Central Supply Catalogue Update 2023 - PDF & Pre-Order!


Staff member
Just in time for the holidays, the Central Supply Catalogue Update 2023 is now here on PDF and Pre-Order!

As well as enjoying the new Traveller format and all the new art, there have been many tweaks made throughout this book, lots of new items have been added and there are brand new rules covering the likes of fabricators, ship lockers, proto & retro tech, and open source software.

You can grab your own copy right here: https://www.mongoosepublishing.com/products/central-supply-catalogue-update-2023

CSC Update 2023 front Cover JPEG.jpg

And if you are a Traveller who enjoys the finer things in life, there is a Collectors Edition right here: https://www.mongoosepublishing.com/products/central-supply-catalogue-update-2023-collectors-edition

CSC2023 SE Cover.jpg

Welcome to the Central Supply Catalogue Update 2023. This book contains all the equipment Travellers will want, need, or wish they had as they cross the galaxy.

From entertainment products to laser cannons, from cameras to powered armour, the Central Supply Catalogue Update 2023 has combed the galaxy for items suited to the most discerning Traveller. With this book, you will have everything needed to entertain the local ambassador, survive a month – or years – in the wilderness, or wage a planetary war.

New additions to the Central Supply Catalogue Update 2023 include more advanced computers, prototech, and rules to bring fabricators into a campaign, allowing Travellers to make what they cannot buy. Procure new gear on the black market, and profit from guns, armour, and ammunition smuggled past starport authorities.

The Central Supply Catalogue Update 2023. Don’t leave the starport without it.
Is free shipping not available everywhere? It said that I’m eligible for free shipping, yet added £8 for standard shipping in the next step..?
Ok I have bought them. Now tell me we have time to submit errata before printing :)
My little joke :)

On first glance this is superb, the artwork and layout are excellent.
Some editing notes, if'n you don't mind.
  • p9: The External Fabricators table states the max TL as TL3, not TL-3, which is what's implied by the description.
  • p97: Less of an editing thing, more just personal preference; Behind The Claw has the High-Performance Grav Belt; TL 16, Medium speed, 24 hours endurance, 4kg, Cr250,000. Looks like it'd fit, but then I don't know the exact margins you're working with.
  • p106: The G-Suit's description points the user to page 96 for G-Tolerance drugs, but page 96 only has the Zero-G Tolerance drugs. The G-Tolerance drugs are on page 93.
  • p127: The Laser Cutting Gear and Laser Drill could use some Cut Rate numbers, for the sake of compatability with the Specialist Forces/High Guard rulesets. Off the top of my head, 3 and 7 respectively?
  • p132: The Finely Made Weapons box states that each advantage increases the cost of a weapon by 2D3, not 2D3 times standard cost, which is what I presume was meant. Might make things clearer.
  • p140: Should the Gravitic Shield still be TL17? You've imported the personal energy shield from The Third Imperium, and that's TL15, so...
  • p165: The Artillery Weapons, Vehicle Heavy Weapons, and Rockets, Missiles and Bombs tables list their masses in kilograms, not tons. Maybe add an exception for the Infantry Mortar, which I think is supposed to be 12kg.
  • p171: Rotary Autocannon is under Rockets, Missiles and Bombs.
  • p179: Directed Plasma has its TLs listed at TL6 and TL15, I think that's supposed to be TL15 and TL16; same as Plasma.
Probably more, but I'm tired, so.
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In the table headers for Artillery Weapons, Vehicle Heavy Weapons, and Rockets Missiles and Bombs, KG should be changed to tons, or values in the tables should be converted to kg.
Weapon Implant, Page 57

1. "from between the middle finger and ring fingers" should it say "ringer finger"? Now it could be "fingers" which I guess would depend on the customs of the characters home world/religion.
2. Chart All implants are TL 10? The other charts are progressively increasing in TL.
3. Chart, Effect. "See above". Above to Improved Prosthetic Limb "No DEX penalty"?
4. Chart, Cost increases until you get to "Laser Pistol", which is cheaper than "Dagger". Should there be an extra 0 at the end for Cr25000?

Based on the Laser Pistol description on page 149, the Weapon Implant - Laser Pistol should be at TL 11? TL 11 Laser Pistol is no bigger than a standard pistol at this point which would match the Auto Pistol Implant for space used inside the forearm.
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Just giving it a cursory glance, I love it already.
I was thinking about how Star Trek never developed portable sonic hygiene devices to clean clothes and beings where sonic showers were unavailable, and there it is on page 86. Just the thing for every on-board Steward for those little spillages and emergencies.
And now I'm imagining a broomstick-sized version for cleaning floors and scrubbing decks, bulkheads and ceilings.
I love the Cone of Silence ... sorry, Sphere of Solace.
You've thought of practically everything.
I think for nuclear rounds, it should read "Nuclear rounds are only available for grenade launchers or other heavy weapons of 40mm or *larger* calibre at TL13 and above".
Lock picks... espionage gear in general is scattered through different sections and they are some staples of spy gear that are missing. That's my only complaint :)

It really is a comprehensive book :)

Proposal for JTAS article - spy gear
another proposal - integration of CSC and Robots books.

By proposal I mean someone write them please, I will be buying them.
I always love this description for the fusion weapons.

Those without radiation protection who are nearby when a FGHP is fired will suffer a potentially lethal dose of radiation.

Considerably more so if you're at the end opposite the trigger.
I always love this description for the fusion weapons.

Those without radiation protection who are nearby when a FGHP is fired will suffer a potentially lethal dose of radiation.

Considerably more so if you're at the end opposite the trigger.
If the user has any skill, radiation is the least of the target's worries.
I always love this description for the fusion weapons.

Those without radiation protection who are nearby when a FGHP is fired will suffer a potentially lethal dose of radiation.

Considerably more so if you're at the end opposite the trigger.
Which is contradicted by CT canon, the FGMP can be used by people in trench coats :)
I think the biggest impact to my players will be the lack of TL12 cloth armor. But that was always a bit weird in allowing the stacking, and would not neatly fit with the new rules.
About the cover: it took me a couple of takes to figure out that NO, it's not a HUGE hiver ... the droyne and aslan are miniatures :LOL: