Any chance for the D20 Sommerlund Guide to come out as PDF?

Same question, different month and week.

Is there any chance to have D20 Sommerlund book in PDF or in a printed format ?

There's so little news about the roleplaying game. Is it dismissed ?

Hi there,

I can tell you that the Lone Wolf d20 Sommerlund guide won't appear as a pdf, due to the cost of getting artists, an editor, a cartographer and so on. Mongoose are concentrating instead on the new edition non-d20 rpg which will be coming out in the future.

I've spoken to Matt about this and he is very confident we can sort something out re: the Sommerlund guide on the new system, as well as a few other things, perhaps even a re-issue of Port Bax updated to the new rules.

Stay tuned,

For Kai!
I very much look forward to seeing all your hard work culminating in a non-d20 book in the new RPG, The Wolf. :)

It's a very exciting time for Lone Wolf fans.
Thanks Dark Adder, it shouldn't take too much to go through the Sommerlund book and convert it to the new system either, and it'll be much more familiar to fans of the gamebooks too :)
Same question, different month, week and year.

Is there any chance to have D20 Sommerlund book in PDF or in a printed format ?

There's so little news about the roleplaying game. Is it dismissed ?

Could we have access to this supplement, please ????

Give it up, Lokhuzor...I doubt anybody around these boards cares for the D20 version anymore anyway, which is a damn shame where I am standing, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Make it up as you go, and make Sommerlund your own playing field. It's what I'm doing by now, and it doesn't hurt a bit NOT to have a "standard" set by some supplement. At least it means my play doesn't contradict anything "official". :lol:
The d20 game is still played. I would assume until something firm is happening there will be no comment about the new system. And when something firm is happening, then there will probably be an announcement.

I don't assume the rolepaying game is dead.

I do assume the sommerlund content will be converted to the new gameplay system in some form, so they wo't release the old system PDF

do assme you could ask Grey Wolf directly for it, but I would also assume he would be under some NDA about releasing any old classes in d20 format, or not own the rights to the work he carried out
Hi 'wuuf, nice seeing you again. :) As for asking Grey Wolf himself, all you need to do is check his answers a few posts up to see his answer for that question. It's a bit sad, since I assume all the "hard" work of creating a D20 guide to Sommerlund has been done, which means all the D20-relevant stats, numbers and information is in there, and yet people who faithfully bought the Lone Wolf OGL roleplaying game won't ever get to see them, and will have to make do with a supplement for a game system that they might, or might not, jump on. Personally, I know that I wouldn't get my players to switch to a pimped-up gamebook system, and I wouldn't want to switch either, because the OGL version is great, as far as I am concerned...bought the core rules 4 times over the last year and a half, two to give away and two to keep for myself. :lol:

Anyway, it would be a kind bone thrown to those D20 fans among the Lone Wolf players who'll prefer to stick with the OGL game if all the work that already exists would not go to the shredder after it has been converted to this new "Multiplayer Gamebook" system, but be made available in some form or other, that's all I'm saying. But from the chorus lines on this forum around the game, I simply don't expect it.
Geron Raveneye said:
Give it up, Lokhuzor...I doubt anybody around these boards cares for the D20 version anymore anyway, which is a damn shame where I am standing, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Given the new version is almost 2 years overdue, I am thinking its not in a much different position as the D20 one ;)
We're all in limbo I'm afraid and I'm under an NDA. The only way to get any information would be to contact Mongoose directly, good luck with that. I'd have liked to share the Sommerlund Guide, however, at this time it's not possible.

I'm in the same boat as you folks, and yes, the Guide was 'hard' work to put together since it had to be approved every step of the way by Joe.
That's sad GW, but hopefully one day your hard work wll be seen one way or another

Oh, and Geron, I did answer you but apparently the post didn't post! So yeah, hey - pity you didn't get to carry on your West Watch story!
beowuuf said:
That's sad GW, but hopefully one day your hard work wll be seen one way or another

Oh, and Geron, I did answer you but apparently the post didn't post! So yeah, hey - pity you didn't get to carry on your West Watch story!

