guess that's a typo... or a previous ruling not corrected (maybe originally the rule for STR/DEX minimums was designed to lower damage, not attack %).
Well, it is possible that MRQ has rules for using bows that have a greater draw weight than standard. THe Centuar might be drawing a STR 15 or 17 bow.

Or it could be a typo.