Armagedon fleet list


I understand than a few of us buy the Armagedon book all ready. Then, those who have the book can tell us the one who don't have about the fleet list in the book of Armagedon for EA, Centauri, Narn and Mimbari.
You all probably know this already:

EA gets split into three eras, gets new Marathon & Nemesis. Several ships are revised.
Minbari: Neroon
Narn: Ka'bin'tak, G'Vrahn
Centauri: Liati, Adira
Brakiri/Abbai: Brivoki
Vree Z'Takk
Drazi: Fireraptor
ISA, WS Gunship, WS Fighters, WS Carrier. Revised Victory.
Raiders: Nova dreadnought, Delta-V2

New listings for Vorlons & Shadows (no new ships)
Ancients: Dark Knife, Traveller, Thoughforce, Triumviron, Lordship.

I hope that helps.
Greg Smith said:
You all probably know this already:

EA gets split into three eras, gets new Marathon & Nemesis. Several ships are revised.
Minbari: Neroon
Narn: Ka'bin'tak, G'Vrahn
Centauri: Liati, Adira
Brakiri/Abbai: Brivoki
Vree Z'Takk
Drazi: Fireraptor
ISA, WS Gunship, WS Fighters, WS Carrier. Revised Victory.
Raiders: Nova dreadnought, Delta-V2

New listings for Vorlons & Shadows (no new ships)
Ancients: Dark Knife, Traveller, Thoughforce, Triumviron, Lordship.

I hope that helps.

What I mean is, If the octurion and primus change the pl, Or the Sharlin is pl war now. What happned with the Bin tak?
As I understand it, ships that are not altered in Armageddon revert to the SFOS stats. The tournament listings are out the door on armageddon's release.

the only ships to change PL are the victory, shadow omega and warlock, all the rest use SFOS stats and PLs.
Hi Reborn,

Well considering he is from Puerto Rico, I think he made a good effort! :)

Anyway Reborn, how good is your Spanish? :twisted:
Actually i prefer to call them Minbos, sometimes Minnie slave scum comes to mind. (Insider for EVE Amarr players ^^)

But for some ships its just too sad to revert back to SFOS stats. Not the "a tad little bit too powerful" part, but rather, look at my Avioki, its one of the most iconic ships in the game. Right up there with Minbari Sharlins. And its a joke. Beam, S-L without any AP.......
Not that its that bad......but the weapon system is nigh useless at Battle......

Uhhh rant ends.........Damn but i like Brakiri ships.......
Digger said:
Hi Reborn,

Well considering he is from Puerto Rico, I think he made a good effort! :)

Anyway Reborn, how good is your Spanish? :twisted:

Hey I like to learn, If I miss spell somethink, please correct me then I will show you guy's a little bit of shanish. :P
And the Saggitarious now rivals Raid ships but is a Skirmish level vessel. Read: Early Years Earth wins any fight of Raid priority or less and probably Battle Priority as well. Expect lots of house rules that forbid the Saggitarius from beign played or that declare it a raid ship.
Lorcan Nagle said:
Yeah, the Sag is fine as it is in moderation, it's just the abuse of it that leads to problems.
By not taking many Sagittariuses, it doesn't make the ship any less broken, it just makes your fleet less likely to win than if you take lots of them.

Extreme example of that is having no Sagittariuses in your fleet at all. By not taking any it doesn't make the ship any better/worse, it just means your opponent won't be affected by it.
well one would consdier that everyone complains of 10 sag fleets yet 2 sags in a fleet cant really be broken can they? The Saggittarius is broken mostly when used in massed numbers, not really broken when used in moderation.