Here goes:
Height, Weight, & Age Tables
Height & weight:
Race & Sex/Base height / Height modifier / Base weight / Weight modifier
Human , Male:/ 5’4” / +2D10 / 120lb / (X2D4lb)
Human , female:/ 4’10” / +2D10 / 90lb / (X2D4lb)
Minbari , male:/ 5’4” / +2D6 / 130lb / (X2D6lb)
Minbari , female:/ 4’10” / +2D6 / 110lb / (X2D6lb)
Centauri , male:/ 5’4” / +2D6 / 140lb / (X2D6lb)
Centauri , female:/ 4’10” / +2D6 / 110lb / (X2D6lb)
Narn , male:/ 5’4” / +2D10 / 130lb / (X2D6lb)
Narn , female:/ 4’10” / +2D10 / 110lb / (X2D6lb)
Abbai , male:/ 5’ / +2D6 / 100lb / (X2D4lb)
Abbai , female:/ 4’10” / +2D6 / 100lb / (X2D4lb)
Brakiri , male:/ 4’10” / +2D12 / 110lb / (X2D4lb)
Brakiri , female:/ 4’5” / +2D12 / 85lb / (X2D4lb)
Drazi , male:/ 4’10” / +2D12 / 140lb / (X2D6lb)
Drazi , female: 4’10” / +2D12 / 140lb / (X2D6lb)
Gaim , diplomatic:/ 5’2” / +2D6 / 130lb / (X2D4lb)
Vree , male:/ 4’5” / +3D6 / 85lb / (X2D4lb)
Vree , female:/ 4’5” / +3D6 / 80lb / (X2D4lb)
The Weight modifier can be obtained by multiplying the height modifier by the result of the die roll shown between parenthesis under “weight modifier” .
Characters age:
Race & Sex:/ Base Age / Variable 1 / Variable 2 / Variable 3
Human , Male:/ 20 years / +1D4 years / +2D4 years / +3D4 years
Human , female:/ 20 years / +1D4 years / +2D4 years / +3D4 years
Minbari , male:/ 18 years / +2D10 years / +3D10 years / +2D10 years
Minbari , female:/ 16 years / +5D4 years / +5D6 years / +5D4 years
Centauri , male:/ 20 years / +2D10 years / +1D10 years / +1D4 years
Centauri , female:/ 20 years / +2D10 years / +1D12 years / +1D8 years
Narn , male:/ 14 years / +2D6 years / +4D4 years / +4D4 years
Narn , female:/ 12 years / +2D8 years / +4D6 years / +4D6 years
Abbai , male:/ 16 years / +1D6 years / +2D6 years / +3D6 years
Abbai , female:/ 16 years / +1D6 years / +2D6 years / +3D6 years
Brakiri , male:/ 16 years / +1D4 years / +2D4 years / +3D4 years
Brakiri , female:/ 16 years / +1D4 years / +2D4 years / +3D4 years
Drazi , male:/ 18 years / +1D4 years / +2D4 years / +3D4 years
Drazi , female:/ 18 years / +1D4 years / +2D4 years / +3D4 years
Gaim , diplomatic:/ 0* years / +0* years / +0* years / +0* years
Vree , male:/ 40 years / +1D6 years / +2D4 years / +3D6 years
Vree , female:/ 40 years / +1D6 years / +2D4 years / +3D6 years
* All Gaim characters are born fully formed , both physically and intellectually , but 1D6 years should be added to the initial age of the character .
Variable 1:
Humans , Abbai , Brakiri , Drazi , Vree , Narn: Soldier , Lurker , Worker (blue collar) .
Minbari: Warrior caste.
Centauri: Noble .
Variable 2:
Humans , Abbai , Brakiri , Drazi , Vree , Narn : Agent , Officer , Telepath , Trader Worker (white collar , performer).
Minbari: Religious caste.
Centauri: Plebeian ,
Variable 3:
Humans , Abbai , Brakiri , Drazi , Vree , Narn : Diplomat , Scientist . Minbari: Worker caste .
Centauri: Eslave .
