Anyone using other systems with Conan?

Mournstorm said:
Also we've done away with Difficulty Class and Challenge Ratings. My group as a whole sees these as an unecessary intrusion into GM command and control, prefering to trust the GM (who's been gaming for about 25 or 30 years) to BE a GM.

I love Difficulty Class, and I'd never have switched to d20 without them. They're a great tool for GMs - significantly easier than "roll under your Dex with a -3". Just don't feel enslaved by the suggested DCs in the rulebook. If you feel a wall takes a DC21 to climb, that's how hard it is to climb.

I agree that Challenge Ratings could be intrusive and I'm glad Mongoose ditched them.
The twighlight zone gay comment was mine, i just forgot to log in, as for being without humour, you must of missed the humour in my comment, and i unreservedly offer my apologies, but maybe you need to take a deep breath and fix your mascara, and book your ticket for “Ella enchanted” it looks like your kind of movie. Meanwhile everyone else can get back to talking about conan. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Back in the 90's I ran I game I called Conan! that I based off of Chaosium's Elric! RPG. Rather than use the Law/Chaos system of Elric! I adapted the Call of Cthulhu Sanity system and also used the CoC spell lists (in addition to the Broze Grimoire for Elric!).

Had a pretty good 6 month run, then everyone moved. :(

Oh, and Princess Bride is the best family movie ever made, imnsoho.

The Elric/Stormbringer/CoC menage is a darn good base for a good fantasy campaign of any ilk.

I'd even bet that if you were to re-animate your game today and combine it with the Mongoose background material, it would prolly run longer than 6 months :D .

Good stuff :!: :D
Mournstorm said:
The Elric/Stormbringer/CoC menage is a darn good base for a good fantasy campaign of any ilk.

I'd even bet that if you were to re-animate your game today and combine it with the Mongoose background material, it would prolly run longer than 6 months :D .

Good stuff :!: :D
This system (Basic RPG or D100 system) is truly excellent but fight become difficult even when an expert is confronted to 3-4 opponents (especially with the old method where you could only parry once, twice if you had more than 100%). Now you just substract 30% each time you parry.
Moxa13 said:
My gaming group want a Hyborian campaign as well. I am planning to use Hero fifth edition. I have bought the Conan Mongoose book, and like how they tweaked d20. I also REALLY appreciate how mongoose, is attempting to make ammends for errors in the first printing. I would appreciate it if other companies did the same. (cough STAR WARS cough......)

By the way, the Hero board is giving mad proops for Conan!

I've used Hero for multiple Lankhmar campaigns, and found it quite nice. I reasonably like Conan's version of the d20 system, but it still has levels versus points, and I'm liking damage condition systems rather than hit point systems, so I'm thinking of using a version of Mutants and Masterminds in the future (easy enough to carry over skill use, feats, and generalities like d20 to hit, but I get a damage save & damage conditions rather than hit points and people can use points to buy up their skills, feats, combat abilities, etc. rather than the clunkiness of gaining levels).