Heh, yeah, but I'm using the basic idea of it for a little adventure for two of my players, a Sage of Lyris and a Shianti. They currently are in the company of a Shadaki Buccaneer who's after a treasure his grandfather hid...a ruby the size of a melon!

Of course, nobody told them about the crystallized heart of a shark god the Shianti subdued a few millenia back, or about shark-men, or cannibalistic natives on the Isle of Dread...but where would be the fun in that, right? :twisted:
beowuuf said:
That's sad GW, but hopefully one day your hard work wll be seen one way or another

Oh, and Geron, I did answer you but apparently the post didn't post! So yeah, hey - pity you didn't get to carry on your West Watch story!

Well, without saying tooooooooo much, you may well be seeing my work in S&P again fairly soon.
The Wolf said:
beowuuf said:
That's sad GW, but hopefully one day your hard work wll be seen one way or another

Oh, and Geron, I did answer you but apparently the post didn't post! So yeah, hey - pity you didn't get to carry on your West Watch story!

Well, without saying tooooooooo much, you may well be seeing my work in S&P again fairly soon.

This could be some portion of Sommerlund or something entirely new ? May be in the next issue of Signs & Portents ? Do Mongoose at least decide to publish Sommerlund month by month in Signs & Portents ?

One technical question about the Guide of Sommerlund, if it appears in English someday : does it include the new information available about Sommerlund on the new version of Flight on the Dark (Lone Wolf 1) ?
Without going into too much detail regarding Sommerlund. It includes an extremely in-depth look at Sommerlund as a place, its people and other factors. Sommerlund won't be published month by month, however, I will be working on a series of Lone Wolf related articles for the magazine very shortly.

There is a very pro-Lone Wolf attitude at Mongoose regarding Signs and Portents. I am not allowed to say what's coming though, just there are numerous things.
The Wolf said:
Without going into too much detail regarding Sommerlund. It includes an extremely in-depth look at Sommerlund as a place, its people and other factors. Sommerlund won't be published month by month, however, I will be working on a series of Lone Wolf related articles for the magazine very shortly.

There is a very pro-Lone Wolf attitude at Mongoose regarding Signs and Portents. I am not allowed to say what's coming though, just there are numerous things.

Mongoose goes way overboard with the frigging NDAs. I mean even White Wolf and Wizards aren't this bad! Come on, you're not patenting missile guidance technology here guys.
Still no update about the Sommerlund Guide.

Will we ever see this unpublished manuscript or never ?

The new roleplaying game was linked in the past with the paperbacks. And now ???

It would be good to have access to the Sommerlund Guide, even in PDF.

It has been three years since the manuscript was completed. Would be good to have it, on PDF or as a printed supplement ???
Since I wrote the thing, and I'm working alongside Mongoose -- All I can say is, sorry, I'm under NDA.

I will say that there are plans for articles in Signs and Portents, one which I've already completed.
The Wolf said:
There is a very pro-Lone Wolf attitude at Mongoose regarding Signs and Portents. I am not allowed to say what's coming though, just there are numerous things.

It would be good that Mongoose have a very pro-Lone Wolf attitude regarding Sommerlund. This is unfortunately not the case.

This is a question for Mongoose. When will we see this unpublishing manuscript ?

Please, what are the different articles you wrote for Signs & Portents, the Wolf ? Their titles, their subjects ?
Mongoose has a very pro attitude towards Sommerlund, if they didn't they would not have had me write it and have plans for it. However, we can't talk about those plans. Trust me, I was looking forwards to getting Sommerlund published in the d20 system but since that's not possible, we have to wait.

As for Lone Wolf and Signs and Portents, you can find my work on Port Bax here:

Port Bax Part 1

Port Bax Part 2

I also wrote the Bonus Adventure for book #8

I've also written a new article for S&P but I cannot yet say what that is, what I can say is that it beats the heck out of a certain Sommerlund Guide entry in terms of detail.