Are there any female RPG'ers on this forum?

Any female gamers reading this forum?

  • Nope, male

    Votes: 15 100.0%
  • Hey, I'm female

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Hmm. That's odd. Last time I checked there was still only 1 female, but she represented 5%, not 3%.

The only possible reason I can think of to explain this phenomena is that malkidawn is becoming less of a woman before our very eyes.

Perhaps it is the role playing. :?
Rurik says
malkidawn is becoming less of a woman before our very eyes.

So how long before I get to go shopping for a whole new wardrobe?.
And shoes.
What are the fringe benefits of my new status as a bloke?.
When do I start to understand maths?
And what do I tell my husband?

Even though I've hardly ever RPGd with fems, I've always thought of RQ as being more equal-opportunity than other games: probably because previous editions have had female warriors on the cover, Uz are matriarchal, Oliver Dickinson's 'Grizelda' stories, badass Vingans/Lunars/Broo etc...
I'm quite surprised that there's not a greater female presence on these boards. And frankly amazed that nobody's yet done the Little Britain "I'm a lady" routine.
You know what? If you want to lure more woman in the RPGs, you'll have to change the secrets of the god learners with something like Victoria's secret.
I think it's a lingerie brand. Maybe it is not sold in the UK, or it has a different name there?

BTW, I have seen better jokes on this forum. You could have done better, King :p
Can't you imagine an adventure involving the panties of Uleria or Ernalda which could have magical properties in a fertility ritual for a clan which suffers under a curse and which can only be lifted through a heroquest?

Now let's have a vote to know if girls would prefer to play something akin to the above-mentioned plot or an adventure like snake pipe hollow.
The King says
Can't you imagine an adventure involving the panties of Uleria or Ernalda

My husband suggests that plot could be adapted for Macho Women With Guns :wink:

Personally, with my roleplaying background running more towards Conan and Cthulhu, no I can't quite fancy the above mentioned plot.
Anyway, I don't need to be lured, I came of my own free will with my eyes wide open.

Mostly I have a great time. :D
Can't you imagine an adventure involving the panties of Uleria or Ernalda

Uleria does not wear any panties. This is an established fact in Glorantha.

I would not vouch for Ernalda, though.

But the real heroquest would be that for Gorgorma's underwear :shock: One could lose several fingers, at best.
The King said:
RosenMcStern said:
Uleria does not wear any panties. This is an established fact in Glorantha.
Please quote your sources.

Any Uleria initiate can confirm that. Well, in fact any initiate can confirm that by just asking their god[dess]. Maybe only chaotic deities are unaware.
I don't believe initiates who give air to their crabs as if they wanted them to be contaminated with chaotic features.
C'mon people this is getting rather unsavoury.

"The Ratio" is evidently very poor (or does anyone think it's good?).

The question is, what can we RPG-ers do to make the game (or at least the forum) more appealling to the distaff side? Or, more cynically, what could Mongoose do to expand their market to the other half of the world?
frogspawner said:
C'mon people this is getting rather unsavoury.

"The Ratio" is evidently very poor (or does anyone think it's good?).

The question is, what can we RPG-ers do to make the game (or at least the forum) more appealling to the distaff side? Or, more cynically, what could Mongoose do to expand their market to the other half of the world?

Add more beetles. Everyone love beetles!

frogspawner said:
C'mon people this is getting rather unsavoury.

"The Ratio" is evidently very poor (or does anyone think it's good?).

The question is, what can we RPG-ers do to make the game (or at least the forum) more appealling to the distaff side? Or, more cynically, what could Mongoose do to expand their market to the other half of the world?

It is indeed very poor. I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with MRQ:s stark "old-school" nostalgia feel and marketing.

Heck, it's putting me off. The game goes right back to pre-pendragon days when a character is solely defined by stats and skills. Nothing in the game system helps define personality, quirks, drives, fears and the like.

I'm pretty sure that the more mature games of the nineties helped bring the other half of humanity into the hobby. Games that are just hitting broo with swords are very much the "little boys playing war with sticks" kind of thing.*

*I'm not saying people of the female persuasion can't enjoy a good bash up. Just that there should be support in the game for things that goe beyond that.


PS. Oh, and I'm also not saying you can't run a beautiful, complex and character driven game on MRQ. You can pretty much do that with any system (and MRQ works better for that than, say D&D). It's just that the system does nothing to actually help you there.