Cimmeria Sourcebook


The upcoming releases for April indicate a Cimmeria sourcebook is due out that month.

Can one of the intrepid Mongoose crew (or anyone else in the know) reveal the author and whether or not it will be hardcover or softcover?
Cimmeria (Hardcover)
by Lawrence Whitaker (Author)

List Price: $34.95

Product Details

* Hardcover: 160 pages
* Publisher: Mongoose Publishing (April 25, 2008)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1906103585
* ISBN-13: 978-1906103583

Despite its fame as the birthplace of Conan himself, little has been written about the moody hill-country of Cimmeria - until now. In this supplement for Conan the Roleplaying Game, explore the mist-shrouded terrain of this unforgiving land and meet the people - and the creatures - that call it home. Alongside the history, geography and culture of Cimmeria are presented new spells, new combat manoeuvres and new rules to better reflect the atmosphere of the hills and the hardiness of their denizens.

Info according to Amazon.
Am I the only one that wishes they would save us all $5 and make these books softcover?

I mean to me a 160 page book is really cutting the edge on how short a book can be and still be hardcover. When WOTC puts out 128 page books in hardcover it is even more rediculous.
Timestheus said:
Am I the only one that wishes they would save us all $5 and make these books softcover?
No. I also prefer softcover, not only because of the price but also because of the weigth and it is also somewhat thiner, thus we can have more books on the shelves.
I'll believe it when I see it. :roll:
I tend not to believe what Amazon lists.

Who is this Whitaker and has he written for the Conan line before?
Please tell me it is an alias of Mr. Darlage. :lol:
Looks like Lawrence is the main author for the Elric Runequest books. Cimmeria looks to be his first Conan work with Khitai to follow...
Timestheus said:
Am I the only one that wishes they would save us all $5 and make these books softcover?

I agree, and not because of the price either. I much prefer flipping through a softcover, so I prefer softcover for the main rules as well. My pocket edition gets much more use than the full hardcover at our table.

When I see a hardcover on a slim book I get suspicious that the content alone is not sufficient to sell the book. This has put me off purchasing the Argos & Zingara book, which is listed as being 96 pages hardback in the catalogue, even though I am very interested in the region.

I am sure I am very much in the minority, but I also don't care for colour. To me, rpg books are textbooks, not coffee-table books.
well I sure hope he follows vincent's and dale's ideas about these regions.

Vincent, any chance your going to pop in and say you've been in touch with him?

It would be great if Lawrence also became an active poster here and kept a dialog with the fans like Vincent does. I would really like to see these source books done well: both accurate to the cannon and considering that both regions are some the the more vague areas of Hyperboria, that they new are fitting to the world of Conan.

I would be really unimpresed if Kitains were represented as Japanese Samurai as in that god awful Dark Horse graphic novel.
As much as I like the hardcovers, anything less than 128 should be softcover, to keep cost down as much as possible.

I love these regional sourcebooks - Keep them coming Mongoose!
1. Never believe anything Amazon tells you. I don't know where they get their information, but it's false more often than it's true.

2. That said, Cimmeria and Khitai are indeed planned for this year - as well as Zamboula, Asgard/Vanaheim and some other bits and pieces. (Like the Hyborian Bestiary, which I'm currently skiving off doing to wander the forums.)
This is exciting news.

I'd prefer sourcebooks to be in softcover as well. Besides being cheaper they're easier to flip through and store better.
The Players Guide I recently received is fantastic but it is also faulted by various errors.
I noticed them all in less than a couple of hours and I cannot believe you do not have enough people there to do final checks on the books.
If you are really going to publish all that stuff, please do not rush, and take all the time needed to check it all.
Please tell me you are joking ? There were numerous proofing errors in the second edition players book. I had assumed Mongoose learned thier lesson, but this is pretty sad.

Mongoose: why dont you have more proofing ?

Mad Dog
Anticipated response from Mongoose:

deer peeple,
prufreeding iz now ah noomber wun prioritee. wee leerned have alott abowt how duhmanding ourw reeders kan bee and wee valuu providing hie qwalitee mahteriel four the konan genruh.

Wee luuk forward to offering morh top knotch items four yuuo.
deer peeple,
prufreeding iz now ah noomber wun prioritee. wee leerned have alott abowt how duhmanding ourw reeders kan bee and wee valuu providing hie qwalitee mahteriel four the konan genruh.

Wee luuk forward to offering morh top knotch items four yuuo.