First, girls need to feel safe. So, we don't want guys staring at us, making passes at us, etc. That's often number one why we don't play in game stores.
While totally not true of every girl, we like interesting relationships. This doesn't necessarily mean romance, but things we can connect with. If a guy gets a ticket on the way to work he might talk about being pulled over and all the who said what. Girls tend to start with talking about how the situation felt. "You know how some cops just make you feel like they think you're dumb?" When you pitch your adventure, you might start out with something like that. "Ever wonder how it feels to be in charge of a star ship?" "Don't you hate it when someone thinks they can get away with treating kids like slaves?" Don't get too into the technical details, but instead look to invoke how you want the adventure to feel. For first time players, make sure they know Traveller is easy to learn.
So, I just wrote an adventure which I think would work. It takes place in a commercial district in an asteroid belt. The asteroid is like partially mined out except for an arch that goes over the city. When you look at the asteroid from the side it looks kinda like a basket with the arch being the handle. This place is a place where the people of the asteroid belt come to get married. So, I used Glisten in the Spinward Marches. The story goes that some young guy was lured into a cult in this one district in the city where people go to party before the wedding. The guy's dad hires the group to get him back. Total moral dilemma, because kidnapping is illegal, so they can't just go straight in. They have to either talk the guy out of being in the cult or have to find a way to stealth kidnap him. So, I totally just made the NPCs, made a map and a key, and the story tells itself. Tons of opportunity to explore relationships between the cultists, the guy, and the city. When I created the city, I made sure there were lots of things they could use to disguise the guy if they decide to try to smuggle him out. Clothing stores, cosmetologists, temporary tattoo parlors, a forger, people to help temporarily hide the crew and the guy, a sympathetic detective, places to ship packages out, stuff like that.
To make it more fun for guys, I put in a club which does like melee weapon competitions that would be illegal elsewhere.
Once a couple of girls find out you run a fun game and they aren't going to be stared at or hit on, word will spread.