Behind the Claw

Old School said:
Has anyone already compiled errata on the Gionetti Yacht? There’s several items, but I don’t want to reinvent the wheel.
All I had sent in was my standard objection to the "Standard, Reinforced Hull" as a foolish design option, but I never dug into the specifics of the design, figuring it was based on whatever issues had existed since HighGuard.
I suspect the answer is yes but with the virus situation can we take it that delivery of the hardcopies of Behind the Claw are likely to be delayed?
steelbrok said:
I suspect the answer is yes but with the virus situation can we take it that delivery of the hardcopies of Behind the Claw are likely to be delayed?

As yet, no delays, but we will keep you updated. Mail orders are still going out of our North American warehouse promptly, and I am going into the office twice a week to sort out orders to the rest of the world.

Behind the Claw is currently scheduled to arrive in the US around May 19th, and will start shipping a week or so after that, all going well.

As I say, I will keep you up to speed if anything changes, but we are hoping to get a few books off to print during this period (the Drinaxian Companion and two new adventures will be first, and work continues without delay on the Deepnight Revelation project).
MongooseMatt said:
steelbrok said:
I suspect the answer is yes but with the virus situation can we take it that delivery of the hardcopies of Behind the Claw are likely to be delayed?

As yet, no delays, but we will keep you updated. Mail orders are still going out of our North American warehouse promptly, and I am going into the office twice a week to sort out orders to the rest of the world.

Behind the Claw is currently scheduled to arrive in the US around May 19th, and will start shipping a week or so after that, all going well.

As I say, I will keep you up to speed if anything changes, but we are hoping to get a few books off to print during this period (the Drinaxian Companion and two new adventures will be first, and work continues without delay on the Deepnight Revelation project).

Thanks very much for the update, I assume UK pre orders will be similar?
Did the shipment of Behind the Claw Hard physical Copies in the US.. get put on hold due to social distancing...
I never received my copy .. so just checking if it got "corona" delayed.. or if there was a lost shipment.

Just checking..
I asked a similar question up forum, due to ship from US warehouse from 19th May (presuming not affected by restrictions)
Oh my bad... In my mind, I read May 19 as March 19.... so sorry.. my bad...

Damn Zho's came in and messed with my mind... that is it... that's my story and I am sticking with it. :shock:
No self-isolation delusional thinking going on here.. No Siree...
<just a minute... Emperor Strephon.. is asking me which cupboard has the tea">

Other lunch, I told him to kick that Dulinor fella to the curb

Chumbly :roll:
Having recently bought this to read whilst not working all that much I am pretty impressed.

However I have noticed an issue on the Sword Worlds subsector map in the book. Mithril is shown as A-C on the map, rather than E-0 (the UWP underneath is correct)
Found a error in the Behind the Claw PDF

Page 46.
Armis subsector Feneteman and Armis UWP data has a "He" trade code
There is no He trade code in the books. Should probably be "Ht"
Boldtaar said:
Found a error in the Behind the Claw PDF

Page 46.
Armis subsector Feneteman and Armis UWP data has a "He" trade code
There is no He trade code in the books. Should probably be "Ht"
He means Hellworld.

Both Feneteman and Aramis show as hellworlds on travellermap.

Hellworlds are mentioned in passing in the Companion, but I agree neither the core rules or the companion mentions He as a "trade code"
So did the ship carrying the Behind the Claw hardcopies find safe harbor in the last few days.. or is it
going to be one of those flying dutchmen ships stuck at sea with NO safe harbor in this pandemic...

I understand that COVID19 could cause a delay, just curious as to what is happening right now...

Chumbly said:
So did the ship carrying the Behind the Claw hardcopies find safe harbor in the last few days.. or is it
going to be one of those flying dutchmen ships stuck at sea with NO safe harbor in this pandemic...

We are just waiting for confirmation!
Was there ever an update to the PDF maps? The January 16th ones were the same as the originals and needed some fixing.
Geir said:
Was there ever an update to the PDF maps? The January 16th ones were the same as the originals and needed some fixing.

Let me look into that (please bear with us, this is just the kind of thing that gets tougher while we are all working from home!).
MongooseMatt said:
Deneb has been pretty much completely re-written

Based on the text changes I've seen so far, I might use some of the art. Not that Nenlat, though. He's too fat.
Thanks for the update Matt!

I'm hoping to see mine soon (it was an Elements add-on from two years ago... so well, I pre-paid). Did you get a chance to see if the maps on the Drive-thru PDFs can be updated?