Well, this is covered in much more detail in next month's Signs & Portents Conan preview, but yes, there are changes. Things aren't quite so black and white in Conan. Evil definitely exists, in the form of demons and some of the more totally corrupted sorcerers, but good seems to be a human creation, something some people strive for rather than a divine power.
So, Conan has a sliding scale of Corruption, which is applied to those who perform certain nefarious acts like consorting with demons. It also has Codes of Honour, which are very much a human concept -- they provide certain benefits so long as the character acts in a certain way. You might loosely regard these two ideas as 'evil' and 'good', but it's likely that many PCs will not have either a Code of Honour or any Corruption points -- and some may have both, though a highly corrupted character will find it increasingly difficult to stick to his Code of Honour.