Age effects:
Race:/ Adulthood * / Middle age (1) / Old (2) / Venerable (3) / Maximum age (4)
Human:/ 21 years / 45 years / 65 years / 80 years / +3D10 years
Minbari:/ 19+1D3* years / 50 years / 75 years / 100 years / +2D10 years
Centauri:/ 22 years / 50 years / 70 years / 90 years / +2D10 years
Narn:/ 16 years / 50 years / 80 years / 100 years / +3D10 years
Abbai:/ 16+1D2 years / 60 years / 110 years / 130 years / +2D10 years
Brakiri:/ 16 years / 40 years / 60 years / 80 years / +2D10 years
Drazi:/ 16+1D3 years / 50 years / 75 years / 90 years / +4D10 years
Gaim , diplomatic:/ 0* years / 35 years / 40 years / 45 years / +1D6 years
Vree:/ 40 years / 100 years / 150 years / 180 years / +2D10 years
* Different races or cultures have different customs or laws to recognize that an individual has reached a full adult status , according to social custom or to rites of passage frequently related to biology .
Minbari , for example , are formally and legally considered as adults after the ritualistic ceremony that is celebrated after the final fusion of the two halves of their crests is complete , and in which the individual’s crest is carved by the first time . Due to this , does not exists one determined age as such , in which a young Minbari of any sex or social condition can be considered as an adult , although at the age of 22-23 years , it is considered that even if the final fusion of the crest has not happened yet , the individual has reached an state of maturity enough to be considered formally as an adult .
The same –biological differences apart- happens to the Abbai when they shed their final “adolescent” epidermal layer and grow their “adult” layer .
Other races , as the Humans or the Centauri consider that an individual “comes to age” after he/she reaches a determined age -21 years in the Earth Alliance , or 22 in the Centauri Republic- , while the Brakiri consider that after two years at his/her first job (or “piras colo”) , any Brakiri can be considered legally as an adult (and exploited as such 8) ) .
** All Gaim characters are born fully formed , both physically and intellectually .
(1) -1 to Strenght (Str) , Dextery (Dex) & Constitution (Con) , + 1 to Intelligence (Int) & Wisdom (Wis) .
(2) -2 to Strenght (Str) , Dextery (Dex) & Constitution (Con) , + 1 to Intelligence (Int) & Wisdom (Wis) .
(3) -3 to Strenght (Str) , Dextery (Dex) & Constitution (Con) , + 1 to Intelligence (Int) & Wisdom (Wis) .
(4) Upon reaching the maximum age , a character dies , although lifespans can be abnormally shortened or lengthened due to exposure to the effects of exotic radiations or biochemicals , or (as it happened to Delenn) highly advanced (i.e. First ones) technologies .
Additionally , the "frontier" between age categories can be modified by a die roll . Roll 1D10 ; if the result is 1-5 the character passes to the next age category (and suffer its effects accordingly) years before than usual ; if the result is 6-9 , the effect of age do not take its toll until later than it is normal . a die roll of "0" results in no change to the age category limits .
In each case , the number of years that mark the age category change it is directly related to the die roll result:
1: -5 years ; 2: -4 years ; 3: -3 years ; 4: -2 years , 5: -1 year .
6: +1 year ; 7: +2 years , 8: +3 years ; 9: +4 years .
0: Standard age category
Example :
John De Soto , a human starfarer , is approaching the middle age threshold (he is 40 now) so the GM determines that he is susceptible to suffer from age effects , and accordingly, orders the player that he should roll to determine when the age will begin to take its toll on Mr De Soto. The player rolls 1D10 and obtains a result of 4 , so , when the character reaches the age of 43 , he will enter in the middle age threshold , losing -1 to Strength , Dexterity , and Constitution , but gaining a +1 to Intelligence and Wisdom . he will be less strong and with slower reflexes , but his life experience will make him a little more wise and knowledgeable .
Please , take into account that these modifiers can differ slightly from those presented in some of the racial sourcebooks , due to the fact that I believe that these are more adjusted to the series canon ... or to what can be extrapolated from the characteristics and appaearance of the different races . Of course , if you don´t like something , you are free to make any changes to better suit your own ideas .