CharGen: Higher Education


We were looking at the Scholar(Student) career path last night, and it seems like it needs some work.

- the chance of actually increasing your Education - the point of being a student I would think - is slim
- it reduces your chances of entering another career (where in the US right now it is a requirement for many non-military careers)
- it prevents you from later becoming a researcher or physician (I suppose your first term or two in the Physician career could be considered medical school)
- no benefits from the Student career (makes sense for undergrads and grad students, but professors do tend to have salaries and other benefits.) The no benefits rule also makes a couple of the Events useless

Some random ideas to address these issues:
- add a pre-enlistment option similar to those presented in CT High Guard and Merchant Prince for going to college before beginning your first career.
- add an Edu bonus to Rank 0 student, maybe: Edu 8 or +1 Edu, whichever is higher
- allow transfer from Student to Scientist or Physician specialties
- allow benefits to Students of rank 2 or higher
- grant a bonus to qualification and/or advancement for your next career if you survive your first term

Someone suggested changing the name of the specialty from Student to Academic and that might make sense.

Also, perhaps the addition of a Instruction skill...

My personal preference would be to add a Pre-Enlistment step with University, Naval Academy, and Military Academy options, but that may add too much complexity for some people's tastes.

I haven't thought through the ramifications any of these options very carefully, but I thought I'd throw them out for discussion.
To give some background: I've been playing Traveller since 1983...

I use MegaTraveller Basic Character Generation, with the various academy options from advanced gen, but none of the rest of Advanced Character Generation.

They were quite simple; most could be handled by a simple system; I'll fake one up here:

Basic College
Enrollment: Int 10+
Skill Table:
1 +1 Mental Stat
2 Art (any)
3 Athletics (any)
4 Science (any)
5 Persuade
6 Advocate
Survival: End 5+
Advancement: Edu 6+
• Note: Any roll of (2+rank) or less is no reenlistment.
Rank 0: Student
Rank 1: Bachelor Skill: Computer
Rank 2: Master Skill: Persuade
Rank 3: Lecturer Skill: Instruction
Rank 4: Fellow Skill: Administration

Add an events table and mishap table, and it looks like a career. Which for some people, it is...
AKAramis said:
To give some background: I've been playing Traveller since 1983...

I use MegaTraveller Basic Character Generation, with the various academy options from advanced gen, but none of the rest of Advanced Character Generation.

I haven't played Traveller *since* 1986 (roughly), so I'm not familiar with MegaTraveller character generation at all, so please forgive my ignorance...

Did they academy options count as a career by themselves, or were they pre-enlistment?
Did they have any effect on later careers?
Did they give any benefits?

The example you gave seems pretty good, but I would want to see some Edu bonuses, other than a random chance on the skill table.

Perhaps something like:
Rank 0: Student Skill: +1 Edu
Rank 1: Bachelor Skill: Edu 8 or +1 Edu

I'm guess I'm seeing this as a gateway to Edu dependent Careers...
MT basic is CT B1 & Citizens, with the addition of a "Special Duty" roll which gave a skill roll.
In MT, any commission, promotion, or special duty roll made by 4+ gave a second skill roll.
I think the central point, that several people have pointed out now, is that the 'Student' assignment is a weak concept for the 'Scholar' career - they basically mean the same thing, except that a student is a lowly rank of scholar.

'Students' should be replaced by 'Academic' refering to all non-scientific, or non-medical scholarly professions.

Following on, yes, the rest of the citicisms you make are valid to that central point, although I don't see why a Scholar could take multiple assignments in Academic, and Scientist and Medic should (s)he want to already.
TrippyHippy said:
...although I don't see why a Scholar could take multiple assignments in Academic, and Scientist and Medic should (s)he want to already.

I may be misreading your response, but I think you are saying the Scholar should be able to take assignments in whatever specialization they wish each term. There was a question under the rules clarification thread about this:

Tychus said:
Can I change specialties in a career without requalifying?
Can I return to a career after I've left it?

To which the response was:

Mongoose Gar said:
Currently, no and no.

I read this to mean - under the current rules - once you choose the Academic specialty, you won't be able to enter the Scientist or Medic specialties.
How about Academic, Researcher and Medical sub-categories.

Ranks for Academic would be:
Rank0 Student
Rank1 Grad Student
Rank2 Post-Doctorate
Rank3 Associate Professor
Rank4 Assistant Professor
Rank5 Professor
Rank6 Distinguished Professor

For there specialty skills, Academic would include +1 EDU

The sub-caterogies would be university types, corporate types and doctors.