Aim/Defensive Fire and Juves with Psi


Just played a game (gang vs. gang), and I had some questions.

First off, the Aim and Defensive Fire talents mention that you can reduce the rate of fire for a weapon in exchange for certain benefits. However, it never mentions how much you reduce it. If I have a Spit Gun with 3 shooting dice, do I reduce it to 1 dice or 2 dice? Also, what happens if you have a rifle that starts with 1 shooting dice before applying the talent? Does it take a special action to aim or go defensive?

Another thing is juve heroes with Psi scores. One juve hero in a street gang force is basically allowed to have a Psi score (and take Psi talents) for free. It looks like a smiliar subject has come up with Psi-Judges as I read the other threads; it sounds like they might get a cost increase. Will the psi-juves (as I call them) get a cost increase as well?
1. Oops. SHould be reduced to 1 SD.

2. Don't know, is the honest answer :) They are already limited in number, so not sure if they need a points bump. What does everyone think?
Juves - There's a limit of two juves with psi or one punk I believe. Perhaps a very small bump but its not like you can field 6 of them.

The fire rate reduction - I thought that the fact that you have to use a special action before using defensive fire or aim reduces the fire rate. That's the way I read it anyway. If you don't use either of those you can opt to attack twice in a turn. That's how we ran it anyway and I didn't feel like it was OP. Although we were using it with long rifles which only have one die anyway.