A friends of mine is playing the Brakiri in a mini -c ampaign we are playing currently. This week he is in a 5 point raid game against the minbari. I have suggested he take the following from his fleet roster:
1 x Kaliva
1 x Haltona
1 x Halik ( has to have about 10RP's of repairs done to it though as it was heavily damaged in its last outting versus my Narn)
1 x Ikorta ( he will have to buy)
1 x Brikorta ( he will have to buy this also)
I have suggezsed these to himas it will give him plenty of chances of breaking stealth and it will also split the fire from Minabri too ( plus only 30 RPS tops in total).
However he has been thinking of the following:
1 x Takata
1 x Ikorta
1 x Brikorta
He is looking at this because of the fact that the Takata has the 16AD of e-mines, but he would have to purchase all these ships ( 45RPS)
The Minbari forces I believe are likely to be something along the lines of:
1 x Veshatan
1 x Teshlan
2 x Tigara
2 x Veshatan
1 x Tigara
Do you think its wise for my frind to keep thinking more about e-mines or do you reckon he should go in with a bigger fleet to give him more oppurtunities. Or do you have a better or alternative idea for a fleet to field against the Minbari?
His current roster is:
1 x Kaliva
1 x brokados
1 x Halik ( requires 10 RP of repairs)
1 x Haltona
plus 66 RPS
1 x Kaliva
1 x Haltona
1 x Halik ( has to have about 10RP's of repairs done to it though as it was heavily damaged in its last outting versus my Narn)
1 x Ikorta ( he will have to buy)
1 x Brikorta ( he will have to buy this also)
I have suggezsed these to himas it will give him plenty of chances of breaking stealth and it will also split the fire from Minabri too ( plus only 30 RPS tops in total).
However he has been thinking of the following:
1 x Takata
1 x Ikorta
1 x Brikorta
He is looking at this because of the fact that the Takata has the 16AD of e-mines, but he would have to purchase all these ships ( 45RPS)
The Minbari forces I believe are likely to be something along the lines of:
1 x Veshatan
1 x Teshlan
2 x Tigara
2 x Veshatan
1 x Tigara
Do you think its wise for my frind to keep thinking more about e-mines or do you reckon he should go in with a bigger fleet to give him more oppurtunities. Or do you have a better or alternative idea for a fleet to field against the Minbari?
His current roster is:
1 x Kaliva
1 x brokados
1 x Halik ( requires 10 RP of repairs)
1 x Haltona
plus 66 RPS