Buccaneer of Shadaki

Not necessarily wrong, just you can only have 10 of the 11. (Thought this post was about Lone Wolf Gamebook 22 first), the other classes in Heroes of Magnamund have just ten powers to choose from I agree. Perhaps the advanced bucaneer character, up to rank 20 in line with Magnakai, will let you have 9 other powers and the one you are missing must be taken at rank 11?

Lightmage's suggestion is a good fix if you don't like this.
The Vaderish Knight of the Sword (S&P 81) also has 11 disciplines, come to think of it. Maybe to encourage a little variety in the build?
You know, I'd really love to see some variety in the Kai Lord builds.

Maybe some homebrew rules to bring the extra 6 New Order GM Disciplines down to Kai Lord level. A Kai Lord needs 12 to be considered a master, 10 Magnakai to be considered a GM; something like that.
Well I always thought that the extra New Order disciplines where horrible (except for Kai-Alchemy and Magi-Magic). And in the later books you more or less had four or five options to do the same thing.
Smiling Fox said:
Well I always thought that the extra New Order disciplines where horrible (except for Kai-Alchemy and Magi-Magic). And in the later books you more or less had four or five options to do the same thing.

Curing gives you the ability to know all about herbs but you 'forget' this when becoming a New Order Grand Master. That always bugged me a bit. I know what you mean, they weren't useless but one of the problems with the GM series is that you could achieve the same results with different uses of abilities. Why learn how to charm someone with Bardmaship if you can use Mind Charm (and be able to use Lightning Bolts, etc. as well)? Unless you use Willpower for the Brotherhood Spell and have the musical instrument make the Bard ability 'free', oh wait a minute I have Grand Thane's Astrology so I can Hypnotise them without anything else anyway...

The original Kai Disciplines were great because you could either do something or you couldn't, the GM adventures are good but many situations produce similar results/skill uses overlap and you get that awful feeling of being 'Railroaded' through the plot - which doesn't encourage a reader to re-play/'I wonder what would've happened if I'd picked this Ability? Oh it, does the same thing?'.

Just my thoughts anyway.