Anyone using other systems with Conan? Talisman?

-Yes, that's one example. Avalon Hill and TSR/D&D tried a few boardgame/rpg adaptations but none were particularly successfull. If I were to develop this further, it would use the rpg system map with a movement overlay, and the pieces would be drawn from encounters, monsters, items, and abilities given in the rpg books. Might try to start a discussion group on this as an rpg supplement.
The Hyborian age/map would actually be pretty fun using the Risk system- one would need the LOTR:Risk set, and a Hyborian age map split up into continents. Player would need to make up/print outs cards. Could be fun, if I have time to do up a map.
I'm set on giving the Mongoose adapted OGL a go. Having said that OGL/D20 is not really my thing. I'd like to second the idea of HeroQuest. Keywords can be lifted out of the book easily and HQ matches Hyboria really well!

My gaming group want a Hyborian campaign as well. I am planning to use Hero fifth edition. I have bought the Conan Mongoose book, and like how they tweaked d20. I also REALLY appreciate how mongoose, is attempting to make ammends for errors in the first printing. I would appreciate it if other companies did the same. (cough STAR WARS cough......)

By the way, the Hero board is giving mad proops for Conan!
Arcadayn said:
Nevertheless, I still plan on converting many concepts over to Rolemaster. Just out of curiousity, is anyone else using Conan with a different rule system?
It's a bit of a dilemma. I vastly prefer Rolemaster (or the Game System of the Gods, as it's often called), but it's extremely difficult to get anyone to play it these days. I may try to run a RM Conan game next year.
Try HarnMaster rules... those are grim and gritty and provide the most brutal, detailed combat I've ever witnessed, where players are afraid to enter any fight, no matter how minor, LOL. Magic is mysterious and rare as well (covered in HarnMaster Magic). I played HarnMaster and really liked it. The system looks intimidating at first, but once you get past that, it flows pretty smoothly. And you never have toworry about any heroes getting too powerful. There are no levels; it is all skill-based! So only the skills you use have any chance of improvement. It's really a fun change of pace from D&D if you want something more "realistic." :wink:


You could also try running Conan with the old HeroQuest boardgame rules from Milton Bradley/Games Workshop. I love their simplicity. This isn't the same as the HeroQuest (Glorantha) RPG which came out more recently, of which I know nothing about.
HarnMaster combat isn't so bad...everyone gets tired and falls down too often...:lol:

Seriously ... it is truly my favorite. Good call Chef.

Worth noting, each spell functions just like a skill, and the better you get at it, the higher your skill number, the more effects you can manage as well...with just one spell. It's very cool, but really tought to go over the top.

all percentile with d6 thrown in at char gen and damage resolution, so all you need is about 4 of those.

Elfman said:
BhilJhoanz said:
Odovacar's Ghost said:
This would be one game I would not buy.
I do not think that word means what you think it means.

in·con·ceiv·a·ble Pronunciation Key (nkn-sv-bl)

1. Impossible to comprehend or grasp fully: inconceivable folly; an inconceivable disaster.
2. So unlikely or surprising as to have been thought impossible; unbelievable: an inconceivable victory against all odds.

Sounds like he used it properly.
Iron_Chef said:
Try HarnMaster rules... those are grim and gritty and provide the most brutal, detailed combat I've ever witnessed, where players are afraid to enter any fight, no matter how minor, LOL. Magic is mysterious and rare as well (covered in HarnMaster Magic). I played HarnMaster and really liked it. The system looks intimidating at first, but once you get past that, it flows pretty smoothly. And you never have toworry about any heroes getting too powerful. There are no levels; it is all skill-based! So only the skills you use have any chance of improvement. It's really a fun change of pace from D&D if you want something more "realistic." :wink:


You could also try running Conan with the old HeroQuest boardgame rules from Milton Bradley/Games Workshop. I love their simplicity. This isn't the same as the HeroQuest (Glorantha) RPG which came out more recently, of which I know nothing about.

I'm going to have to check that out. I love Rolemaster, and well HARP is just to basic for me.
For more Harnmaster (the RPG rules system) and HarnWorld (a separate campaign setting you don't need to use HarnMaster rules to play in), try the Harn Forum:

Also, there is just a TON of super high quality fan-made setting and rules material available for Harn online that are worth checking out.
Gosh, we're really selling Hârn for old JRC aren't we? (lol)

The best things aboutthe system are the combat system and maps. I even use the interior maps and highly detailed key in all my D&D/fantasy RPGs.

Actually, me and my group tried to play D20.

But we all had some problems with the game system.

So we used an old system with which we played Conan in the past:

Runequest, the old system from Chaosium.

Now we have fun. The Runequest magic sytem is not so good, but I have began to convert the D20-spells from Conan which seems to work.

I can also adapt some spells from Call of Ctulhu.
I am thinking about adapting the "Castles and Crusades" system from TLG once it is published for a Hyboria campaign.

C&C is close enough to d20 that conversion should be easy.

But since it lacks the tedious 'wargamey' d20 combat system that Conan employs, the game would progress a lot more quickly. And since C&C does not rely on feats, etc., generating high-level NPCs should be much easier.

I am just not a fan of d20 combat -- it is far too slow for my tastes. The drama of our 3E D&D sessions often grinds to a halt once combat starts.
Svenja said:
So we used an old system with which we played Conan in the past:

Runequest, the old system from Chaosium.

Now we have fun. The Runequest magic sytem is not so good, but I have began to convert the D20-spells from Conan which seems to work.

I can also adapt some spells from Call of Ctulhu.

Damn. A Hyborian campaign using Runequest with Call of Cthulu magic. I could have been doing that twenty years ago...

If you don't like Runequest magic, look for Sandy Peterson's revised Sorcery rules on the internet. Battle/spirit magic wouldn't work for Conan at all, though.
I'm a big fan of HarnMaster and have been looking at modifying it to work in the Conan world. Like you, I dislike the D20 system but have recently purchase Mongoose's Conan rules for background information and I like what they have done. :wink:
I guess the D6 system "Legends" (from West End Game) would suit well an Hyborian game because it is quite heroic.
I also think of HeroQuest but it's more difficult to figure it.
Did anyone try with Ars Magica rules, especially the magic system?
Sutek said:
Gosh, we're really selling Hârn for old JRC aren't we? (lol)

The best things aboutthe system are the combat system and maps. I even use the interior maps and highly detailed key in all my D&D/fantasy RPGs.


Well, for now, I'm trying to gather up all my old Rolemaster stuff. Then I hear about Harnmaster. It looks quite good, so, I'll be buying it shortly. Also, I heard some good things about TROS (The Riddle Of Steel).

Has anyone tried TROS?